Paper Towns

With a bag in each hand, I paused for a moment outside
the van, staring at her. “Well, it was a helluva night,” I said
“Come here,” she said, and I took a step forward. She
hugged me, and the bags made it hard to hug her back, but
if I dropped them I might wake someone. I could feel her on
her tiptoes and then her mouth was right up against my ear
and she said, very clearly, “I. Will. Miss. Hanging. Out. With.
“You don’t have to,” I answered aloud. I tried to hide my
disappointment. “If you don’t like them anymore,” I said,
“just hang out with me. My friends are actually, like, nice.”
Her lips were so close to me that I could feel her smile.
“I’m afraid it’s not possible,” she whispered. She let go
then, but kept looking at me, taking step after step
backward. She raised her eyebrows finally, and smiled,
and I believed the smile. I watched her climb up a tree and
then lift herself onto the roof outside of her second-floor
bedroom window. She jimmied her window open and
crawled inside.
I walked through my unlocked front door, tiptoed through
the kitchen to my bedroom, peeled off my jeans, threw them
into a corner of the closet back near the window screen,
downloaded the picture of Jase, and got into bed, my mind
booming with the things I would say to her at school.

Bloomsbury Publishing, London, Berlin and New York
First published in Great Britain in May 2010 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
36 Soho Square, London, W1D 3QY
First published in the USA in October 2008 by Dutton Books, a member of
Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
This electronic edition published in May 2010 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Text copyright © John Green 2008
The moral rights of the author have been asserted
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ISBN 978 1 4088 1162 7
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To Julie Strauss-Gabel, without whom none of this
could have become real

And after, when
we went outside to look at her finished lantern
from the road, I said I liked the way her light
shone through the face that flickered in the dark.
—“Jack O’Lantern,” Katrina Vandenberg in Atlas
People say friends don’t destroy one another
What do they know about friends?
—“Game Shows Touch Our Lives,” The Mountain


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
The First Hour
Hour Two
Hour Three
Hour Four
Hour Five
Hour Six
Hour Seven
Hour Eight
Hour Nine
Hour Ten
Hour Eleven
Hour Twelve
Hour Thirteen
Hour Fourteen
Hour Fifteen
Hour Sixteen
Hour Seventeen
Hour Eighteen
Hour Nineteen
Hour Twenty
Hour Twenty-one
The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle. Like, I will
probably never be struck by lightning, or win a Nobel Prize,
or become the dictator of a small nation in the Pacific
Islands, or contract terminal ear cancer, or spontaneously
combust. But if you consider all the unlikely things together,
at least one of them will probably happen to each of us. I
could have seen it rain frogs. I could have stepped foot on
Mars. I could have been eaten by a whale. I could have
married the queen of England or survived months at sea.
But my miracle was different. My miracle was this: out of all
the houses in all the subdivisions in all of Florida, I ended
up living next door to Margo Roth Spiegelman.
Our subdivision, Jefferson Park, used to be a navy base.
But then the navy didn’t need it anymore, so it returned the
land to the citizens of Orlando, Florida, who decided to
build a massive subdivision, because that’s what Florida
does with land. My parents and Margo’s parents ended up
moving next door to one another just after the first houses
were built. Margo and I were two.
Before Jefferson Park was a Pleasantville, and before it
was a navy base, it belonged to an actual Jefferson, this
guy Dr. Jefferson Jefferson. Dr. Jefferson Jefferson has a
school named after him in Orlando and also a large
charitable foundation, but the fascinating and unbelievablebut-
true thing about Dr. Jefferson Jefferson is that he was
not a doctor of any kind. He was just an orange juice
salesman named Jefferson Jefferson. When he became
rich and powerful, he went to court, made “Jefferson” his
middle name, and then changed his first name to “Dr.”
Capital D. Lowercase r. Period.
So Margo and I were nine. Our parents were friends, so we
would sometimes play together, biking past the cul-desacced
streets to Jefferson Park itself, the hub of our
subdivision’s wheel.
I always got very nervous whenever I heard that Margo
was about to show up, on account of how she was the most
fantastically gorgeous creature that God had ever created.
On the morning in question, she wore white shorts and a
pink T-shirt that featured a green dragon breathing a fire of
orange glitter. It is difficult to explain how awesome I found
this T-shirt at the time.
Margo, as always, biked standing up, her arms locked
as she leaned above the handlebars, her purple sneakers a
circuitous blur. It was a steam-hot day in March. The sky
was clear, but the air tasted acidic, like it might storm later.
At the time, I fancied myself an inventor, and after we
locked up our bikes and began the short walk across the
park to the playground, I told Margo about an idea I had for
an invention called the Ringolator. The Ringolator was a
gigantic cannon that would shoot big, colored rocks into a
very low orbit, giving Earth the same sort of rings that
Saturn has. (I still think this would be a fine idea, but it turns
out that building a cannon that can shoot boulders into a low
orbit is fairly complicated.)
I’d been in this park so many times before that it was
mapped in my mind, so we were only a few steps inside
when I began to sense that the world was out of order, even
though I couldn’t immediately figure out what was different.
“Quentin,” Margo said quietly, calmly.
She was pointing. And then I realized what was different.
There was a live oak a few feet ahead of us. Thick and
gnarled and ancient-looking. That was not new. The
playground on our right. Not new, either. But now, a guy
wearing a gray suit, slumped against the trunk of the oak
tree. Not moving. This was new. He was encircled by blood;
a half-dried fountain of it poured out of his mouth. The
mouth open in a way that mouths generally shouldn’t be.
Flies at rest on his pale forehead.
“He’s dead,” Margo said, as if I couldn’t tell.
I took two small steps backward. I remember thinking
that if I made any sudden movements, he might wake up
and attack me. Maybe he was a zombie. I knew zombies
weren’t real, but he sure looked like a potential zombie.
As I took those two steps back, Margo took two equally
small and quiet steps forward. “His eyes are open,” she
“Wegottagohome,” I said.
“I thought you closed your eyes when you died,” she
She took another step. She was close enough now to
reach out and touch his foot. “What do you think happened
to him?” she asked. “Maybe it was drugs or something.”
I didn’t want to leave Margo alone with the dead guy who
might be an attack zombie, but I also didn’t care to stand
around and chat about the circumstances of his demise. I
gathered my courage and stepped forward to take her
hand. “Margowegotta-gorightnow!”
“Okay, yeah,” she said. We ran to our bikes, my stomach
churning with something that felt exactly like excitement, but
wasn’t. We got on our bikes and I let her go in front of me
because I was crying and didn’t want her to see. I could see
blood on the soles of her purple sneakers. His blood. The
dead guy blood.
And then we were back home in our separate houses.
My parents called 911, and I heard the sirens in the
distance and asked to see the fire trucks, but my mom said
no. Then I took a nap.
Both my parents are therapists, which means that I am
really goddamned well adjusted. So when I woke up, I had a
long conversation with my mom about the cycle of life, and
how death is part of life, but not a part of life I needed to be
particularly concerned about at the age of nine, and I felt
better. Honestly, I never worried about it much. Which is
saying something, because I can do some worrying.
Here’s the thing: I found a dead guy. Little, adorable
nine-year-old me and my even littler and more adorable
playdate found a guy with blood pouring out of his mouth,
and that blood was on her little, adorable sneakers as we
biked home. It’s all very dramatic and everything, but so
what? I didn’t know the guy. People I don’t know die all the
damned time. If I had a nervous breakdown every time
something awful happened in the world, I’d be crazier than
a shithouse rat.
That night, I went into my room at nine o’clock to go to bed,
because nine o’clock was my bedtime. My mom tucked me
in, told me she loved me, and I said, “See you tomorrow,”
and she said, “See you tomorrow,” and then she turned out
the lights and closed the door almost-all-the-way.
As I turned on my side, I saw Margo Roth Spiegelman
standing outside my window, her face almost pressed
against the screen. I got up and opened the window, but the
screen stayed between us, pixelating her.
“I did an investigation,” she said quite seriously. Even up
close the screen broke her face apart, but I could tell that
she was holding a little notebook and a pencil with teeth
marks around the eraser. She glanced down at her notes.
“Mrs. Feldman from over on Jefferson Court said his name
was Robert Joyner. She told me he lived on Jefferson Road
in one of those condos on top of the grocery store, so I went
over there and there were a bunch of policemen, and one of
them asked if I worked at the school paper, and I said our
school didn’t have a paper, and he said as long as I wasn’t
a journalist he would answer my questions. He said Robert
Joyner was thirty-six years old. A lawyer. They wouldn’t let
me in the apartment, but a lady named Juanita Alvarez lives
next door to him, and I got into her apartment by asking if I
could borrow a cup of sugar, and then she said that Robert
Joyner had killed himself with a gun. And then I asked why,
and then she told me that he was getting a divorce and was
sad about it.”
She stopped then, and I just looked at her, her face gray
and moonlit and split into a thousand little pieces by the
weave of the window screen. Her wide, round eyes flitted
back and forth from her notebook to me. “Lots of people
get divorces and don’t kill themselves,” I said.
“I know,” she said, excitement in her voice. “That’s what I
told Juanita Alvarez. And then she said . . .” Margo flipped
the notebook page. “She said that Mr. Joyner was troubled.
And then I asked what that meant, and then she told me that
we should just pray for him and that I needed to take the
sugar to my mom, and I said forget the sugar and left.”
I said nothing again. I just wanted her to keep talking—
that small voice tense with the excitement of almost
knowing things, making me feel like something important
was happening to me.
“I think I maybe know why,” she finally said.
“Maybe all the strings inside him broke,” she said.
While I tried to think of something to say in answer to
that, I reached forward and pressed the lock on the screen
between us, dislodging it from the window. I placed the
screen on the floor, but she didn’t give me a chance to
speak. Before I could sit back down, she just raised her
face up toward me and whispered, “Shut the window.” So I
did. I thought she would leave, but she just stood there,
watching me. I waved at her and smiled, but her eyes
seemed fixed on something behind me, something
monstrous that had already drained the blood from her
face, and I felt too afraid to turn around to see. But there
was nothing behind me, of course—except maybe the
dead guy.
I stopped waving. My head was level with hers as we
stared at each other from opposite sides of the glass. I
don’t remember how it ended—if I went to bed or she did.
In my memory, it doesn’t end. We just stay there, looking at
each other, forever.
Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came
afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved
mysteries so much that she became one.

1 .
The longest day of my life began tardily. I woke up late,
took too long in the shower, and ended up having to enjoy
my breakfast in the passenger seat of my mom’s minivan at
7:17 that Wednesday morning.
I usually got a ride to school with my best friend, Ben
Starling, but Ben had gone to school on time, making him
useless to me. “On time” for us was thirty minutes before
school actually started, because the half hour before the
first bell was the highlight of our social calendars: standing
outside the side door that led into the band room and just
talking. Most of my friends were in band, and most of my
free time during school was spent within twenty feet of the
band room. But I was not in the band, because I suffer from
the kind of tone deafness that is generally associated with
actual deafness. I was going to be twenty minutes late,
which technically meant that I’d still be ten minutes early for
school itself.
As she drove, Mom was asking me about classes and
finals and prom.
“I don’t believe in prom,” I reminded her as she rounded
a corner. I expertly angled my raisin bran to accommodate
the g-forces. I’d done this before.
“Well, there’s no harm in just going with a friend. I’m sure
you could ask Cassie Hiney.” And I could have asked
Cassie Hiney, who was actually perfectly nice and pleasant
and cute, despite having a fantastically unfortunate last
“It’s not just that I don’t like prom. I also don’t like people
who like prom,” I explained, although this was, in point of
fact, untrue. Ben was absolutely gaga over the idea of
Mom turned into school, and I held the mostly empty
bowl with both hands as we drove over a speed bump. I
glanced over at the senior parking lot. Margo Roth
Spiegelman’s silver Honda was parked in its usual spot.
Mom pulled the minivan into a cul-de-sac outside the band
room and kissed me on the cheek. I could see Ben and my
other friends standing in a semicircle.
I walked up to them, and the half circle effortlessly
expanded to include me. They were talking about my exgirlfriend
Suzie Chung, who played cello and was
apparently creating quite a stir by dating a baseball player
named Taddy Mac. Whether this was his given name, I did
not know. But at any rate, Suzie had decided to go to prom
with Taddy Mac. Another casualty.
“Bro,” said Ben, standing across from me. He nodded
his head and turned around. I followed him out of the circle
and through the door. A small, olive-skinned creature who
had hit puberty but never hit it very hard, Ben had been my
best friend since fifth grade, when we both finally owned up
to the fact that neither of us was likely to attract anyone else
as a best friend. Plus, he tried hard, and I liked that—most
of the time.
“How ya doin’?” I asked. We were safely inside,
everyone else’s conversations making ours inaudible.
“Radar is going to prom,” he said morosely. Radar was
our other best friend. We called him Radar because he
looked like a little bespectacled guy called Radar on this
old TV show M*A*S*H, except 1. The TV Radar wasn’t
black, and 2. At some point after the nicknaming, our Radar
grew about six inches and started wearing contacts, so I
suppose that 3. He actually didn’t look like the guy on
M*A*S*H at all, but 4. With three and a half weeks left of
high school, we weren’t very well going to renickname him.
“That girl Angela?” I asked. Radar never told us anything
about his love life, but this did not dissuade us from
frequent speculation.
Ben nodded, and then said, “You know my big plan to
ask a freshbunny to prom because they’re the only girls who
don’t know the Bloody Ben story?” I nodded.
“Well,” Ben said, “this morning some darling little ninthgrade
honeybunny came up to me and asked me if I was
Bloody Ben, and I began to explain that it was a kidney
infection, and she giggled and ran away. So that’s out.”
In tenth grade, Ben was hospitalized for a kidney
infection, but Becca Arrington, Margo’s best friend, started
a rumor that the real reason he had blood in his urine was
due to chronic masturbation. Despite its medical
implausibility, this story had haunted Ben ever since. “That
sucks,” I said.
Ben started outlining plans for finding a date, but I was
only half listening, because through the thickening mass of
humanity crowding the hallway, I could see Margo Roth
Spiegelman. She was next to her locker, standing beside
her boyfriend, Jase. She wore a white skirt to her knees
and a blue print top. I could see her collarbone. She was
laughing at something hysterical—her shoulders bent
forward, her big eyes crinkling at their corners, her mouth
open wide. But it didn’t seem to be anything Jase had said,
because she was looking away from him, across the
hallway to a bank of lockers. I followed her eyes and saw
Becca Arrington draped all over some baseball player like
she was an ornament and he a Christmas tree. I smiled at
Margo, even though I knew she couldn’t see me.
“Bro, you should just hit that. Forget about Jase. God,
that is one candy-coated honeybunny.” As we walked, I kept
taking glances at her through the crowd, quick snapshots: a
photographic series entitled Perfection Stands Still While
Mortals Walk Past. As I got closer, I thought maybe she
wasn’t laughing after all. Maybe she’d received a surprise
or a gift or something. She couldn’t seem to close her
“Yeah,” I said to Ben, still not listening, still trying to see
as much of her as I could without being too obvious. It
wasn’t even that she was so pretty. She was just so
awesome, and in the literal sense. And then we were too
far past her, too many people walking between her and me,
and I never even got close enough to hear her speak or
understand whatever the hilarious surprise had been. Ben
shook his head, because he had seen me see her a
thousand times, and he was used to it.
“Honestly, she’s hot, but she’s not that hot. You know
who’s seriously hot?”
“Who?” I asked.
“Lacey,” he said, who was Margo’s other best friend.
“Also your mom. Bro, I saw your mom kiss you on the cheek
this morning, and forgive me, but I swear to God I was like,
man, I wish I was Q. And also, I wish my cheeks had
penises.” I elbowed him in the ribs, but I was still thinking
about Margo, because she was the only legend who lived
next door to me. Margo Roth Spiegelman, whose sixsyllable
name was often spoken in its entirety with a kind of
quiet reverence. Margo Roth Spiegelman, whose stories of
epic adventures would blow through school like a summer
storm: an old guy living in a broken-down house in Hot
Coffee, Mississippi, taught Margo how to play the guitar.
Margo Roth Spiegelman, who spent three days traveling
with the circus—they thought she had potential on the
trapeze. Margo Roth Spiegelman, who drank a cup of
herbal tea with the Mallionaires backstage after a concert
in St. Louis while they drank whiskey. Margo Roth
Spiegelman, who got into that concert by telling the bouncer
she was the bassist’s girlfriend, and didn’t they recognize
her, and come on guys seriously, my name is Margo Roth
Spiegelman and if you go back there and ask the bassist to
take one look at me, he will tell you that I either am his
girlfriend or he wishes I was, and then the bouncer did so,
and then the bassist said “yeah that’s my girlfriend let her in
the show,” and then later the bassist wanted to hook up with
her and she rejected the bassist from the Mallionaires.
The stories, when they were shared, inevitably ended
with, I mean, can you believe it? We often could not, but
they always proved true.
And then we were at our lockers. Radar was leaning
against Ben’s locker, typing into a handheld device.
“So you’re going to prom,” I said to him. He looked up,
and then looked back down.
“I’m de-vandalizing the Omnictionary article about a
former prime minister of France. Last night someone
deleted the entire entry and then replaced it with the
sentence ‘Jacques Chirac is a gay,’ which as it happens is
incorrect both factually and grammatically.” Radar is a bigtime
editor of this online user-created reference source
called Omnictionary. His whole life is devoted to the
maintenance and well-being of Omnictionary. This was but
one of several reasons why his having a prom date was
somewhat surprising.
“So you’re going to prom,” I repeated.
“Sorry,” he said without looking up. It was a well-known
fact that I was opposed to prom. Absolutely nothing about
any of it appealed to me—not slow dancing, not fast
dancing, not the dresses, and definitely not the rented
tuxedo. Renting a tuxedo seemed to me an excellent way to
contract some hideous disease from its previous tenant,
and I did not aspire to become the world’s only virgin with
pubic lice.
“Bro,” Ben said to Radar, “the freshhoneys know about
the Bloody Ben story.” Radar put the handheld away finally
and nodded sympathetically. “So anyway,” Ben continued,
“my two remaining strategies are either to purchase a prom
date on the Internet or fly to Missouri and kidnap some nice
corn-fed little honeybunny.” I’d tried telling Ben that
“honeybunny” sounded more sexist and lame than retrocool,
but he refused to abandon the practice. He called his
own mother a honeybunny. There was no fixing him.
“I’ll ask Angela if she knows anybody,” Radar said.
“Although getting you a date to prom will be harder than
turning lead into gold.”
“Getting you a date to prom is so hard that the
hypothetical idea itself is actually used to cut diamonds,” I
Radar tapped a locker twice with his fist to express his
approval, and then came back with another. “Ben, getting
you a date to prom is so hard that the American
government believes the problem cannot be solved with
diplomacy, but will instead require force.”
I was trying to think of another one when we all three
simultaneously saw the human-shaped container of
anabolic steroids known as Chuck Parson walking toward
us with some intent. Chuck Parson did not participate in
organized sports, because to do so would distract from the
larger goal of his life: to one day be convicted of homicide.
“Hey, faggots,” he called.
“Chuck,” I answered, as friendly as I could muster. Chuck
hadn’t given us any serious trouble in a couple years—
someone in cool kid land laid down the edict that we were
to be left alone. So it was a little unusual for him even to talk
to us.
Maybe because I spoke and maybe not, he slammed his
hands against the lockers on either side of me and then
leaned in close enough for me to contemplate his
toothpaste brand. “What do you know about Margo and
“Uh,” I said. I thought of everything I knew about them:
Jase was Margo Roth Spiegelman’s first and only serious
boyfriend. They began dating at the tail end of last year.
They were both going to University of Florida next year.
Jase got a baseball scholarship there. He was never over
at her house, except to pick her up. She never acted as if
she liked him all that much, but then she never acted as if
she liked anyone all that much. “Nothing,” I said finally.
“Don’t shit me around,” he growled.
“I barely even know her,” I said, which had become true.
He considered my answer for a minute, and I tried hard
to stare at his close-set eyes. He nodded very slightly,
pushed off the lockers, and walked away to attend his firstperiod
class: The Care and Feeding of Pectoral Muscles.
The second bell rang. One minute to class. Radar and I had
calc; Ben had finite mathematics. The classrooms were
adjacent; we walked toward them together, the three of us
in a row, trusting that the tide of classmates would part
enough to let us by, and it did.
I said, “Getting you a date to prom is so hard that a
thousand monkeys typing at a thousand typewriters for a
thousand years would never once type ‘I will go to prom
with Ben.’”
Ben could not resist tearing himself apart. “My prom
prospects are so poor that Q’s grandma turned me down.
She said she was waiting for Radar to ask her.”
Radar nodded his head slowly. “It’s true, Q. Your
grandma loves the brothers.”
It was so pathetically easy to forget about Chuck, to talk
about prom even though I didn’t give a shit about prom.
Such was life that morning: nothing really mattered that
much, not the good things and not the bad ones. We were
in the business of mutual amusement, and we were
reasonably prosperous.
I spent the next three hours in classrooms, trying not to look
at the clocks above various blackboards, and then looking
at the clocks, and then being amazed that only a few
minutes had passed since I last looked at the clock. I’d had
nearly four years of experience looking at these clocks, but
their sluggishness never ceased to surprise. If I am ever
told that I have one day to live, I will head straight for the
hallowed halls of Winter Park High School, where a day has
been known to last a thousand years.
But as much as it felt like third-period physics would
never end, it did, and then I was in the cafeteria with Ben.
Radar had fifth-period lunch with most of our other friends,
so Ben and I generally sat together alone, a couple seats
between us and a group of drama kids we knew. Today, we
were both eating mini pepperoni pizzas.
“Pizza’s good,” I said. He nodded distractedly. “What’s
wrong?” I asked.
“Nuffing,” he said through a mouthful of pizza. He
swallowed. “I know you think it’s dumb, but I want to go to
“1. I do think it’s dumb; 2. If you want to go, just go; 3. If
I’m not mistaken, you haven’t even asked anyone.”
“I asked Cassie Hiney during math. I wrote her a note.” I
raised my eyebrows questioningly. Ben reached into his
shorts and slid a heavily folded piece of paper to me. I
flattened it out:
I’d love to go to prom with you, but I’m already going
with Frank. Sorry!
I refolded it and slid it back across the table. I could
remember playing paper football on these tables. “That
sucks,” I said.
“Yeah, whatever.” The walls of sound felt like they were
closing in on us, and we were silent for a while, and then
Ben looked at me very seriously and said, “I’m going to get
so much play in college. I’m going to be in the Guinness
Book of World Records under the category ‘Most
Honeybunnies Ever Pleased.’”
I laughed. I was thinking about how Radar’s parents
actually were in the Guinness Book when I noticed a pretty
African-American girl with spiky little dreads standing
above us. It took me a moment to realize that the girl was
above us. It took me a moment to realize that the girl was
Angela, Radar’s I-guess-girlfriend.
“Hi,” she said to me.
“Hey,” I said. I’d had classes with Angela and knew her a
little, but we didn’t say hello in the hallway or anything. I
motioned for her to sit. She scooted a chair to the head of
the table.
“I figure that you guys probably know Marcus better than
anyone,” she said, using Radar’s real name. She leaned
toward us, her elbows on the table.
“It’s a shitty job, but someone’s got to do it,” Ben
answered, smiling.
“Do you think he’s, like, embarrassed of me?”
Ben laughed. “What? No,” he said.
“Technically,” I added, “ you should be embarrassed of
She rolled her eyes, smiling. A girl accustomed to
compliments. “But he’s never, like, invited me to hang out
with you, though.”
“Ohhhh,” I said, getting it finally. “That’s because he’s
embarrassed of us.”
She laughed. “You seem pretty normal.”
“You’ve never seen Ben snort Sprite up his nose and
then spit it out of his mouth,” I said.
“I look like a demented carbonated fountain,” he
“But really, you wouldn’t worry? I mean, we’ve been
dating for five weeks, and he’s never even taken me to his
house.” Ben and I exchanged a knowing glance, and I
scrunched up my face to suppress laughter. “What?” she
scrunched up my face to suppress laughter. “What?” she
“Nothing,” I said. “Honestly, Angela. If he was forcing you
to hang out with us and taking you to his house all the time
“Then it would definitely mean he didn’t like you,” Ben
“Are his parents weird?”
I struggled with how to answer that question honestly.
“Uh, no. They’re cool. They’re just kinda overprotective, I
“Yeah, overprotective,” Ben agreed a little too quickly.
She smiled and then got up, saying she had to go say hi
to someone before lunch was over. Ben waited until she
was gone to say anything. “That girl is awesome,” Ben said.
“I know,” I answered. “I wonder if we can replace Radar
with her.”
“She’s probably not that good with computers, though.
We need someone who’s good at computers. Plus I bet
she sucks at Resurrection,” which was our favorite video
game. “By the way,” Ben added, “nice call saying that
Radar’s folks are overprotective.”
“Well, it’s not my place to tell her,” I said.
“I wonder how long till she gets to see the Team Radar
Residence and Museum.” Ben smiled.
The period was almost over, so Ben and I got up and put
our trays onto the conveyer belt. The very same one that
Chuck Parson had thrown me onto freshman year, sending
me into the terrifying netherworld of Winter Park’s
dishwashing corps. We walked over to Radar’s locker and
were standing there when he raced up just after the first
“I decided during government that I would actually,
literally suck donkey balls if it meant I could skip that class
for the rest of the semester,” he said.
“You can learn a lot about government from donkey
balls,” I said. “Hey, speaking of reasons you wish you had
fourth-period lunch, we just dined with Angela.”
Ben smirked at Radar and said, “Yeah, she wants to
know why she’s never been over to your house.”
Radar exhaled a long breath as he spun the combination
to open his locker. He breathed for so long I thought he
might pass out. “Crap,” he said finally.
“Are you embarrassed about something?” I asked,
“Shut up,” he answered, poking his elbow into my gut.
“You live in a lovely home,” I said.
“Seriously, bro,” added Ben. “She’s a really nice girl. I
don’t see why you can’t introduce her to your parents and
show her Casa Radar.”
Radar threw his books into his locker and shut it. The din
of conversation around us quieted just a bit as he turned his
eyes toward the heavens and shouted, “IT IS NOT MY
I’d heard Radar say “the world’s largest collection of
black Santas” perhaps a thousand times in my life, and it
never became any less funny to me. But he wasn’t kidding. I
remembered the first time I visited. I was maybe thirteen. It
was spring, many months past Christmas, and yet black
Santas lined the windowsills. Paper cutouts of black Santas
hung from the stairway banister. Black Santa candles
adorned the dining room table. A black Santa oil painting
hung above the mantel, which was itself lined with black
Santa figurines. They had a black Santa Pez dispenser
purchased from Namibia. The light-up plastic black Santa
that stood in their postage-stamp front yard from
Thanksgiving to New Year’s spent the rest of the year
proudly keeping watch in the corner of the guest bathroom,
a bathroom with homemade black Santa wallpaper created
with paint and a Santa-shaped sponge.
In every room, save Radar’s, their home was awash in
black Santadom—plaster and plastic and marble and clay
and wood and resin and cloth. In total, Radar’s parents
owned more than twelve hundred black Santas of various
sorts. As a plaque beside their front door proclaimed,
Radar’s house was an officially registered Santa Landmark
according to the Society for Christmas.
“You just gotta tell her, man,” I said. “You just gotta say,
‘Angela, I really like you, but there’s something you need to
know: when we go to my house and hook up, we’ll be
watched by the twenty-four hundred eyes of twelve hundred
black Santas.”
Radar ran a hand through his buzz cut and shook his
head. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll put it exactly like that, but I’ll
deal with it.”
I headed off to government, Ben to an elective about
video game design. I watched clocks through two more
classes, and then finally the relief radiated out of my chest
when I was finished— the end of each day like a dry run for
our graduation less than a month away.
I went home. I ate two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as
an early dinner. I watched poker on TV. My parents came
home at six, hugged each other, and hugged me. We ate a
macaroni casserole as a proper dinner. They asked me
about school. They asked me about prom. They marveled
at what a wonderful job they’d done raising me. They told
me about their days dealing with people who had been
raised less brilliantly. They went to watch TV. I went to my
room to check my email. I wrote a little bit about The Great
Gatsby for English. I read some of The Federalist Papers
as early prep for my government final. I IM’ed with Ben, and
then Radar came online. In our conversation, he used the
phrase “the world’s largest collection of black Santas” four
times, and I laughed each time. I told him I was happy for
him, having a girlfriend. He said it would be a great
summer. I agreed. It was May fifth, but it didn’t have to be.
My days had a pleasant identicalness about them. I had
always liked that: I liked routine. I liked being bored. I didn’t
want to, but I did. And so May fifth could have been any day
—until just before midnight, when Margo Roth Spiegelman
slid open my screenless bedroom window for the first time
since telling me to close it nine years before.
I swiveled around when I heard the window open, and
Margo’s blue eyes were staring back at me. Her eyes were
all I could see at first, but as my vision adjusted, I realized
she was wearing black face paint and a black hoodie. “Are
you having cybersex?” she asked.
“I’m IM’ing with Ben Starling.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, perv.”
I laughed awkwardly, then walked over and knelt by the
window, my face inches from hers. I couldn’t imagine why
she was here, in my window, like this. “To what do I owe the
pleasure?” I asked. Margo and I were still friendly, I guess,
but we weren’t meet-in-the-dead-of-night-wearing-blackface-
paint friendly. She had friends for that, I’m sure. I just
wasn’t among them.
“I need your car,” she explained.
“I don’t have a car,” I said, which was something of a
sore point for me.
“Well, I need your mom’s car.”
“You have your own car,” I pointed out.
Margo puffed out her cheeks and sighed. “Right, but the
thing is that my parents have taken the keys to my car and
locked them inside a safe, which they put under their bed,
and Myrna Mount-weazel”— who was her dog—“is
sleeping inside their room. And Myrna Mountweazel has a
freaking aneurysm whenever she catches sight of me. I
mean, I could totally sneak in there and steal the safe and
crack it and get my keys out and drive away, but the thing is
that it’s not even worth trying because Myrna Mountweazel
is just going to bark like crazy if I so much as crack open
the door. So like I said, I need a car. Also, I need you to
drive it, because I have to do eleven things tonight, and at
least five of them involve a getaway man.”
When I let my sight unfocus, she became nothing but
eyes, floating in the ether. And then I locked back on her,
and I could see the outline of her face, the paint still wet
against her skin. Her cheekbones triangulating into her
chin, her pitch-black lips barely turned to a smile. “Any
felonies?” I asked.
“Hmm,” said Margo. “Remind me if breaking and
entering is a felony.”
“No,” I answered firmly.
“No it’s not a felony or no you won’t help?”
“No I won’t help. Can’t you enlist some of your underlings
to drive you around?” Lacey and/or Becca were always
doing her bidding.
“They’re part of the problem, actually,” Margo said.
“What’s the problem?” I asked.
“There are eleven problems,” she said somewhat
“No felonies,” I said.
“I swear to God that you will not be asked to commit a
And right then, the floodlights came on all around
Margo’s house. In one swift motion, she somersaulted
through my window, into my room, and then rolled beneath
my bed. Within seconds, her dad was standing on the patio
outside. “Margo!” he shouted. “I saw you!”
From beneath my bed, I heard a muffled, “Oh, Christ.”
Margo scooted out from under the bed, stood up, walked to
the window, and said, “Come on, Dad. I’m just trying to
have a chat with Quentin. You’re always telling me what a
fantastic influence he could be on me and everything.”
“Just chatting with Quentin?”
“Then why are you wearing black face paint?”
Margo faltered for only the briefest moment. “Dad, to
answer that question would take hours of backstory, and I
know that you’re probably very tired, so just go back t—”
“In the house,” he thundered. “This minute!”
Margo grabbed hold of my shirt, whispered, “Back in a
minute,” in my ear, and then climbed out the window.
As soon as she left, I grabbed my car keys from my desk.
The keys are mine; the car, tragically, is not. On my
sixteenth birthday, my parents gave me a very small gift,
and I knew the moment they handed it to me that it was a
car key, and I about peed myself, because they’d said over
and over again that they couldn’t afford to give me a car.
But when they handed me the tiny wrapped box, I knew
they’d been tricking me, that I was getting a car after all. I
tore off the wrapping paper and popped open the little box.
Indeed, it contained a key.
Upon close inspection, it contained a Chrysler key. A
key for a Chrysler minivan. The one and the same Chrysler
minivan owned by my mother.
“My present is a key to your car?” I asked my mom.
“Tom,” she said to my dad, “I told you he would get his
hopes up.”
“Oh, don’t blame me,” my dad said. “You’re just
sublimating your own frustration with my income.”
“Isn’t that snap analysis a tad passive-aggressive?” my
mother asked.
“Aren’t rhetorical accusations of passive aggression
inherently passive-aggressive?” my dad responded, and
they went on like that for a while.
The long and short of it was this: I had access to the
vehicular awesomeness that is a late-model Chrysler
minivan, except for when my mom was driving it. And since
she drove to work every morning, I could only use the car on
weekends. Well, weekends and the middle of the
goddamned night.
It took Margo more than the promised minute to return to
my window, but not much more. But in the time she was
gone, I’d started to waffle again. “I’ve got school tomorrow,”
I told her.
“Yeah, I know,” Margo answered. “There’s school
tomorrow and the day after that, and thinking about that too
long could make a girl bonkers. So, yeah. It’s a school
night. That’s why we’ve got to get going, because we’ve got
to be back by morning.”
“I don’t know.”
“Q,” she said. “Q. Darling. How long have we been dear
“We’re not friends. We’re neighbors.”
“Oh, Christ, Q. Am I not nice to you? Do I not order my
various and sundry minions to be kind to you at school?”
“Uh-huh,” I answered dubiously, although in point of fact
I’d always figured it was Margo who had stopped Chuck
Parson and his ilk from screwing with us.
She blinked. She’d even painted her eyelids. “Q,” she
said, “we have to go.”
And so I went. I slid out the window, and we ran along the
side of my house, heads down, until we opened the doors
of the minivan. Margo whispered not to close the doors—
too much noise—so with the doors open, I put it in neutral,
pushed off the cement with my foot, and then let the minivan
roll down the driveway. We rolled slowly past a couple
houses before I turned on the engine and the headlights.
We closed the doors, and then I drove through the
serpentine streets of Jefferson Park’s endlessness, the
houses all still new-looking and plastic, like a toy village
housing tens of thousands of real people.
Margo started talking. “The thing is they don’t even really
care; they just feel like my exploits make them look bad.
Just now, do you know what he said? He said, ‘I don’t care
if you screw up your life, but don’t embarrass us in front of
the Jacobsens—they’re our friends.’ Ridiculous. And you
have no idea how hard they’ve made it to get out of that
goddamned house. You know how in prison-escape
movies they put bundled-up clothes under the blankets to
make it look like there’s a person in there?” I nodded.
“Yeah, well, Mom put a goddamned baby monitor in my
room so she could hear my sleep-breathing all night. So I
just had to pay Ruthie five bucks to sleep in my room, and
then I put bundled-up clothes in h e r room.” Ruthie is
Margo’s little sister. “It’s Mission: Impossible shit now.
Used to be I could just sneak out like a regular goddamned
American—just climb out the window and jump off the roof.
But God, these days, it’s like living in a fascist dictatorship.”
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
“Well, first we’re going to Publix. Because for reasons I’ll
explain later, I need you to go grocery shopping for me. And
then to Wal-Mart.”
“What, we’re just gonna go on a grand tour of every
commercial establishment in Central Florida?” I asked.
“Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs.
And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be
last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earthinheriting.
But before we can radically reshape the world,
we need to shop.” I pulled into the Publix then, the parking
lot almost entirely empty, and parked.
“Listen,” she said, “how much money do you have on you
right now?”
“Zero dollars and zero cents,” I answered. I turned off the
ignition and looked over at her. She wriggled a hand into a
pocket of her tight, dark jeans and pulled out several
hundred-dollar bills. “Fortunately, the good Lord has
provided,” she said.
“What the hell?” I asked.
“Bat mitzvah money, bitch. I’m not allowed to access the
account, but I know my parents’ password because they
use ‘myrnamountw3az3l’ for everything. So I made a
withdrawal.” I tried to blink away the awe, but she saw the
way I was looking at her and smirked at me. “Basically,”
she said, “this is going to be the best night of your life.”
The thing about Margo Roth Spiegelman is that really
all I could ever do was let her talk, and then when she
stopped talking encourage her to go on, due to the facts
that 1. I was incontestably in love with her, and 2. She was
absolutely unprecedented in every way, and 3. She never
really asked me any questions, so the only way to avoid
silence was to keep her talking.
And so in the parking lot of Publix she said, “So, right. I
made you a list. If you have any questions, just call my cell.
Listen, that reminds me, I took the liberty of putting some
supplies in the back of the van earlier.”
“What, like, before I agreed to all this?”
“Well, yes. Technically yes. Anyway, just call me if you
have any questions, but with the Vaseline, you want the one
that’s bigger than your fist. There’s like a Baby Vaseline,
and then there’s a Mommy Vaseline, and then there’s a big
fat Daddy of a Vaseline, and that’s the one you want. If they
don’t have that, then get, like, three of the Mommies.” She
handed me the list and a hundred-dollar bill and said, “That
should cover it.”
Margo’s list:
3 whole Catfish, Wrapped separately
Veet (It’s for Shaving your legs Only you don’t Need
A razor
It’s with all the Girly cosmetic stuff )
six-pack, Mountain Dew
One dozen Tulips
one Bottle Of water
one Can of blue Spray paint
“Interesting capitalization,” I said.
“Yeah. I’m a big believer in random capitalization. The
rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle.”
Now, I’m not sure what you’re supposed to say to the
checkout woman at twelve-thirty in the morning when you
put thirteen pounds of catfish, Veet, the fat-daddy-size tub
of Vaseline, a six-pack of Mountain Dew, a can of blue
spray paint, and a dozen tulips on the conveyor belt. But
here’s what I said: “This isn’t as weird as it looks.”
The woman cleared her throat but didn’t look up. “Still
weird,” she muttered.
“I really don’t want to get in any trouble,” I told Margo back in
the minivan as she used the bottled water to wipe the black
paint off her face with the tissues. She’d only needed the
makeup, apparently, to get out of the house. “In my
admission letter from Duke it actually explicitly says that
they won’t take me if I get arrested.”
“You’re a very anxious person, Q.”
“Let’s just please not get in trouble,” I said. “I mean, I
want to have fun and everything, but not at the expense of,
like, my future.”
She looked up at me, her face mostly revealed now, and
she smiled just the littlest bit. “It amazes me that you can
find all that shit even remotely interesting.”
“College: getting in or not getting in. Trouble: getting in
or not getting in. School: getting A’s or getting D’s. Career:
having or not having. House: big or small, owning or renting.
Money: having or not having. It’s all so boring.”
I started to say something, to say that she obviously
cared a little, because she had good grades and was
going to the University of Florida’s honors program next
year, but she just said, “Wal-Mart.”
We entered Wal-Mart together and picked up that thing
from infomercials called The Club, which locks a car’s
steering wheel into place. As we walked through the
Juniors department, I asked Margo, “Why do we need The
Margo managed to speak in her usual manic soliloquy
without answering my question. “Did you know that for
pretty much the entire history of the human species, the
average life span was less than thirty years? You could
count on ten years or so of real adulthood, right? There was
no planning for retirement. There was no planning for a
career. There was no planning. No time for planning. No
time for a future. But then the life spans started getting
longer, and people started having more and more future,
and so they spent more time thinking about it. About the
future. And now life has become the future. Every moment
of your life is lived for the future—you go to high school so
you can go to college so you can get a good job so you can
get a nice house so you can afford to send your kids to
college so they can get a good job so they can get a nice
house so they can afford to send their kids to college.”
It felt like Margo was just rambling to avoid the question
at hand. So I repeated it. “Why do we need The Club?”
Margo patted me in the middle of the back softly. “I
mean, obviously this is all going to be revealed to you
before the night is over.” And then, in boating supplies,
Margo located an air horn. She took it out of the box and
held it up in the air, and I said, “No,” and she said, “No
what?” And I said, “No, don’t blow the air horn,” except
when I got to about the b in blow, she squeezed on it and it
let out an excruciatingly loud honk that felt in my head like
the auditory equivalent of an aneurysm, and then she said,
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What was that?” And I said,
“Stop b—” and then she did it again.
A Wal-Mart employee just a little older than us walked up
to us then and said, “Hey, you can’t use that in here,” and
Margo said, with seeming sincerity, “Sorry, I didn’t know
that,” and the guy said, “Oh, it’s cool. I don’t mind, actually.”
And then the conversation seemed over, except the guy
could not stop looking at Margo, and honestly I don’t blame
him, because she is hard to stop looking at, and then finally
he said, “What are you guys up to tonight?”
And Margo said, “Not much. You?”
And he said, “I get off at one and then I’m going out to
this bar down on Orange, if you want to come. But you’d
have to drop off your brother; they’re really strict about ID’s.”
Her what?! “I’m not her brother,” I said, looking at the
guy’s sneakers.
And then Margo proceeded to lie. “He’s actually my
cousin,” she said. Then she sidled up to me, put her hand
around my waist so that I could feel each of her fingers taut
against my hip bone, and she added, “And my lover.”
The guy just rolled his eyes and walked away, and
Margo’s hand lingered for a minute and I took the
opportunity to put my arm around her. “You really are my
favorite cousin,” I told her. She smiled and bumped me
softly with her hip, spinning out of my embrace.
“Don’t I know it,” she said.
We were driving down a blessedly empty I-4, and I was
following Margo’s directions. The clock on the dashboard
said it was 1:07.
“It’s pretty, huh?” she said. She was turned away from
me, staring out the window, so I could hardly see her. “I love
driving fast under streetlights.”
“Light,” I said, “the visible reminder of Invisible Light.”
“That’s beautiful,” she said.
“T. S. Eliot,” I said. “You read it, too. In English last year.”
I hadn’t actually ever read the whole poem that line was
from, but a couple of the parts I did read got stuck in my
“Oh, it’s a quote,” she said, a little disappointed. I saw
her hand on the center console. I could have put my own
hand on the center console and then our hands would have
been in the same place at the same time. But I didn’t. “Say
it again,” she said.
“Light, the visible reminder of Invisible Light.”
“Yeah. Damn, that’s good. That must help with your lady
“Ex-lady friend,” I corrected her.
“Suzie dumped you?” Margo asked.
“How do you know she dumped me?”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Although she did,” I admitted, and Margo laughed. The
breakup had happened months ago, but I didn’t blame
Margo for failing to pay attention to the world of lower-caste
romance. What happens in the band room stays in the
band room.
Margo put her feet up on the dashboard and wiggled her
toes to the cadence of her speaking. She always talked like
that, with this discernible rhythm, like she was reciting
poetry. “Right, well, I’m sorry to hear that. But I can relate.
My lovely boyfriend of lo these many months is fucking my
best friend.”
I looked over but her hair was all in her face, so I couldn’t
make out if she was kidding. “Seriously?” She didn’t say
anything. “But you were just laughing with him this morning. I
saw you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I heard about it
before first period, and then I found them both talking
together and I started screaming bloody murder, and
Becca ran into the arms of Clint Bauer, and Jase was just
standing there like a dumbass with the chaw drool running
out of his stank mouth.”
I had clearly misinterpreted the scene in the hallway.
“That’s weird, because Chuck Parson asked me this
morning what I knew about you and Jase.”
“Yeah, well, Chuck does as he’s told, I guess. Probably
trying to find out for Jase who knew.”
“Jesus, why would he hook up with Becca?”
“Well, she’s not known for her personality or generosity
of spirit, so it’s probably because she’s hot.”
“She’s not as hot as you,” I said, before I could think
better of it.
“That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people
would want to be around someone because they’re pretty.
It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color
instead of taste. It’s the next exit, by the way. But I’m not
pretty, not close up anyway. Generally, the closer people
get to me the less hot they find me.”
“That’s— ” I started.
“Whatever,” she answered.
It struck me as somewhat unfair that an asshole like Jason
Worthington would get to have sex with both Margo and
Becca, when perfectly likable individuals such as myself
don’t get to have sex with either of them—or anyone else,
for that matter. That said, I like to think that I am the type of
person who wouldn’t hook up with Becca Arrington. She
may be hot, but she is also 1. aggressively vapid, and 2. an
absolute, unadulterated, raging bitch. Those of us who
frequent the band room have long suspected that Becca
maintains her lovely figure by eating nothing but the souls of
kittens and the dreams of impoverished children. “Becca
does sort of suck,” I said, trying to draw Margo back into
“Yeah,” she answered, looking out the passenger
window, her hair reflecting oncoming streetlights. I thought
for a second she might be crying, but she rallied quickly,
pulling her hoodie up and taking The Club out of the Wal-
Mart bag. “Well, this’ll be fun at any rate,” she said as she
ripped open The Club’s packaging.
“May I ask where we’re going yet?”
“Becca’s,” she answered.
“Uh-oh,” I said as I pulled up to a stop sign. I put the
minivan in park and started to tell Margo that I was taking
her home.
“No felonies. Promise. We need to find Jase’s car.
Becca’s street is the next one up on the right, but he
wouldn’t park his car on her street, because her parents are
home. Try the one after. That’s the first thing.”
“Okay,” I said, “but then we go home.”
“No, then we move on to Part Two of Eleven.”
“Margo, this is a bad idea.”
“Just drive,” she said, and so I just did. We found Jase’s
Lexus two blocks down from Becca’s street, parked in a
cul-de-sac. Before I’d even come to a complete stop,
Margo jumped out of the minivan with The Club in hand.
She pulled open the Lexus’s driver-side door, sat down in
the seat, and proceeded to attach The Club to Jase’s
steering wheel. Then she softly closed the door to the
“Dumb bastard never locks that car,” she mumbled as
she climbed back into the minivan. She pocketed the key to
The Club. She reached over and tousled my hair. “Part One
—done. Now, to Becca’s house.”
As I drove, Margo explained Parts Two and Three to me.
“That’s quite brilliant,” I said, even though inside I was
bursting with a shimmering nervousness.
I turned onto Becca’s street and parked two houses
down from her McMansion. Margo crawled into the
wayback of the minivan and returned with a pair of
binoculars and a digital camera. She looked through the
binoculars first, and then handed them to me. I could see a
light on in the house’s basement, but no movement. I was
mostly surprised that the house even had a basement—you
can’t dig very deep before hitting water in most of Orlando.
I reached into my pocket, grabbed my cell phone, and
dialed the number that Margo recited to me. The phone
rang once, twice, and then a groggy male voice answered,
“Mr. Arrington?” I asked. Margo wanted me to call
because no one would ever recognize my voice.
“Who is this? God, what time is it?”
“Sir, I think you should know that your daughter is
currently having sex with Jason Worthington in your
basement.” And then I hung up. Part Two: accompli.
Margo and I threw open the doors of the minivan and
charged down the street, diving onto our stomachs just
behind the hedge ringing Becca’s yard. Margo handed me
the camera, and I watched as an upstairs bedroom light
came on, and then a stairway light, and then the kitchen
light. And finally, the stairway down to the basement.
“Here he comes,” Margo whispered, and I didn’t know
what she meant until, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a
shirtless Jason Worthington wiggling out of the basement
window. He took off sprinting across the lawn, naked but for
his boxer shorts, and as he approached I jumped up and
took a picture of him, completing Part Three. The flash
surprised both of us, I think, and he blinked at me through
the darkness for a white-hot moment before running off into
the night.
Margo tugged on my jeans leg; I looked down at her, and
she was smiling goofily. I reached my hand down, helped
her up, and then we raced back to the car. I was putting the
key in the ignition when she said, “Let me see the picture.”
I handed her the camera, and we watched it come up on
the screen together, our heads almost touching. Upon
seeing the stunned, pale face of Jason Worthington, I
couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh, God,” Margo said, and pointed. In the rush of the
moment, it seemed that Jason had been unable to get Little
Jason inside his boxers, and so there it was, hanging out,
digitally captured for posterity.
“It’s a penis,” Margo said, “in the same sense that
Rhode Island is a state: it may have an illustrious history,
but it sure isn’t big.”
I looked back at the house and noticed that the
basement light was now off. I found myself feeling slightly
bad for Jason—it wasn’t his fault he had a micropenis and
a brilliantly vindictive girlfriend. But then again, in sixth
grade, Jase promised not to punch my arm if I ate a live
earthworm, so I ate a live earthworm and then he punched
me in the face. So I didn’t feel very bad for very long.
When I looked over at Margo, she was staring at the
house through her binoculars. “We have to go,” Margo said.
“Into the basement.”
“What? Why?”
“Part Four. Get his clothes in case he tries to sneak
back into her house. Part Five. Leave fish for Becca.”
“Yes. Now,” she said. “She’s upstairs getting yelled at by
her parents. But, like, how long does that lecture last? I
mean, what do you say? ‘You shouldn’t screw Margo’s
boyfriend in the basement.’ It’s a one-sentence lecture,
basically. So we have to hustle.”
She got out of the car with the spray paint in one hand
and one of the catfish in the other. I whispered, “This is a
bad idea,” but I followed behind her, crouched down as she
was, until we were standing in front of the still-open
basement window.
“I’ll go first,” she said. She went in feetfirst and was
standing on Becca’s computer desk, half in the house and
half out of it, when I asked her, “Can’t I just be lookout?”
“Get your skinny ass in here,” she answered, and so I
did. Quickly, I grabbed all the boy-type clothes I saw on
Becca’s lavender-carpeted floor. A pair of jeans with a
leather belt, a pair of flip-flops, a Winter Park High School
Wildcats baseball cap, and a baby blue polo shirt. I turned
back to Margo, who handed me the paper-wrapped catfish
and one of Becca’s sparkly purple pens. She told me what
to write:
A message from Margo Roth Spiegelman: Your
friendship with her—it sleeps with the fishes
Margo hid the fish between folded pairs of shorts in
Becca’s closet. I could hear footsteps upstairs, and tapped
Margo on the shoulder and looked at her, my eyes bulging.
She just smiled and leisurely pulled out the spray paint. I
scrambled out the window, and then turned back to watch
as Margo leaned over the desk and calmly shook the spray
paint. In an elegant motion—the kind you associate with
calligraphy or Zorro—she spray-painted the letter M onto
the wall above the desk.
She reached her hands up to me, and I pulled her
through the window. She was just starting to stand when we
heard a high-pitched voice shout, “DWIGHT!” I grabbed the
clothes and took off running, Margo behind me.
I heard, but did not see, the front door of Becca’s house
swing open, but I didn’t stop or turn around, not when a
booming voice shouted “HALT!” and not even when I heard
the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being pumped.
I heard Margo mumble “gun” behind me—she didn’t
sound upset about it exactly; she was just making an
observation—and then rather than walk around Becca’s
hedge, I dove over it headfirst. I’m not sure how I intended
to land—maybe an artful somersault or something—but at
any rate, I spilled onto the asphalt of the road, landing on
my left shoulder. Fortunately, Jase’s bundle of clothes hit
the ground first, softening the blow.
I swore, and before I could even start to stand, I felt
Margo’s hands pulling me up, and then we were in the car
and I was driving in reverse with the lights off, which is how I
nearly came to run over the mostly naked starting shortstop
of the Winter Park High School Wildcats baseball team.
Jase was running very fast, but he didn’t seem to be
running anyplace in particular. I felt another stab of regret as
we backed up past him, so I rolled the window halfway
down and threw his polo in his general direction.
Fortunately, I don’t think he saw either Margo or me, and he
had no reason to recognize the minivan since—and I don’t
want to sound bitter or anything by dwelling on this—I can’t
drive it to school.
“Why the hell would you do that?” Margo asked as I
turned on the lights and, driving forward now, began to
navigate the suburban labyrinth back toward the interstate.
“I felt bad for him.”
“For him? Why? Because he’s been cheating on me for
six weeks? Because he’s probably given me god-onlyknows-
what disease? Because he’s a disgusting idiot who
will probably be rich and happy his whole life, thus proving
the absolute unfairness of the cosmos?”
“He just looked sort of desperate,” I said.
“Whatever. We’re going to Karin’s house. It’s on
Pennsylvania, by the ABC Liquors.”
“Don’t be pissed at me,” I said. “I just had a guy point a
freaking shotgun at me for helping you, so don’t be pissed
at me.”
“I’M NOT PISSED AT YOU!” Margo shouted, and then
punched the dashboard.
“Well, you’re screaming.”
“I thought maybe—whatever. I thought maybe he wasn’t
“Karin told me at school. And I guess a lot of people
have known for a long time. And no one told me until Karin. I
thought maybe she was just trying to stir up drama or
“I’m sorry,” I said.
“Yeah. Yeah. I can’t believe I even care.”
“My heart is really pounding,” I said.
“That’s how you know you’re having fun,” Margo said.
But it didn’t feel like fun; it felt like a heart attack. I pulled
over into a 7-Eleven parking lot and held my finger to my
jugular vein while watching the : in the digital clock blink
every second. When I turned to Margo, she was rolling her
eyes at me. “My pulse is dangerously high,” I explained.
“I don’t even remember the last time I got excited about
something like that. The adrenaline in the throat and the
lungs expanding.”
“In through the nose out through the mouth,” I answered
“All your little anxieties. It’s just so . . .”
“Is that what they’re calling childish these days?” She
Margo crawled into the backseat and came back with a
purse. How much shit did she put back there? I thought.
She opened up the purse and pulled out a full bottle of nail
polish so darkly red it was almost black. “While you calm
down, I’m going to paint my nails,” she said, smiling up at
me through her bangs. “You just take your time.”
And so we sat there, she with her nail polish balanced
on the dash, and me with a shaky finger on the pulse of
myself. It was a good color of nail polish, and Margo had
nice fingers, thinner and bonier than the rest of her, which
was all curves and soft edges. She had the kind of fingers
you want to interlace with your own. I remembered them
against my hip bone in Wal-Mart, which felt like days ago.
My heartbeat slowed. And I tried to tell myself: Margo’s
right. There’s nothing out here to be afraid of, not in this little
city on this quiet night.
“Part Six,” Margo said once we were driving again. She
was waving her fingernails through the air, almost like she
was playing piano. “Leave flowers on Karin’s doorstep with
apologetic note.”
“What’d you do to her?”
“Well, when she told me about Jase, I sort of shot the
“How so?” I asked. We were pulled up to a stoplight, and
some kids in a sports car next to us were revving their
engine—as if I was going to race the Chrysler. When you
floored it, it whimpered.
“Well, I don’t remember exactly what I called her, but it
was something along the lines of ‘sniveling, repulsive,
idiotic, backne-ridden, snaggletoothed, fat-assed bitch with
the worst hair in Central Florida—and that’s saying
“Her hair is ridiculous,” I said.
I know. That was the only thing I said about her that was
“true. When you say nasty things about people, you should
never say the true ones, because you can’t really fully and
honestly take those back, you know? I mean, there are
highlights. And there are streaks. And then there are skunk
As I drove up to Karin’s house, Margo disappeared into the
way-back and returned with the bouquet of tulips. Taped to
one of the flowers’ stems was a note Margo’d folded to
look like an envelope. She handed me the bouquet once I
stopped, and I sprinted down a sidewalk, placed the
flowers on Karin’s doorstep, and sprinted back.
“Part Seven,” she said as soon as I was back in the
minivan. “Leave a fish for the lovely Mr. Worthington.”
“I suspect he won’t be home yet,” I said, just the slightest
hint of pity in my voice.
“I hope the cops find him barefoot, frenzied, and naked
in some roadside ditch a week from now,” Margo
answered dispassionately.
“Remind me never to cross Margo Roth Spiegelman,” I
mumbled, and Margo laughed.
“Seriously,” she said. “We bring the fucking rain down on
our enemies.”
“Your enemies,” I corrected.
“We’ll see,” she answered quickly, and then perked up
and said, “Oh, hey, I’ll handle this one. The thing about
Jason’s house is they have this crazy good security system.
And we can’t have another panic attack.”
“Um,” I said.
Jason lived just down the road from Karin, in this uber-rich
subdivision called Casavilla. All the houses in Casavilla are
Spanish-style with the red-tile roofs and everything, only
they weren’t built by the Spanish. They were built by
Jason’s dad, who is one of the richest land developers in
Florida. “Big, ugly homes for big, ugly people,” I told Margo
as we pulled into Casavilla.
“No shit. If I ever end up being the kind of person who
has one kid and seven bedrooms, do me a favor and shoot
me.” We pulled up in front of Jase’s house, an architectural
monstrosity that looked generally like an oversize Spanish
hacienda except for three thick Doric columns going up to
the roof. Margo grabbed the second catfish from the
backseat, uncapped a pen with her teeth, and scrawled in
handwriting that didn’t look much like hers:
MS’s love For you: it Sleeps With the Fishes “Listen,
keep the car on,” she said. She put Jase’s WPHS baseball
hat on backward.
“Okay,” I said.
“Keep it in drive,” she said.
“Okay,” I said, and felt my pulse rising. In through the
nose, out through the mouth. In through the nose, out
through the mouth. Catfish and spray paint in hand, Margo
threw the door open, jogged across the Worthingtons’
expansive front lawn, and then hid behind an oak tree. She
waved at me through the darkness, and I waved back, and
then she took a dramatically deep breath, puffed her
cheeks out, turned, and ran.
She’d only taken one stride when the house lit up like a
municipal Christmas tree, and a siren started blaring. I
briefly contemplated abandoning Margo to her fate, but just
kept breathing in through the nose and out through the
mouth as she ran toward the house. She heaved the fish
through a window, but the sirens were so loud I could barely
even hear the glass breaking. And then, just because she’s
Margo Roth Spiegelman, she took a moment to carefully
spray-paint a lovely M on the part of the window that wasn’t
shattered. Then she was running all out toward the car, and
I had a foot on the accelerator and a foot on the brake, and
the Chrysler felt at that moment like a Thoroughbred
racehorse. Margo ran so fast her hat blew off behind her,
and then she jumped into the car, and we were gone before
she even got the door closed.
I stopped at the stop sign at the end of the street, and
Margo said, “What the hell? Go go go go go,” and I said,
“Oh, right,” because I had forgotten that I was throwing
caution to the wind and everything. I rolled through the three
other stop signs in Casavilla, and we were a mile down
Pennsylvania Avenue before we saw a cop car roar past us
with its lights on.
“That was pretty hardcore,” Margo said. “I mean, even
for me. To put it Q-style, my pulse is a little elevated.”
“Jesus,” I said. “I mean, you couldn’t have just left it in his
car? Or at least at the doorstep?”
“We bring the fucking rain, Q. Not the scattered
“Tell me Part Eight is less terrifying.”
“Don’t worry. Part Eight is child’s play. We’re going back
to Jefferson Park. Lacey’s house. You know where she
lives, right?” I did, although God knows Lacey Pemberton
would never deign to have me over. She lived on the
opposite side of Jefferson Park, a mile away from me, in a
nice condo on top of a stationery store— the same block
the dead guy had lived on, actually. I’d been to the building
before, because friends of my parents lived on the third
floor. There were two locked doors before you even got to
the condos. I figured even Margo Roth Spiegelman couldn’t
break into that place.
“So has Lacey been naughty or nice?” I asked.
“Lacey has been distinctly naughty,” Margo answered.
She was looking out the passenger window again, talking
away from me, so I could barely hear her. “I mean, we have
been friends since kindergarten.”
“And she didn’t tell me about Jase. But not just that.
When I look back on it, she’s just a terrible friend. I mean,
for instance, do you think I’m fat?”
“Jesus, no,” I said. “You’re—” And I stopped myself from
saying not skinny, but that’s the whole point of you; the
point of you is that you don’t look like a boy. “You should
not lose any weight.”
She laughed, waved her hand at me, and said, “You just
love my big ass.” I turned from the road for a second and
glanced over, and I shouldn’t have, because she could read
my face and my face said: Well, first off I wouldn’t say it’s
big exactly and second off, it i s kind of spectacular. But it
was more than that. You can’t divorce Margo the person
from Margo the body. You can’t see one without seeing the
other. You looked at Margo’s eyes and you saw both their
blueness and their Margo-ness. In the end, you could not
say that Margo Roth Spiegelman was fat, or that she was
skinny, any more than you can say that the Eiffel Tower is or
is not lonely. Margo’s beauty was a kind of sealed vessel of
perfection—uncracked and uncrackable.
“But she would always make these little comments,”
Margo continued. “‘I’d loan you these shorts but I don’t think
they’d fit right on you.’ Or, ‘You’re so spunky. I love how you
just make guys fall in love with your personality.’ Constantly
undermining me. I don’t think she ever said anything that
wasn’t an attempt at undermination.”
“Thank you, Annoying McMasterGrammician.”
“Grammarian,” I said.
“Oh my God I’m going to kill you!” But she was laughing.
I drove around the perimeter of Jefferson Park so we
could avoid driving past our houses, just in case our
parents had woken up and discovered us missing. We
drove in along the lake (Lake Jefferson), and then turned
onto Jefferson Court and drove into Jefferson Park’s little
faux downtown, which felt eerily deserted and quiet. We
found Lacey’s black SUV parked in front of the sushi
restaurant. We stopped a block away in the first parking
spot we could find not beneath a streetlight.
“Would you please hand me the last fish?” Margo asked
me. I was glad to get rid of the fish because it was already
starting to smell. And then Margo wrote on the paper
wrapper in her lettering: your Friendship with ms Sleeps
with The fishes We wove our way around the circular glow
of the streetlights, walking as casually as two people can
when one of them (Margo) is holding a sizable fish
wrapped in paper and the other one (me) is holding a can
of blue spray paint. A dog barked, and we both froze, but
then it was quiet again, and soon we were at Lacey’s car.
“Well, that makes it harder,” Margo said, seeing it was
locked. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a length
of wire that had once been a coat hanger. It took her less
than a minute to jimmy the lock open. I was duly awed.
Once she had the driver’s-side door open, she reached
over and opened my side. “Hey, help me get the seat up,”
she whispered. Together we pulled the backseat up. Margo
slipped the fish underneath it, and then she counted to
three, and in one motion we slammed the seat down on the
fish. I heard the disgusting sound of catfish guts exploding. I
let myself imagine the way Lacey’s SUV would smell after
just one day of roasting in the sun, and I’ll admit that a kind
of serenity washed over me. And then Margo said, “Put an
M on the roof for me.”
I didn’t even have to think about it for a full second before
I nodded, scrambled up onto the back bumper, and then
leaned over, quickly spraying a gigantic M all across the
roof. Generally, I am opposed to vandalism. But I am also
generally opposed to Lacey Pemberton—and in the end,
that proved to be the more deeply held conviction. I jumped
off the car. I ran through the darkness—my breath coming
fast and short—for the block back to the minivan. As I put
my hand on the steering wheel, I noticed my pointer finger
was blue. I held it up for Margo to see. She smiled, and
held out her own blue finger, and then they touched, and her
blue finger was pushing against mine softly and my pulse
failed to slow. And then after a long time, she said, “Part
Nine— downtown.”
It was 2:49 in the morning. I had never, in my entire life,
felt less tired.
Tourists never go to downtown Orlando, because there’s
nothing there but a few skyscrapers owned by banks and
insurance companies. It’s the kind of downtown that
becomes absolutely deserted at night and on the
weekends, except for a few nightclubs half-filled with the
desperate and the desperately lame. As I followed Margo’s
directions through the maze of one-way streets, we saw a
few people sleeping on the sidewalk or sitting on benches,
but nobody was moving. Margo rolled down the window,
and I felt the thick air blow across my face, warmer than
night ought to be. I glanced over and saw strands of hair
blowing all around her face. Even though I could see her
there, I felt entirely alone among these big and empty
buildings, like I’d survived the apocalypse and the world
had been given to me, this whole and amazing and endless
world, mine for the exploring.
“You just giving me the tour?” I asked.
“No,” she said. “I’m trying to get to the SunTrust Building.
It’s right next to the Asparagus.”
“Oh,” I said, because for once on this night I had useful
information. “That’s on South.” I drove down a few blocks
and then turned. Margo pointed happily, and yes, there,
before us, was the Asparagus.
The Asparagus is not, technically, an asparagus spear,
nor is it derived from asparagus parts. It is just a sculpture
that bears an uncanny resemblance to a thirty-foot-tall piece
of asparagus— although I’ve also heard it likened to:
1. A green-glass beanstalk
2. An abstract representation of a tree
3. A greener, glassier, uglier Washington Monument
4. The Jolly Green Giant’s gigantic jolly green phallus
At any rate, it certainly does not look like a Tower of
Light, which is the actual name of the sculpture. I pulled in
front of a parking meter and looked over at Margo. I caught
her staring into the middle distance just for a moment, her
eyes blank, looking not at the Asparagus, but past it. It was
the first time I thought something might be wrong—not myboyfriend-
is-an-ass wrong, but really wrong. And I should
have said something. Of course. I should have said thing
after thing after thing after thing. But I only said, “May I ask
why you have taken me to the Asparagus?”
She turned her head to me and shot me a smile. Margo
was so beautiful that even her fake smiles were convincing.
“We gotta check on our progress. And the best place to do
that is from the top of the SunTrust Building.”
I rolled my eyes. “Nope. No. No way. You said no
breaking and entering.”
“This isn’t breaking and entering. It’s just entering,
because there’s an unlocked door.”
“Margo, that’s ridiculous. Of c—”
“I will acknowledge that over the course of the evening
there has been both breaking and entering. There was
entering at Becca’s house. There was breaking at Jase’s
house. And there will be entering here. But there has never
been simultaneous breaking and entering. Theoretically,
the cops could charge us with breaking, and they could
charge us with entering, but they could not charge us with
breaking and entering. So I’ve kept my promise.”
“Surely the SunTrust Building has, like, a security guard
or whatever,” I said.
“They do,” she said, unbuckling her seat belt. “Of course
they do. His name is Gus.”
We walked in through the front door. Sitting behind a broad,
semicircular desk sat a young guy with a struggling goatee
wearing a Regents Security uniform. “What’s up, Margo?”
he said.
“Hey, Gus,” she answered.
“Who’s the kid?”
WE ARE THE SAME AGE! I wanted to shout, but I let
Margo talk for me. “This is my colleague, Q. Q, this is Gus.”
“What’s up, Q?” asked Gus.
Oh, we’re just scattering some dead fish about town,
breaking some windows, photographing naked guys,
hanging out in skyscraper lobbies at three-fifteen in the
morning, that kind of thing. “Not much,” I answered.
“Elevators are down for the night,” Gus said. “Had to shut
’em off at three. You’re welcome to take the stairs, though.”
“Cool. See ya, Gus.”
“See ya, Margo.”
“How the hell do you know the security guard at the
SunTrust Building?” I asked once we were safely in the
“He was a senior when we were freshmen,” she
answered. “We gotta hustle, okay? Time’s a-wastin’.”
Margo started taking the stairs two at a time, flying up, one
arm on the rail, and I tried to keep pace with her, but
couldn’t. Margo didn’t play any sports, but she liked to run—
I sometimes saw her running by herself listening to music in
Jefferson Park. I, however, did not like to run. Or, for that
matter, engage in any kind of physical exertion. But now I
tried to keep up a steady pace, wiping the sweat off my
forehead and ignoring the burning in my legs. When I got to
the twenty-fifth floor, Margo was standing on the landing,
waiting for me.
“Check it out,” she said. She opened the stairwell door
and we were inside a huge room with an oak table as long
as two cars, and a long bank of floor-to-ceiling windows.
“Conference room,” she said. “It’s got the best view in the
whole building.” I followed her as she walked along the
windows. “Okay, so there,” she said pointing, “is Jefferson
Park. See our houses? Lights still off, so that’s good.” She
moved over a few panes. “Jase’s house. Lights off, no
more cop cars. Excellent, although it might mean he’s
made it home, which is unfortunate.” Becca’s house was
too far away to see, even from up here.
She was quiet for a moment, and then she walked right
up to the glass and leaned her forehead against it. I hung
back, but then she grabbed my T-shirt and pulled me
forward. I didn’t want our collective weight against a single
pane of glass, but she kept pulling me forward, and I could
feel her balled fist in my side, and finally I put my head
against the glass as gently as possible and looked around.
From above, Orlando was pretty well lit. Beneath us I
could see the flashing DON’T WALK signs at intersections,
and the streetlights running up and down the city in a
perfect grid until downtown ended and the winding streets
and cul-de-sacs of Orlando’s infinite suburb started.
“It’s beautiful,” I said.
Margo scoffed. “Really? You seriously think so?”
“I mean, well, maybe not,” I said, although it was. When I
saw Orlando from an airplane, it looked like a LEGO set
sunk into an ocean of green. Here, at night, it looked like a
real place—but for the first time a place I could see. As I
walked around the conference room, and then through the
other offices on the floor, I could see it all: there was school.
There was Jefferson Park. There, in the distance, Disney
World. There was Wet ’n Wild. There, the 7-Eleven where
Margo painted her nails and I fought for breath. It was all
here—my whole world, and I could see it just by walking
around a building. “It’s more impressive,” I said out loud.
“From a distance, I mean. You can’t see the wear on things,
you know? You can’t see the rust or the weeds or the paint
cracking. You see the place as someone once imagined it.”
“Everything’s uglier close up,” she said.
“Not you,” I answered before thinking better of it.
Her forehead still against the glass, she turned to me
and smiled. “Here’s a tip: you’re cute when you’re
confident. And less when you’re not.” Before I had a chance
to say anything, her eyes went back to the view and she
started talking. “Here’s what’s not beautiful about it: from
here, you can’t see the rust or the cracked paint or
whatever, but you can tell what the place really is. You see
how fake it all is. It’s not even hard enough to be made out
of plastic. It’s a paper town. I mean look at it, Q: look at all
those cul-de-sacs, those streets that turn in on themselves,
all the houses that were built to fall apart. All those paper
people living in their paper houses, burning the future to
stay warm. All the paper kids drinking beer some bum
bought for them at the paper convenience store. Everyone
demented with the mania of owning things. All the things
paper-thin and paper-frail. And all the people, too. I’ve lived
here for eighteen years and I have never once in my life
come across anyone who cares about anything that
“I’ll try not to take that personally,” I said. We were both
staring into the inky distance, the cul-de-sacs and quarteracre
lots. But her shoulder was against my arm, and the
backs of our hands were touching, and although I was not
looking at Margo, pressing myself against the glass felt
almost like pressing myself against her.
“Sorry,” she said. “Maybe things would have been
different for me if I’d been hanging out with you the whole
time instead of—ugh. Just, God. I just hate myself so much
for even caring about my, quote, friends. I mean, just so you
know, it’s not that I am oh-so-upset about Jason. Or Becca.
Or even Lacey, although I actually liked her. But it was the
last string. It was a lame string, for sure, but it was the one I
had left, and every paper girl needs at least one string,
And here is what I said. I said, “You would be welcome
at our lunch table tomorrow.”
“That’s sweet,” she answered, her voice trailing off. She
turned to me and nodded softly. I smiled. She smiled. I
believed the smile. We walked to the stairs and then ran
down them. At the bottom of each flight, I jumped off the
bottom step and clicked my heels to make her laugh, and
she laughed. I thought I was cheering her up. I thought she
was cheerable. I thought maybe if I could be confident,
something might happen between us.
I was wrong.
Sitting in the minivan with the keys in the ignition but the
engine not yet started, she asked, “What time do your
parents get up, by the way?”
“I don’t know, like, six-fifteen?” It was 3:51. “I mean, we
have two-plus hours and we’re through with nine parts.”
“I know, but I saved the most laborious one for last.
Anyway, we’ll get it all done. Part Ten—Q’s turn to pick a
“I already picked a punishment. Now you just pick who
we’re going to rain our mighty wrath down on.”
“Upon whom we are going to rain our mighty wrath,” I
corrected her, and she shook her head in disgust. “And I
don’t really have anyone upon whom I want to rain down my
wrath,” I said, because in truth I didn’t. I always felt like you
had to be important to have enemies. Example: Historically,
Germany has had more enemies than Luxembourg. Margo
Roth Spiegelman was Germany. And Great Britain. And the
United States. And czarist Russia. Me, I’m Luxembourg.
Just sitting around, tending sheep, and yodeling.
“What about Chuck?” she asked.
“Hmm,” I said. Chuck Parson was pretty horrible in all
those years before he’d been reined in. Aside from the
cafeteria conveyor belt debacle, he once grabbed me
outside school while I waited for the bus and twisted my
arm and kept saying, “Call yourself a faggot.” That was his
all-purpose, I-have-a-vocabulary-of-twelve-words-so-don’texpect-
a-wide-variety-of-insults insult. And even though it
was ridiculously childish, in the end I had to call myself a
faggot, which really annoyed me, because 1. I don’t think
that word should ever be used by anyone, let alone me, and
2. As it happens, I am not gay, and furthermore, 3. Chuck
Parson made it out like calling yourself a faggot was the
ultimate humiliation, even though there’s nothing at all
embarrassing about being gay, which I was trying to say
while he twisted my arm farther and farther toward my
shoulder blade, but he just kept saying, “If you’re so proud
of being a faggot, why don’t you admit that you’re a faggot,
Clearly, Chuck Parson was no Aristotle when it came to
logic. But he was six three, and 270 pounds, which counts
for something.
“You could make a case for Chuck,” I acknowledged.
And then I turned on the car and started to make my way
back toward the interstate. I didn’t know where we were
going, but we sure as hell weren’t staying downtown.
“Remember at the Crown School of Dance?” she asked.
“I was just thinking about that tonight.”
“Ugh. Yeah.”
“I’m sorry about that, by the way. I have no idea why I
went along with him.”
“Yeah. It’s all good,” I said, but remembering the
godforsaken Crown School of Dance pissed me off, and I
said, “Yeah. Chuck Parson. You know where he lives?”
“I knew I could bring out your vengeful side. He’s in
College Park. Get off at Princeton.” I turned onto the
interstate entrance ramp and floored it. “Whoa there,”
Margo said. “Don’t break the Chrysler.”
In sixth grade, a bunch of kids including Margo and Chuck
and me were forced by our parents to take ballroom
dancing lessons at the Crown School of Humiliation,
Degradation, and Dance. And how it worked was the boys
would stand on one side and the girls would stand on the
other and then when the teacher told us to, the boys would
walk over to the girls and the boy would say, “May I have
this dance?” and the girl would say, “You may.” Girls were
not allowed to say no. But then one day—we were doing
the fox-trot—Chuck Parson convinced every single girl to
say no to me. Not anyone else. Just me. So I walked across
to Mary Beth Shortz and I said, “May I have this dance?”
and she said no. And then I asked another girl, and then
another, and then Margo, who also said no, and then
another, and then I started to cry.
The only thing worse than getting rejected at dance
school is crying about getting rejected at dance school, and
the only thing worse than that is going to the dance teacher
and saying through your tears, “The girls are saying no to
me and they’re not supposedtuh.” So of course I went
weeping to the teacher, and I spent the majority of middle
school trying to live down that one embarrassing event. So,
long story short, Chuck Parson kept me from ever dancing
the fox-trot, which doesn’t seem like a particularly horrible
thing to do to a sixth-grader. And I wasn’t really pissed
about it anymore, or about everything else he’d done to me
over the years. But I certainly wasn’t going to lament his
“Wait, he won’t know it’s me, will he?”
“Nope. Why?”
“I don’t want him to think I give enough of a shit about
him to hurt him.” I put a hand down on the center console
and Margo patted it. “Don’t worry,” she said. “He’ll never
know what depilatated him.”
“I think you just misused a word, but I don’t know what it
“I know a word you don’t know,” Margo chanted. “I’M
“Spell usurped,” I told her.
“No,” she answered, laughing. “I’m not giving up my
crown over usurped. You’ll have to do better.”
“Fine.” I smiled.
We drove through College Park, a neighborhood that
passes for Orlando’s historic district on account of how the
houses were mostly built thirty whole years ago. Margo
couldn’t remember Chuck’s exact address, or what his
house looked like, or even for sure what street it was on
(“I’m almost like ninety-five percent positive it’s on
Vassar.”). Finally, after the Chrysler had prowled three
blocks of Vassar Street, Margo pointed to her left and said,
“That one.”
“Are you sure?” I asked.
“I’m like ninety-seven-point-two percent sure. I mean, I’m
pretty sure his bedroom is right there,” she said, pointing.
“One time he had a party, and when the cops came I
shimmied out his window. I’m pretty sure it’s the same
“This seems like we could get in trouble.”
“But if the window is open, there’s no breaking involved.
Only entering. And we just did entering at the SunTrust, and
it wasn’t that big of a deal, right?”
I laughed. “It’s like you’re turning me into a badass.”
“That’s the idea. Okay, supplies: get the Veet, the spray
paint, and the Vaseline.”
“Okay.” I grabbed them.
“Now don’t freak out on me, Q. The good news is that
Chuck sleeps like a hibernating bear—I know because I
had English with him last year and he wouldn’t wake up
even when Ms. Johnston swatted him with Jane Eyre. So
we’re going to go up to his bedroom window, we’re gonna
open it, we’re gonna take off our shoes, and then very
quietly go inside, and I’m going to screw with Chuck. Then
you and I are going to fan out to opposite sides of the
house, and we’re going to cover every door handle in
Vaseline, so even if someone wakes up, they’ll have a hella
hard time getting out of the house in time to catch us. Then
we’ll screw with Chuck some more, paint his house a little,
and we’re out of there. And no talking.”
I put my hand to my jugular, but I was smiling.
We were walking away from the car together when Margo
reached down for my hand, laced her fingers in mine, and
squeezed. I squeezed back and then glanced at her. She
nodded her head solemnly, and I nodded back, and then
she let go of my hand. We scampered up to the window. I
gently pushed the wooden casing up. It squeaked ever so
quietly but opened in one motion. I looked in. It was dark,
but I could see a body in a bed.
The window was a little high for Margo, so I put my
hands together and she stepped a socked foot onto my
hand and I boosted her up. Her silent entrance into the
house would have made a ninja jealous. I proceeded to
jump up, get my head and shoulders into the window, and
then attempt, via a complicated torso undulation, to dance
the caterpillar into the house. That might have worked fine
except I racked my balls against the windowsill, which hurt
so bad that I groaned, which was a pretty sizable mistake.
A bedside light came on. And there, lying in bed, was
some old guy—decidedly not Chuck Parson. His eyes were
wide with terror; he didn’t say a thing.
“Um,” said Margo. I thought about shoving off and
running back to the car, but for Margo’s sake I stayed there,
the top half of me in the house, parallel to the floor. “Um, I
think we have the wrong house.” She turned around then
and looked at me urgently, and only then did I realize I was
blocking Margo’s exit. So I pushed myself back out the
window, grabbed my shoes, and took off.
We drove to the other side of College Park to regroup.
“I think we share the blame on that one,” Margo said.
“Um, you picked the wrong house,” I said.
“Right, but you were the one who made noise.” It was
quiet for a minute, and we were just driving in circles, and
then finally I said, “We could probably get his address off
the Internet. Radar has a log-in to the school directory.”
“Brilliant,” Margo said.
So I called Radar, but his phone went straight to voice
mail. I contemplated calling his house, but his parents were
friends with my parents, so that wouldn’t work. Finally, it
occurred to me to call Ben. He wasn’t Radar, but he did
know all of Radar’s passwords. I called. It went to voice
mail, but only after ringing. So I called again. Voice mail. I
called again. Voice mail. Margo said, “He’s obviously not
answering,” and as I dialed again, I said, “Oh, he’ll answer.”
And after just four more calls, he did.
“You’d better be calling me to say that there are eleven
naked honeybunnies in your house, and that they’re asking
for the Special Feeling that only Big Daddy Ben can
“I need you to use Radar’s login to the student directory
and look up an address. Chuck Parson.”
“Please,” I said.
“You’ll be glad you did this, Ben. I promise.”
“Yeah, yeah, I just did it. I was doing it while saying no—
can’t help but help. Four-two-two Amherst. Hey, why do you
want Chuck Parson’s address at four-twelve in the
“Get some sleep, Benners.”
“I’m going to assume this is a dream,” Ben answered,
and hung up.
Amherst was only a couple blocks down. We parked on the
street in front of 418 Amherst, got our supplies together,
and jogged across Chuck’s lawn, the morning dew shaking
off the grass and onto my calves.
At his window, which was fortunately lower than that of
Random Old Guy, I climbed in quietly and then pulled
Margo up and in. Chuck Parson was asleep on his back.
Margo walked over to him, tiptoeing, and I stood behind
her, my heart pounding. He’d kill us both if he woke up. She
pulled out the Veet, sprayed a dob of what looked like
shaving cream onto her palm, and then softly and carefully
spread it across Chuck’s right eyebrow. He didn’t so much
as twitch.
Then she opened the Vaseline—the lid made what
seemed like a deafeningly loud clorp, but again Chuck
showed no sign of waking. She scooped a huge gob of it
into my hand, and then we headed off to opposite sides of
the house. I went to the entryway first and slathered
Vaseline on the front door’s doorknob, and then to the open
door of a bedroom, where I Vaselined the inner knob and
then quietly, with only the slightest creak, shut the door to
the room.
Finally I returned to Chuck’s room—Margo was already
there—and together we closed his door and then
Vaselined the hell out of Chuck’s doorknob. We slathered
every surface of his bedroom window with the rest of the
Vaseline, hoping it would make it hard to open the window
after we closed it shut on our way out.
Margo glanced at her watch and held up two fingers. We
waited. And for those two minutes we just stared at each
other, and I watched the blue in her eyes. It was nice—in the
dark and the quiet, with no possibility of me saying anything
to screw it up, and her eyes looking back, like there was
something in me worth seeing.
Margo nodded then, and I walked over to Chuck. I
wrapped my hand in my T-shirt, as she’d told me to do,
leaned forward, and—as softly as I could—pressed my
finger against his forehead and then quickly wiped away
the Veet. With it came every last hair that had been Chuck
Parson’s right eyebrow. I was standing above Chuck with
his right eyebrow on my T-shirt when his eyes shot open.
Lightning fast, Margo grabbed his comforter and threw it
over him, and when I looked up, the little ninja was already
out the window. I followed as quickly as I could, as Chuck
I wanted to say, The only thing we stole was your
eyebrow, but I kept mum as I swung myself feetfirst out the
window. I damn near landed on Margo, who was spraypainting
an M onto the vinyl siding of Chuck’s house, and
then we both grabbed our shoes and hauled ass to the
minivan. When I looked back at the house, lights were on
but no one was outside yet, a testament to the brilliant
simplicity of the well-Vaselined doorknob. By the time Mr.
(or possibly Mrs., I couldn’t really see) Parson pulled open
the living room curtains and looked outside, we were
driving in reverse back toward Princeton Street and the
“Yes!” I shouted. “God, that was brilliant.”
“Did you see it? His face without the eyebrow? He looks
permanently doubtful, you know? Like, ‘oh, really? You’re
saying I only have one eyebrow? Likely story.’ And I love
making that asshole choose: better to shave off Lefty, or
paint on Righty? Oh, I just love it. And how he yelled for his
mama, that sniveling little shit.”
“Wait, why do you hate him?”
“I didn’t say I hated him. I said he was a sniveling little
“But you were always kind of friends with him,” I said, or
at least I thought she had been.
“Yeah, well, I was always kind of friends with a lot of
people,” she said. Margo leaned across the minivan and
put her head on my bony shoulder, her hair falling against
my neck. “I’m tired,” she said.
“Caffeine,” I said. She reached into the back and
grabbed us each a Mountain Dew, and I drank it in two long
“So we’re going to SeaWorld,” she told me. “Part
“What, are we going to Free Willy or something?”
“No,” she said. “We’re just going to go to SeaWorld,
that’s all. It’s the only theme park I haven’t broken into yet.”
“We can’t break into SeaWorld,” I said, and then I pulled
over into an empty furniture store parking lot and turned off
the car.
“We’re in a bit of a time crunch,” she told me, and then
reached over to start the car again.
I pushed her hand away. “We can’t break into
SeaWorld,” I repeated.
“There you go with the breaking again.” Margo paused
and opened another Mountain Dew. Light reflected off the
can onto her face, and for a second I could see her smiling
at the thing she was about to say. “We’re not going to break
anything. Don’t think of it as breaking in to SeaWorld. Think
of it as visiting SeaWorld in the middle of the night for free.”
“Well, first off, we will get caught,” I said. I hadn’t started
the minivan and was laying out the reasons I wouldn’t start it
and wondering if she could see me in the dark.
“Of course we’ll get caught. So what?”
“It’s illegal.”
“Q, in the scheme of things, what kind of trouble can
Sea-World get you into? I mean, Jesus, after everything I’ve
done for you tonight, you can’t do one thing for me? You
can’t just shut up and calm down and stop being so
goddamned terrified of every little adventure?” And then
under her breath she said, “I mean, God. Grow some nuts.”
And now I was mad. I ducked underneath my shoulder
belt so I could lean across the console toward her. “After
everything YOU did for ME?” I almost shouted. She wanted
confident? I was getting confident. “Did you call MY friend’s
father who was screwing MY boyfriend so no one would
know that I was calling? Did you chauffeur MY ass all
around the world not because you are oh-so-important to
me but because I needed a ride and you were close by? Is
that the kind of shit you’ve done for me tonight?”
She wouldn’t look at me. She just stared straight ahead
at the vinyl siding of the furniture store. “You think I needed
you? You don’t think I could have given Myrna Mountweazel
a Benadryl so she’d sleep through my stealing the safe
from under my parents’ bed? Or snuck into your bedroom
while you were sleeping and taken your car key? I didn’t
need you, you idiot. I picked you. And then you picked me
back.” Now she looked at me. “And that’s like a promise. At
least for tonight. In sickness and in health. In good times
and in bad. For richer, for poorer. Till dawn do us part.”
I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, but all
her teamwork stuff aside, I still felt like I was getting
badgered into something, and I wanted the last word. “Fine,
but when Sea-World, Incorporated or whatever sends a
letter to Duke University saying that miscreant Quentin
Jacobsen broke into their facility at four thirty in the morning
with a wild-eyed lass at his side, Duke University will be
mad. Also, my parents will be mad.”
“Q, you’re going to go to Duke. You’re going to be a very
successful lawyer-or-something and get married and have
babies and live your whole little life, and then you’re going
to die, and in your last moments, when you’re choking on
your own bile in the nursing home, you’ll say to yourself:
‘Well, I wasted my whole goddamned life, but at least I
broke into SeaWorld with Margo Roth Spiegelman my
senior year of high school. At least I carpe’d that one
“Noctem,” I corrected.
“Okay, you are the Grammar King again. You’ve
regained your throne. Now take me to SeaWorld.”
As we drove silently down I-4, I found myself thinking about
the day that the guy in the gray suit showed up dead.
Maybe that’s the reason she chose me, I thought. And
that’s when, finally, I remembered what she said about the
dead guy and the strings— and about herself and the
“Margo,” I said, breaking our silence.
“Q,” she said.
“You said . . . When the guy died, you said maybe all the
strings inside him broke, and then you just said that about
yourself, that the last string broke.”
She half laughed. “You worry too much. I don’t want
some kids to find me swarmed with flies on a Saturday
morning in Jefferson Park.” She waited a beat before
delivering the punch line. “I’m too vain for that fate.”
I laughed, relieved, and exited the interstate. We turned
onto International Drive, the tourism capital of the world.
There were a thousand shops on International Drive, and
they all sold the exact same thing: crap. Crap molded into
seashells, key rings, glass turtles, Florida-shaped
refrigerator magnets, plastic pink flamingos, whatever. In
fact, there were several stores on I-Drive that sold actual,
literal armadillo crap—$4.95 a bag.
But at 4:50 in the morning, the tourists were sleeping.
The Drive was completely dead, like everything else, as we
drove past store after parking lot after store after parking
“SeaWorld is just past the parkway,” Margo said. She
was in the wayback of the minivan again, rifling through a
backpack or something. “I got all these satellite maps and
drew our plan of attack, but I can’t freaking find them
anywhere. But anyway, just go right past the parkway, and
on your left there will be this souvenir shop.”
“On my left, there are about seventeen thousand
souvenir shops.”
“Right, but there will only be one right after the parkway.”
And sure enough, there was only one, and so I pulled
into the empty parking lot and parked the car directly
beneath a streetlight, because cars are always getting
stolen on I-Drive. And while only a truly masochistic car thief
would ever think of jacking the Chrysler, I still didn’t relish
the thought of explaining to my mom how and why her car
went missing in the small hours of a school night.
We stood outside, leaning against the back of the
minivan, the air so warm and thick I felt my clothes clinging
to my skin. I felt scared again, as if people I couldn’t see
were looking at me. It had been too dark for too long, and
my gut ached from the hours of worrying. Margo had found
her maps, and by the light of the street lamp, her spraypaint-
blue fingertip traced our route. “I think there’s a fence
right there,” she said, pointing to a wooden patch we’d hit
just after crossing the parkway. “I read about it online. They
installed it a few years ago after some drunk guy walked
into the park in the middle of the night and decided to go
swimming with Shamu, who promptly killed him.”
“Yeah, so if that guy can make it in drunk, surely we can
make it in sober. I mean, we’re ninjas.”
“Well, maybe you’re a ninja,” I said.
“You’re just a really loud, awkward ninja,” Margo said,
“but we are both ninjas.” She tucked her hair behind her
ears, pulled up her hood, and scrunched it shut with a
drawstring; the streetlight lit up the sharp features of her
pale face. Maybe we were both ninjas, but only she had the
“Okay,” she said. “Memorize the map.” By far the most
terrifying part of the half-mile-long journey Margo had
plotted for us was the moat. SeaWorld was shaped like a
triangle. One side was protected by a road, which Margo
figured was regularly patrolled by night watchmen. The
second side was guarded by a lake that was at least a mile
around, and the third side had a drainage ditch; from the
map, it looked to be about as wide as a two-lane road. And
where there are water-filled drainage ditches near lakes in
Florida, there are often alligators.
Margo grabbed me by both shoulders and turned me
toward her. “We’re going to get caught, probably, and when
we do, just let me talk. You just look cute and be that weird
mix of innocent and confident, and we’ll be fine.”
I locked the car, tried to pat down my puffy hair, and
whispered, “I’m a ninja.” I didn’t mean for Margo to hear, but
she piped up. “Damned right you are! Now let’s go.”
We jogged across I-Drive and then started
bushwhacking through a thicket of tall shrubs and oak trees.
I started to worry about poison ivy, but ninjas don’t worry
about poison ivy, so I led the trail, my arms in front of me,
pushing aside briars and brush as we walked toward the
moat. Finally the trees stopped and the field opened up,
and I could see the parkway on our right and the moat
straight ahead of us. People could have seen us from the
road if there had been any cars, but there weren’t. Together
we took off running through the brush, and then made a
sharp turn toward the parkway. Margo said, “Now, now!”
and I dashed across the six lanes of highway. Even though
it was empty, something felt exhilarating and wrong about
running across a road that big.
We made it across and then knelt down in the knee-high
grass beside the parkway. Margo pointed to the strip of
trees between SeaWorld’s endlessly gigantic parking lot
and the black standing water of the moat. We ran for a
minute along that line of trees, and then Margo pulled on the
back of my shirt, and said quietly, “Now the moat.”
“Ladies first,” I said.
“No, really. Be my guest,” she answered.
And I didn’t think about the alligators or the disgusting
layer of brackish algae. I just got a running start and jumped
as far as I could. I landed in waist-deep water and then
high-stepped across. The water smelled rank and felt slimy
on my skin, but at least I wasn’t wet above my waist. Or at
least I wasn’t until Margo jumped in, splashing water all over
me. I turned around and splashed her. She faux-retched.
“Ninjas don’t splash other ninjas,” Margo complained.
“The true ninja doesn’t make a splash at all,” I said.
“Ooh, touché.”
I was watching Margo pull herself up out of the moat. And I
was feeling thoroughly pleased about the lack of alligators.
And my pulse was acceptable, if brisk. And beneath her
unzipped hoodie, her black T-shirt had become clingy in the
water. In short, a lot of things were going pretty well when I
saw in my peripheral vision a slithering in the water beside
Margo. Margo started to step out of the water, and I could
see her Achilles tendon tensing, and before I could even
say anything, the snake lashed out and bit her left ankle,
right below the line of her jeans.
“Shit!” Margo said, and she looked down and then said
“Shit!” again. The snake was still attached. I dove down and
grabbed the snake by the tail and ripped it from Margo’s
leg and threw it into the moat. “Ow, God,” she said. “What
was it? Was it a moccasin?”
“I don’t know. Lie down, lie down,” I said, and then I took
her leg in my hands, and I pulled up her jeans. There were
two drops of blood coming out where the fangs had been,
and I leaned down and put my mouth on the wound and
sucked as hard as I could, trying to draw out the venom. I
spit, and was going to go back to her leg when she said,
“Wait, I see it.” I jumped up, terrified, and she said, “No, no,
God, it’s just a garter snake.” She was pointing into the
moat, and I followed her finger and could see the little garter
snake skirting along the surface, swimming beneath a
floodlight’s skirt. From the well-lit distance, the thing didn’t
look much scarier than a baby lizard.
“Thank God,” I said, sitting down next to her and catching
my breath.
my breath.
After looking at the bite and seeing that the bleeding had
already stopped, she asked, “How was making out with my
“Pretty good,” I said, which was true. She leaned her
body into mine a little and I could feel her upper arm against
my ribs.
“I shaved this morning for precisely that reason. I was
like, ‘Well, you never know when someone is going to
clamp down on your calf and try to suck out the snake
There was a chain-link fence before us, but it was only
about six feet tall. As Margo put it, “Honestly, first garter
snakes and now this fence? This security is sort of insulting
to a ninja.” She scampered up, swung her body around,
and climbed down like it was a ladder. I managed not to
We ran through a small thicket of trees, hugging tight
against these huge opaque tanks that might have stored
animals, and then we came out to an asphalt path and I
could see the big amphitheater where Shamu splashed me
when I was a kid. The little speakers lining the walkway
were playing soft Muzak. Maybe to keep the animals calm.
“Margo,” I said, “we’re in SeaWorld.”
And she said, “Seriously,” and then she jogged away
and I followed her. We ended up by the seal tank, but it
seemed like there were no seals inside it.
“Margo,” I said again. “We’re in SeaWorld.”
“Enjoy it,” she said without moving her mouth much.
“’Cause here comes security.”
I dashed through a stand of waist-high bushes, but when
Margo didn’t run, I stopped.
A guy strolled up wearing a SEAWORLD SECURITY
vest and very casually asked, “How y’all?” He held a can of
something in his hand—pepper spray, I guessed.
To stay calm, I wondered to myself, Does he have
regular handcuffs, or does he have special SeaWorld
handcuffs? Like, are they shaped like two curved dolphins
coming together?
“We were just on our way out, actually,” said Margo.
“Well, that’s certain,” the man said. “The question is
whether you walkin’ out or gettin’ driven out by the Orange
County sheriff.”
“If it’s all the same to you,” Margo said, “we’d rather
walk.” I shut my eyes. This, I wanted to tell Margo, was no
time for snappy comebacks. But the man laughed.
“You know a man got kilt here a couple years ago
jumping in the big tank, and they told us we cain’t never let
anybody go if they break in, no matter if they’re pretty.”
Margo pulled her shirt out so it wouldn’t look so clingy. And
only then did I realize he was talking to her breasts.
“Well, then I guess you have to arrest us.”
“But that’s the thing. I’m ’bout to get off and go home and
have a beer and get some sleep, and if I call the police
they’ll take their sweet time in coming. I’m just thinkin’ out
loud here,” he said, and then Margo raised her eyes in
recognition. She wiggled a hand into a wet pocket and
pulled out one moat-water-soaked hundred-dollar bill.
The guard said, “Well, y’all best be getting on now. If I
were you, I wouldn’t walk out past the whale tank. It’s got allnight
security cameras all ’round it, and we wouldn’t want
anyone to know y’all was here.”
“Yessir,” Margo said demurely, and with that the man
walked off into the darkness. “Man,” Margo mumbled as the
guy walked away, “I really didn’t want to pay that perv. But,
oh well. Money’s for spendin’.” I could barely even hear her;
the only thing happening was the relief shivering out of my
skin. This raw pleasure was worth all the worry that
preceded it.
“Thank God he’s not turning us in,” I said.
Margo didn’t respond. She was staring past me, her
eyes squinting almost closed. “I felt this exact same way
when I got into Universal Studios,” she said after a moment.
“It’s kind of cool and everything, but there’s nothing much to
see. The rides aren’t working. Everything cool is locked up.
Most of the animals are put into different tanks at night.”
She turned her head and appraised the SeaWorld we
could see. “I guess the pleasure isn’t being inside.”
“What’s the pleasure?” I asked.
“Planning, I guess. I don’t know. Doing stuff never feels
as good as you hope it will feel.”
“This feels pretty good to me,” I confessed. “Even if there
isn’t anything to see.” I sat down on a park bench, and she
joined me. We were both looking out at the seal tank, but it
contained no seals, just an unoccupied island with rocky
outcroppings made of plastic. I could smell her next to me,
the sweat and the algae from the moat, her shampoo like
lilacs, and the smell of her skin like crushed almonds.
I felt tired for the first time, and I thought of us lying down
on some grassy patch of SeaWorld together, me on my
back and she on her side with her arm draped against me,
her head on my shoulder, facing me. Not doing anything—
just lying there together beneath the sky, the night here so
well lit that it drowns out the stars. And maybe I could feel
her breathe against my neck, and maybe we could just stay
there until morning and then the people would walk past as
they came into the park, and they would see us and think
that we were tourists, too, and we could just disappear into
But no. There was one-eyebrowed Chuck to see, and
Ben to tell the story to, and classes and the band room and
Duke and the future.
“Q,” Margo said.
I looked up at her, and for a moment I didn’t know why
she’d said my name, but then I snapped out of my halfsleep.
And I heard it. The Muzak from the speakers had
been turned up, only it wasn’t Muzak anymore—it was real
music. This old, jazzy song my dad likes called “Stars Fell
on Alabama.” Even through the tinny speakers you could
hear that whoever was singing it could sing a thousand
goddamned notes at once.
And I felt the unbroken line of me and of her stretching
back from our cribs to the dead guy to acquaintanceship to
now. And I wanted to tell her that the pleasure for me wasn’t
planning or doing or leaving; the pleasure was in seeing our
strings cross and separate and then come back together—
but that seemed too cheesy to say, and anyway, she was
standing up.
Margo’s blue blue eyes blinked and she looked
impossibly beautiful right then, her jeans wet against her
legs, her face shining in the gray light.
I stood up and reached out my hand and said, “May I
have this dance?” Margo curtsied, gave me her hand, and
said, “You may,” and then my hand was on the curve
between her waist and her hip, and her hand was on my
shoulder. And then step-step-sidestep, step-step-sidestep.
We fox-trotted all the way around the seal tank, and still the
song kept going on about the stars falling. “Sixth-grade
slow dance,” Margo announced, and we switched
positions, her hands on my shoulders and mine on her hips,
elbows locked, two feet between us. And then we foxtrotted
some more, until the song ended. I stepped forward
and dipped Margo, just as they’d taught us to do at Crown
School of Dance. She raised one leg and gave me all her
weight as I dipped her. She either trusted me or wanted to
We bought dish towels at a 7-Eleven on I-Drive and tried
our best to wash the slime and stink from the moat off our
clothes and skin, and I filled the gas tank to where it had
been before we drove the circumference of Orlando. The
Chrysler’s seats were going to be a little bit wet when Mom
drove to work, but I held out hope that she wouldn’t notice,
since she was pretty oblivious. My parents generally
believed that I was the most well-adjusted and not-likely-tobreak-
into-SeaWorld person on the planet, since my
psychological well-being was proof of their professional
I took my time going home, avoiding interstates in favor
of back roads. Margo and I were listening to the radio,
trying to figure out what station had been playing “Stars Fell
on Alabama,” but then she turned it down and said, “All in
all, I think it was a success.”
“Absolutely,” I said, although by now I was already
wondering what tomorrow would be like. Would she show
up by the band room before school to hang out? Eat lunch
with me and Ben? “I do wonder if it will be different
tomorrow,” I said.
“Yeah,” she said. “Me, too.” She left it hanging in the air,
and then said, “Hey, speaking of tomorrow, as thanks for
your hard work and dedication on this remarkable evening,
I would like to give you a small gift.” She dug around
beneath her feet and then produced the digital camera.
“Take it,” she said. “And use the Power of the Tiny Winky
I laughed and put the camera in my pocket. “I’ll download
the pic when we get home and then give it back to you at
school?” I asked. I still wanted her to say, Yes, at school,
where things will be different, where I will be your friend in
public, and also decidedly single, but she just said, “Yeah,
or whenever.”
It was 5:42 when I turned into Jefferson Park. We drove
down Jefferson Drive to Jefferson Court and then turned
onto our road, Jefferson Way. I killed the headlights one last
time and idled up my driveway. I didn’t know what to say,
and Margo wasn’t saying anything. We filled a 7-Eleven
bag with trash, trying to make the Chrysler look and feel as
if the past six hours had not happened. In another bag, she
gave me the remnants of the Vaseline, the spray paint, and
the last full Mountain Dew. My brain raced with fatigue.
With a bag in each hand, I paused for a moment outside
the van, staring at her. “Well, it was a helluva night,” I said
“Come here,” she said, and I took a step forward. She
hugged me, and the bags made it hard to hug her back, but
if I dropped them I might wake someone. I could feel her on
her tiptoes and then her mouth was right up against my ear
and she said, very clearly, “I. Will. Miss. Hanging. Out. With.
“You don’t have to,” I answered aloud. I tried to hide my
disappointment. “If you don’t like them anymore,” I said,
“just hang out with me. My friends are actually, like, nice.”
Her lips were so close to me that I could feel her smile.
“I’m afraid it’s not possible,” she whispered. She let go
then, but kept looking at me, taking step after step
backward. She raised her eyebrows finally, and smiled,
and I believed the smile. I watched her climb up a tree and
then lift herself onto the roof outside of her second-floor
bedroom window. She jimmied her window open and
crawled inside.
I walked through my unlocked front door, tiptoed through
the kitchen to my bedroom, peeled off my jeans, threw them
into a corner of the closet back near the window screen,
downloaded the picture of Jase, and got into bed, my mind
booming with the things I would say to her at school.
The Grass

I’d been asleep for just about thirty minutes when my alarm
clock went off at 6:32. But I did not personally notice that my
alarm clock was going off for seventeen minutes, not until I
felt hands on my shoulders and heard the distant voice of
my mother saying, “Good morning, sleepyhead.”
“Uhh,” I responded. I felt significantly more tired than I
had back at 5:55, and I would have skipped school, except I
had perfect attendance, and while I realized that perfect
attendance is not particularly impressive or even
necessarily admirable, I wanted to keep the streak alive.
Plus, I wanted to see how Margo would act around me.
When I walked into the kitchen, Dad was telling Mom
something while they ate at the breakfast counter. Dad
paused when he saw me and said, “How’d you sleep?”
“I slept fantastically,” I said, which was true. Briefly, but
well. He smiled. “I was just telling your mom that I have this
recurring anxiety dream,” he said. “So I’m in college. And
I’m taking a Hebrew class, except the professor doesn’t
speak Hebrew, and the tests aren’t in Hebrew—they’re in
gibberish. But everyone is acting like this made-up
language with a made-up alphabet i s Hebrew. And so I
language with a made-up alphabet i s Hebrew. And so I
have this test, and I have to write in a language I don’t know
using an alphabet I can’t decipher.”
“Interesting,” I said, although in point of fact it wasn’t.
Nothing is as boring as other people’s dreams.
“It’s a metaphor for adolescence,” my mother piped up.
“Writing in a language—adulthood—you can’t comprehend,
using an alphabet—mature social interaction—you can’t
recognize.” My mother worked with crazy teenagers in
juvenile detention centers and prisons. I think that’s why she
never really worried about me—as long as I wasn’t ritually
decapitating gerbils or urinating on my own face, she
figured I was a success.
A normal mother might have said, “Hey, I notice you look
like you’re coming down off a meth binge and smell vaguely
of algae. Were you perchance dancing with a snakebit
Margo Roth Spiegelman a couple hours ago?” But no. They
preferred dreams.
I showered, put on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I was
late, but then again, I was always late.
“You’re late,” Mom said when I made it back to the
kitchen. I tried to shake the fog in my brain enough to
remember how to tie my sneakers.
“I am aware,” I answered groggily.
Mom drove me to school. I sat in the seat that had been
Margo’s. Mom was mostly quiet on the drive, which was
good, because I was entirely asleep, the side of my head
against the minivan window.
As Mom pulled up to school, I saw Margo’s usual spot
empty in the senior parking lot. Couldn’t blame her for
being late, really. Her friends didn’t gather as early as mine.
As I walked up toward the band kids, Ben shouted,
“Jacobsen, was I dreaming or did you—” I gave him the
slightest shake of my head, and he changed gears
midsentence— “and me go on a wild adventure in French
Polynesia last night, traveling in a sailboat made of
“That was one delicious sailboat,” I answered. Radar
raised his eyes at me and ambled into the shade of a tree. I
followed him. “Asked Angela about a date for Ben. No
dice.” I glanced over at Ben, who was talking animatedly, a
coffee stirrer dancing in his mouth as he spoke.
“That sucks,” I said. “It’s all good, though. He and I will
hang out and have a marathon session of Resurrection or
Ben came over then, and said, “Are you trying to be
subtle? Because I know you’re talking about the
honeybunnyless prom tragedy that is my life.” He turned
around and headed inside. Radar and I followed him,
talking as we went past the band room, where freshmen
and sophomores were sitting and chatting amid a slew of
instrument cases.
“Why do you even want to go?” I asked.
“Bro, it’s our senior prom. It’s my last best chance to be
some honeybunny’s fondest high school memory.” I rolled
my eyes.
The first bell rang, meaning five minutes to class, and
like Pavlov’s dogs, people started rushing around, filling up
the hallways. Ben and Radar and I stood by Radar’s locker.
“So why’d you call me at three in the morning for Chuck
Parson’s address?”
I was mulling over how to best answer that question
when I saw Chuck Parson walking toward us. I elbowed
Ben’s side and cut my eyes toward Chuck. Chuck,
incidentally, had decided that the best strategy was to
shave off Lefty. “Holy shitstickers,” Ben said.
Soon enough, Chuck was in my face as I scrunched
back against the locker, his forehead deliciously hairless.
“What are you assholes looking at?”
“Nothing,” said Radar. “We’re certainly not looking at
your eyebrows.” Chuck flicked Radar off, slammed an open
palm against the locker next to me, and walked away.
“You did that?” Ben asked, incredulous.
“You can never tell anyone,” I said to both of them. And
then quietly added, “I was with Margo Roth Spiegelman.”
Ben’s voice rose with excitement. “You were with Margo
Roth Spiegelman last night? At THREE A.M.?” I nodded.
“Alone?” I nodded. “Oh my God, if you hooked up with her,
you have to tell me every single thing that happened. You
have to write me a term paper on the look and feel of
Margo Roth Spiegelman’s breasts. Thirty pages,
“I want you to do a photo-realistic pencil drawing,” Radar
“A sculpture would also be acceptable,” Ben added.
Radar half raised his hand. I dutifully called on him. “Yes,
I was wondering if it would be possible for you to write a
sestina about Margo Roth Spiegelman’s breasts? Your six
words are: pink, round, firmness, succulent, supple, and
“Personally,” Ben said, “I think at least one of the words
should be buhbuhbuhbuh.”
“I don’t think I’m familiar with that word,” I said.
“It’s the sound my mouth makes when I’m giving a honeybunny
the patented Ben Starling Speedboat.” At which
point Ben mimicked what he would do in the unlikely event
that his face ever encountered cleavage.
“Right now,” I said, “although they have no idea why,
thousands of girls all across America are feeling a chill of
fear and disgust run down their spines. Anyway, I didn’t
hook up with her, perv.”
“Typical,” Ben said. “I’m the only guy I know with the balls
to give a honeybunny what she wants, and the only one with
no opportunities.”
“What an amazing coincidence,” I said. It was life as it
had always been—only more fatigued. I had hoped that last
night would change my life, but it hadn’t—at least not yet.
The second bell rang. We hustled off to class.
I became extremely tired during calc first period. I mean, I
had been tired since waking, but combining fatigue with
calculus seemed unfair. To stay awake, I was scribbling a
note to Margo— nothing I’d ever send to her, just a
summary of my favorite moments from the night before—
but even that could not keep me awake. At some point, my
pen just stopped moving, and I found my field of vision
shrinking and shrinking, and then I was trying to remember
if tunnel vision was a symptom of fatigue. I decided it must
be, because there was only one thing in front of me, and it
was Mr. Jiminez at the blackboard, and this was the only
thing that my brain could process, and so when Mr. Jiminez
said, “Quentin?” I was extraordinarily confused, because
the one thing happening in my universe was Mr. Jiminez
writing on the blackboard, and I couldn’t fathom how he
could be both an auditory and a visual presence in my life.
“Yes?” I asked.
“Did you hear the question?”
“Yes?” I asked again.
“And you raised your hand to answer it?” I looked up,
and sure enough my hand was raised, but I did not know
how it had come to be raised, and I only sort of knew how to
go about de-raising it. But then after considerable struggle,
my brain was able to tell my arm to lower itself, and my arm
was able to do so, and then finally I said, “I just needed to
ask to go to the bathroom?”
And he said, “Go ahead,” and then someone else raised a
hand and answered some question about some kind of
differential equation.
I walked to the bathroom, splashed water on my face,
and then leaned over the sink, close to the mirror, and
appraised myself. I tried to rub the bloodshotedness out of
my eyes, but I couldn’t. And then I had a brilliant idea. I went
into a stall, put the seat down, sat down, leaned against the
side, and fell asleep. The sleep lasted for about sixteen
milliseconds before the second period bell rang. I got up
and walked to Latin, and then to physics, and then finally it
was fourth period, and I found Ben in the cafeteria and said,
“I really need a nap or something.”
“Let’s have lunch with RHAPAW,” he answered.
RHAPAW was a fifteen-year-old Buick that had been
driven with impunity by all three of Ben’s older siblings and
was, by the time it reached Ben, composed primarily out of
duct tape and spackle. Her full name was Rode Hard And
Put Away Wet, but we called her RHAPAW for short.
RHAPAW ran not on gasoline, but on the inexhaustible fuel
of human hope. You would sit on the blisteringly hot vinyl
seat and hope she would start, and then Ben would turn the
key and the engine would turn over a couple times, like a
fish on land making its last, meager, dying flops. And then
you would hope harder, and the engine would turn over a
couple more times. You hoped some more, and it would
finally catch.
Ben started RHAPAW and turned the AC on high. Three
of the four windows didn’t even open, but the air conditioner
worked magnificently, though for the first few minutes it was
just hot air blasting out of the vents and mixing with the hot
stale air in the car. I reclined the passenger seat all the way
back, so that I was almost lying down, and I told him
everything: Margo at my window, the Wal-Mart, the
revenge, the SunTrust Building, entering the wrong house,
SeaWorld, the I-will-miss-hanging-out-with-you.
He didn’t interrupt me once—Ben was a good friend in
the not-interrupting way—but when I finished, he
immediately asked me the most pressing question in his
“Wait, so about Jase Worthington, how small are we
“Shrinkage may have played a role, since he was under
significant anxiety, but have you ever seen a pencil?” I
asked him, and Ben nodded. “Well, have you ever seen a
pencil eraser?” He nodded again. “Well, have you ever
seen the little shavings of rubber left on the paper after you
erase something?” More nodding. “I’d say three shavings
long and one shaving wide,” I said. Ben had taken a lot of
crap from guys like Jason Worthington and Chuck Parson,
so I figured he was entitled to enjoy it a little. But he didn’t
even laugh. He was just shaking his head slowly,
“God, she is such a badass.”
“I know.”
“She’s the kind of person who either dies tragically at
twenty-seven, like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, or else
grows up to win, like, the first-ever Nobel Prize for
“Yeah,” I said. I rarely tired of talking about Margo Roth
Spiegelman, but I was rarely this tired. I leaned back
against the cracked vinyl headrest and fell immediately
asleep. When I woke up, a Wendy’s hamburger was sitting
in my lap with a note. Had to go to class, bro. See you after
Later, after my last class, I translated Ovid while sitting up
against the cinder-block wall outside the band room, trying
to ignore the groaning cacophony coming from inside. I
always hung around school for the extra hour during band
practice, because to leave before Ben and Radar meant
enduring the unbearable humiliation of being the lone
senior on the bus.
After they got out, Ben dropped Radar off at his house
right by the Jefferson Park “village center,” near where
Lacey lived. Then he took me home. I noticed Margo’s car
was not parked in her driveway, either. So she hadn’t
skipped school to sleep. She’d skipped school for another
adventure—a me-less adventure. She’d probably spent her
day spreading hair-removal cream on the pillows of other
enemies or something. I felt a little left out as I walked into
the house, but of course she knew I would never have
joined her anyway—I cared too much about a day of school.
And who even knew if it would be just a day for Margo.
Maybe she was off on another three-day jaunt to
Mississippi, or temporarily joining the circus. But it wasn’t
either of those, of course. It was something I couldn’t
imagine, that I would never imagine, because I couldn’t be
I wondered what stories she would come home with this
time. And I wondered if she would tell them to me, sitting
across from me at lunch. Maybe, I thought, this is what she
meant by I will miss hanging out with you. She knew she
was heading somewhere for another of her brief respites
from Orlando’s paperness. But when she came back, who
knew? She couldn’t spend the last weeks of school with the
friends she’d always had, so maybe she would spend them
with me after all.
She didn’t have to be gone long for the rumors to start. Ben
called me that night after dinner. “I hear she’s not answering
her phone. Someone on Facebook said she’d told them
she might move into a secret storage room in
Tomorrowland at Disney.”
“That’s idiotic,” I said.
“I know. I mean, Tomorrowland is by far the crappiest of
the Lands. Someone else said she met a guy online.”
“Ridiculous,” I said.
“Okay, fine, but what?”
“She’s somewhere by herself having the kind of fun we
can only imagine,” I said.
Ben giggled. “Are you saying that she’s playing with
I groaned. “Come on, Ben. I mean she’s just doing
Margo stuff. Making stories. Rocking worlds.”
That night, I lay on my side, staring out the window into the
invisible world outside. I kept trying to fall asleep, but then
my eyes would dart open, just to check. I couldn’t help but
hope that Margo Roth Spiegelman would return to my
window and drag my tired ass through one more night I’d
never forget.
Margo left often enough that there weren’t any Find
Margo rallies at school or anything, but we all felt her
absence. High school is neither a democracy nor a
dictatorship—nor, contrary to popular belief, an anarchic
state. High school is a divine-right monarchy. And when the
queen goes on vacation, things change. Specifically, they
get worse. It was during Margo’s trip to Mississippi
sophomore year, for example, that Becca had unleashed
the Bloody Ben story to the world. And this was no different.
The little girl with her finger in the dam had run off. Flooding
was inevitable.
That morning, I was on time for once and got a ride with
Ben. We found everyone unusually quiet outside the band
room. “Dude,” our friend Frank said with great seriousness.
“Chuck Parson, Taddy Mac, and Clint Bauer took Clint’s
Tahoe and ran over twelve bikes belonging to freshmen
and sophomores.”
“That sucks,” I said, shaking my head.
Our friend Ashley added, “Also, yesterday somebody
posted our phone numbers in the boys’ bathroom with—
well, with dirty stuff.”
I shook my head again, and then joined the silence. We
couldn’t turn them in; we’d tried that plenty in middle school,
and it inevitably resulted in more punishment. Usually, we’d
just have to wait until someone like Margo reminded
everyone what immature jackasses they all were.
But Margo had given me a way of starting a
counteroffensive. And I was just about to say something
when, in my peripheral vision, I saw a large individual
running toward us at a full sprint. He wore a black ski mask
and carried a large, complex green water cannon. As he
ran past he tagged me on the shoulder and I lost my
footing, landing against the cracked concrete on my left
side. As he reached the door, he turned back and shouted
toward me, “You screw with us and you’re gonna get
smackdown.” The voice was not familiar to me.
Ben and another of our friends picked me up. My
shoulder hurt, but I didn’t want to rub it. “You okay?” asked
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I rubbed the shoulder now.
Radar shook his head. “Someone needs to tell him that
while it is possible to get smacked down, and it is also
possible to get a smackdown, it is not possible to get
‘smackdown.’” I laughed. Someone nodded toward the
parking lot, and I looked up to see two little freshmen guys
walking toward us, their T-shirts hanging wet and limp from
their narrow frames.
“It was pee!” one of them shouted at us. The other one
didn’t say anything; he just held his hands far away from his
T-shirt, which only sort of worked. I could see rivulets of
liquid snaking from his sleeve down his arm.
“Was it animal pee or human pee?” someone asked.
“How would I know! What, am I an expert in the study of
I walked over to the kid. I put my hand on the top of his
head, the only place that seemed totally dry. “We’ll fix this,” I
said. The second bell rang, and Radar and I raced to calc.
As I slid into my desk I dinged my arm, and the pain
radiated into my shoulder. Radar tapped his notebook,
where he’d circled a note: Shoulder okay?
I wrote on the corner of my notebook: Compared to
those freshmen, I spent the morning in a field of rainbows
frolicking with puppies.
Radar laughed enough for Mr. Jiminez to shoot him a
look. I wrote, I have a plan, but we have to figure out who it
was. Radar wrote back, Jasper Hanson, and circled it
several times. That was a surprise.
How do you know?
Radar wrote, You didn’t notice? Dumbass was wearing
his own football jersey.
Jasper Hanson was a junior. I’d always thought him
harmless, and actually sort of nice—in that bumbling, dudehow’s-
it-going kind of way. Not the kind of guy you’d expect
to see shooting geysers of pee at freshmen. Honestly, in
the governmental bureaucracy of Winter Park High School,
Jasper Hanson was like Deputy Assistant Undersecretary
of Athletics and Malfeasance. When a guy like that gets
promoted to Executive Vice President of Urine Gunning,
immediate action must be taken.
So when I got home that afternoon, I created an email
account and wrote my old friend Jason Worthington.
Subject: You, Me, Becca Arrington’s House, Your
Penis, Etc.
Dear Mr. Worthington,
1. $200 in cash should be provided to each of the 12
people whose bikes your colleagues destroyed via
Chevy Tahoe. This shouldn’t be a problem, given your
magnificent wealth.
2. This graffiti situation in the boys’ bathroom has to
3. Water guns? With pee? Really? Grow up.
4. You should treat your fellow students with respect,
particularly those less socially fortunate than you.
5. You should probably instruct members of your clan
to behave in similarly considerate ways.
I realize that it will be very difficult to accomplish
some of these tasks. But then again, it will also be
very difficult not to share the attached photograph
with the world.
Yours truly,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Nemesis
The reply came twelve minutes later.
Look, Quentin, and yeah, I know it’s you. You know it
wasn’t me who squirt-peed those freshmen. I’m sorry,
but it’s not like I control the actions of other people.
My answer:
Mr. Worthington,
I understand that you do not control Chuck and
But you see, I am in a similar situation. I do not control
the little devil sitting on my left shoulder. The devil is
IT.” And then on my right shoulder, there is a little tiny
white angel. And the angel is saying, “Man, I sure as
shit hope all those freshmen get their money bright
and early on Monday morning.”
So do I, little angel. So do I.
Best wishes,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Nemesis
He did not reply, and he didn’t need to. Everything had
been said.
Ben came over after dinner and we played Resurrection,
pausing every half hour or so to call Radar, who was on a
date with Angela. We left him eleven messages, each more
annoying and salacious than the last. It was after nine
o’clock when the doorbell rang. “Quentin!” my mom
shouted. Ben and I figured it was Radar, so we paused the
game and walked out into the living room. Chuck Parson
and Jason Worthington were standing in my doorway. I
walked over to them, and Jason said, “Hey, Quentin,” and I
nodded my head. Jason glanced over at Chuck, who
looked at me and mumbled, “Sorry, Quentin.”
“For what?” I asked.
“For telling Jasper to piss-gun those freshmen,” he
mumbled. He paused, and then said, “And the bikes.”
Ben opened his arms, as if to hug. “C’mere, bro,” he
“C’mere,” he said again. Chuck stepped forward.
“Closer,” Ben said. Chuck was standing fully in the entryway
now, maybe a foot from Ben. Out of nowhere, Ben
slammed a punch into Chuck’s gut. Chuck barely flinched,
but he immediately reared back to clobber Ben. Jase
grabbed his arm, though. “Chill, bro,” Jase said. “It’s not like
it hurt.” Jase reached out his hand, to shake. “I like your
guts, bro,” he said. “I mean, you’re an asshole. But still.” I
shook his hand.
They left then, getting into Jase’s Lexus and backing
down the driveway. As soon as I closed the front door, Ben
let out a mighty groan. “Ahhhhhhhggg. Oh, sweet Lord
Jesus, my hand.” He attempted to make a fist and winced.
“I think Chuck Parson had a textbook strapped to his
“Those are called abs,” I told him.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve heard of those.” I clapped him on the
back and we headed back to the bedroom to play
Resurrection. We’d just unpaused it when Ben said, “By the
way, did you notice that Jase says ‘bro’? I’ve totally brought
b r o back. Just with the sheer force of my own
“Yeah, you’re spending Friday night gaming and nursing
the hand you broke while trying to sucker punch somebody.
No wonder Jase Worthington has chosen to hitch his star to
your wagon.”
“At least I’m good at Resurrection,” he said, whereupon
he shot me in the back even though we were playing in
team mode.
We played for a while longer, until Ben just curled onto
the floor, holding the controller up to his chest, and went to
sleep. I was tired, too—it had been a long day. I figured
Margo would be back by Monday anyway, but even so, I felt
a little pride at having been the person who stemmed the
tide of lame.

Every morning, I now looked up through my bedroom
window to check whether there was any sign of life in
Margo’s room. She always kept her rattan shades closed,
but since she’d left, her mom or somebody had pulled them
up, so I could see a little snippet of blue wall and white
ceiling. On that Saturday morning, with her only forty-eight
hours gone, I figured she wouldn’t be home yet, but even
so, I felt a flicker of disappointment when I saw the shade
still pulled up.
I brushed my teeth and then, after briefly kicking at Ben
in an attempt to wake him, walked out in shorts and a Tshirt.
Five people were seated at the dining room table. My
mom and dad. Margo’s mom and dad. And a tall, stout
African-American man with oversize glasses wearing a
gray suit, holding a manila folder.
“Uh, hi,” I said.
“Quentin,” my mom asked, “did you see Margo on
Wednesday night?”
I walked into the dining room and leaned against the
wall, standing opposite the stranger. I’d thought of my
answer to this question already. “Yeah,” I said. “She
showed up at my window at like midnight and we talked for
a minute and then Mr. Spiegelman caught her and she went
back to her house.”
“And was that—? Did you see her after that?” Mr.
Spiegelman asked. He seemed quite calm.
“No, why?” I asked.
Margo’s mom answered, her voice shrill. “Well,” she
said, “it seems that Margo has run away. Again.” She
sighed. “This would be—what is it, Josh, the fourth time?”
“Oh, I’ve lost count,” her dad answered, annoyed.
The African-American man spoke up then. “Fifth time
you’ve filed a report.” The man nodded at me and said,
“Detective Otis Warren.”
“Quentin Jacobsen,” I said.
Mom stood up and put her hands on Mrs. Spiegelman’s
shoulders. “Debbie,” she said, “I’m so sorry. It’s a very
frustrating situation.” I knew this trick. It was a psychology
trick called empathic listening. You say what the person is
feeling so they feel understood. Mom does it to me all the
“I’m not frustrated,” Mrs. Spiegelman answered. “I’m
“That’s right,” Mr. Spiegelman said. “We’ve got a
locksmith coming this afternoon. We’re changing the locks.
She’s eighteen. I mean, the detective has just said there’s
nothing we can do—”
“Well,” Detective Warren interrupted, “I didn’t quite say
that. I said that she’s not a missing minor, and so she has
the right to leave home.”
Mr. Spiegelman continued talking to my mom. “We’re
happy to pay for her to go to college, but we can’t support
this . . . this silliness. Connie, she’s eighteen! And still so
self-centered! She needs to see some consequences.”
My mom removed her hands from Mrs. Spiegelman. “I
would argue she needs to see loving consequences,” my
mom said.
“Well, she’s not your daughter, Connie. She hasn’t
walked all over you like a doormat for a decade. We’ve got
another child to think about.”
“And ourselves,” Mr. Spiegelman added. He looked up
at me then. “Quentin, I’m sorry if she tried to drag you into
her little game. You can imagine how . . . just how
embarrassing this is for us. You’re such a good boy, and
she . . . well.”
I pushed myself off the wall and stood up straight. I knew
Margo’s parents a little, but I’d never seen them act so
bitchy. No wonder she was annoyed with them Wednesday
night. I glanced over at the detective. He was flipping
through pages in the folder. “She’s been known to leave a
bit of a bread crumb trail; is that right?”
“Clues,” Mr. Spiegelman said, standing up now. The
detective had placed the folder on the table, and Margo’s
dad leaned forward to look at it with him. “Clues
everywhere. The day she ran away to Mississippi, she ate
alphabet soup and left exactly four letters in her soup bowl:
An M, an I, an S, and a P. She was disappointed when we
didn’t piece it together, although as I told her when she
finally returned: ‘How can we find you when all we know is
Mississippi? It’s a big state, Margo!’”
The detective cleared his throat. “And she left Minnie
Mouse on her bed when she spent a night inside Disney
“Yes,” her mom said. “The clues. The stupid clues. But
you can never follow them anywhere, trust me.”
The detective looked up from his notebook. “We’ll get
the word out, of course, but she can’t be compelled to
come home; you shouldn’t necessarily expect her back
under your roof in the near future.”
“I don’t want her under our roof.” Mrs. Spiegelman raised
a tissue to her eyes, although I heard no crying in her voice.
“I know that’s terrible, but it’s true.”
“Deb,” my mom said in her therapist voice.
Mrs. Spiegelman just shook her head—the smallest
shake. “What can we do? We told the detective. We filed a
report. She’s an adult, Connie.”
“She’s your adult,” my mom said, still calm.
“Oh, come on, Connie. Look, is it sick that it’s a blessing
to have her out of the house? Of course it’s sick. But she
was a sickness in this family! How do you look for someone
who announces she won’t be found, who always leaves
clues that lead nowhere, who runs away constantly? You
My mom and dad shared a glance, and then the
detective spoke to me. “Son, I’m wondering if we can chat
privately?” I nodded. We ended up in my parents’ bedroom,
he in an easy chair and me sitting on the corner of their
“Kid,” he said once he’d settled into the chair, “let me
give you some advice: never work for the government.
Because when you work for the government, you work for
the people. And when you work for the people, you have to
interact with the people, even the Spiegelmans.” I laughed
a little.
“Let me be frank with you, kid. Those people know how
to parent like I know how to diet. I’ve worked with them
before, and I don’t like them. I don’t care if you tell her
parents where she is, but I’d appreciate it if you told me.”
“I don’t know,” I said. “I really don’t.”
“Kid, I’ve been thinking about this girl. This stuff she
does— she breaks into Disney World, for instance, right?
She goes to Mississippi and leaves alphabet soup clues.
She organizes a huge campaign to toilet paper houses.”
“How do you know about that?” Two years before,
Margo had led the TP-ing of two hundred houses in a single
night. Needless to say, I wasn’t invited on that adventure.
“I worked this case before. So, kid, here’s where I need
your help: who plans this stuff? These crazy schemes?
She’s the mouthpiece for it all, the one crazy enough to do
everything. But who plans it? Who’s sitting around with
notebooks full of diagrams figuring out how much toilet
paper you need to toilet paper a ton of houses?”
“It’s all her, I assume.”
“But she might have a partner, somebody helpin’ her do
all these big and brilliant things, and maybe the person
who’s in on her secret isn’t the obvious person, isn’t her
best friend or her boyfriend. Maybe it’s somebody you
wouldn’t think of right off,” he said. He took a breath and
was about to say something more when I cut him off.
“I don’t know where she is,” I said. “I swear to God.”
“Just checking, kid. Anyway, you know something, don’t
you? So let’s start there.” I told him everything. I trusted the
guy. He took a few notes while I talked, but nothing very
detailed. And something about telling him, and his
scribbling in the notebook, and her parents being so lame
—something about all of it made the possibility of her being
lastingly missing well up in me for the first time. I felt the
worry start to snatch at my breath when I finished talking.
The detective didn’t say anything for a while. He just leaned
forward in the chair and stared past me until he’d seen
whatever he was waiting to see, and then he started talking.
“Listen, kid. This is what happens: somebody—girl
usually— got a free spirit, doesn’t get on too good with her
parents. These kids, they’re like tied-down helium balloons.
They strain against the string and strain against it, and then
something happens, and that string gets cut, and they just
float away. And maybe you never see the balloon again. It
lands in Canada or somethin’, gets work at a restaurant,
and before the balloon even notices, it’s been pouring
coffee in that same diner to the same sad bastards for thirty
years. Or maybe three or four years from now, or three or
four days from now, the prevailing winds take the balloon
back home, because it needs money, or it sobered up, or it
misses its kid brother. But listen, kid, that string gets cut all
the time.”
“Yeah, bu—”
“I’m not finished, kid. The thing about these balloons is
that there are so goddamned many of them. The sky is
choked full of them, rubbing up against one another as they
float to here or from there, and every one of those damned
balloons ends up on my desk one way or another, and after
a while a man can get discouraged. Everywhere the
balloons, and each of them with a mother or a father, or
God forbid both, and after a while, you can’t even see ’em
individually. You look up at all the balloons in the sky and
you can see all of the balloons, but you cannot see any one
balloon.” He paused then, and inhaled sharply, as if he was
realizing something. “But then every now and again you talk
to some big-eyed kid with too much hair for his head and
you want to lie to him because he seems like a good kid.
And you feel bad for this kid, because the only thing worse
than the skyful of balloons you see is what he sees: a clear
blue day interrupted by just the one balloon. But once that
string gets cut, kid, you can’t uncut it. Do you get what I’m
I nodded, although I wasn’t sure I did understand. He
stood up. “I do think she’ll be back soon, kid. If that helps.”
I liked the image of Margo as a balloon, but I figured that
in his urge for the poetic, the detective had seen more
worry in me than the pang I’d actually felt. I knew she’d be
back. She’d deflate and float back to Jefferson Park. She
always had.
I followed the detective back to the dining room, and then
he said he wanted to go back over to the Spiegelmans’
house and pick through her room a little. Mrs. Spiegelman
gave me a hug and said, “You’ve always been such a good
boy; I’m sorry she ever got you caught up in this
ridiculousness.” Mr. Spiegelman shook my hand, and they
left. As soon as the door closed, my dad said, “Wow.”
“Wow,” agreed Mom.
My dad put his arm around me. “Those are some very
troubling dynamics, eh, bud?”
“They’re kind of assholes,” I said. My parents always
liked it when I cursed in front of them. I could see the
pleasure of it in their faces. It signified that I trusted them,
that I was myself in front of them. But even so, they seemed
“Margo’s parents suffer a severe narcissistic injury
whenever she acts out,” Dad said to me.
“It prevents them from parenting effectively,” my mom
“They’re assholes,” I repeated.
“Honestly,” my dad said, “they’re probably right. She
probably is in need of attention. And God knows, I would
need attention, too, if I had those two for parents.”
“When she comes back,” my mom said, “she’s going to
be devastated. To be abandoned like that! Shut out when
you most need to be loved.”
“Maybe she could live here when she comes back,” I
said, and in saying it I realized what a fantastically great
idea it was. My mom’s eyes lit up, too, but then she saw
something in my dad’s expression and answered me in her
usual measured way.
“Well, she’d certainly be welcome, although that would
come with its own challenges—being next door to the
Spiegelmans. But when she returns to school, please do
tell her that she’s welcome here, and that if she doesn’t
want to stay with us, there are many resources available to
her that we’re happy to discuss.”
Ben came out then, his bedhead seeming to challenge
our basic understanding of the force gravity exerts upon
matter. “Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen—always a pleasure.”
“Good morning, Ben. I wasn’t aware you were staying
the night.”
“Neither was I, actually,” he said. “What’s wrong?”
I told Ben about the detective and the Spiegelmans and
Margo being technically a missing adult. And when I had
finished, he nodded and said, “We should probably discuss
this over a piping hot plate of Resurrection.” I smiled and
followed him back to my room. Radar came over shortly
thereafter, and as soon as he arrived, I was kicked off the
team, because we were facing a difficult mission and
despite being the only one of us who actually owned the
game, I wasn’t very good at Resurrection. As I watched
them tramp through a ghoul-infested space station, Ben
said, “Goblin, Radar, goblin.”
“I see him.”
“Come here, you little bastard,” Ben said, the controller
twisting in his hand. “Daddy’s gonna put you on a sailboat
across the River Styx.”
“Did you just use Greek mythology to talk trash?” I
Radar laughed. Ben started pummeling buttons,
shouting, “Eat it, goblin! Eat it like Zeus ate Metis!”
“I would think that she’d be back by Monday,” I said. “You
don’t want to miss too much school, even if you’re Margo
Roth Spiegelman. Maybe she can stay here till graduation.”
Radar answered me in the disjointed way of someone
playing Resurrection. “I don’t even get why she left, was it
just imp six o’clock no dude use the ray gun like because
of lost love? I would have figured her to be where is the
crypt is it to the left immune to that kind of stuff.”
“No,” I said. “It wasn’t that, I don’t think. Not just that,
anyway. She kind of hates Orlando; she called it a paper
town. Like, you know, everything so fake and flimsy. I think
she just wanted a vacation from that.”
I happened to glance out my window, and I saw
immediately that someone—the detective, I guessed—had
lowered the shade in Margo’s room. But I wasn’t seeing the
shade. Instead, I was seeing a black-and-white poster,
taped to the back of the shade. In the photograph, a man
stands, his shoulders slightly slumped, staring ahead. A
cigarette dangles out of his mouth. A guitar is slung over his
shoulder, and the guitar is painted with the words THIS
“There’s something in Margo’s window.” The game
music stopped, and Radar and Ben knelt down on either
side of me. “That’s new?” asked Radar.
“I’ve seen the back of that shade a million times,” I
answered, “but I’ve never seen that poster before.”
“Weird,” Ben said.
“Margo’s parents just said this morning that she
sometimes leaves clues,” I said. “But never anything, like,
concrete enough to find her before she comes home.”
Radar already had his handheld out; he was searching
Omnictionary for the phrase. “The picture’s of Woody
Guthrie,” he said. “A folksinger, 1912 to 1967. Sang about
the working class. ‘This Land Is Your Land.’ Bit of a
Communist. Um, inspired Bob Dylan.” Radar played a
snippet of one of his songs—a high-pitched scratchy voice
sang about unions.
“I’ll email the guy who wrote most of this page and see if
there are any obvious connections between Woody Guthrie
and Margo,” Radar said.
“I can’t imagine she likes his songs,” I said.
“Seriously,” Ben said. “This guy sounds like an alcoholic
Kermit the Frog with throat cancer.”
Radar opened the window and stuck his head out,
swiveling it around. “It sure seems she left this for you,
though, Q. I mean, does she know anyone else who could
see this window?” I shook my head no.
After a moment, Ben added, “The way he’s staring at us
—it’s like, ‘pay attention to me.’ And his head like that, you
know? It’s not like he’s standing on a stage; it’s like he’s
standing in a doorway or something.”
“I think he wants us to come inside,” I said.
We didn’t have a view of the front door or the garage from
my bedroom: for that, we needed to sit in the family room.
So while Ben continued playing Resurrection, Radar and I
went out to the family room and pretended to watch TV
while keeping watch on the Spiegelmans’ front door
through a picture window, waiting for Margo’s mom and
dad to leave. Detective Warren’s black Crown Victoria was
still in the driveway.
He left after about fifteen minutes, but neither the garage
door nor the front door opened again for an hour. Radar
and I were watching some half-funny stoner comedy on
HBO, and I had started to get into the story when Radar
said, “Garage door.” I jumped off the couch and got close to
the window so that I could see clearly who was in the car.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Spiegelman. Ruthie was still at home.
“Ben!” I shouted. He was out in a flash, and as the
Spiegelmans turned off Jefferson Way and onto Jefferson
Road, we raced outside into the muggy morning.
We walked through the Spiegelmans’ lawn to their front
door. I rang the doorbell and heard Myrna Mountweazel’s
paws scurrying on the hardwood floors, and then she was
barking like crazy, staring at us through the sidelight glass.
barking like crazy, staring at us through the sidelight glass.
Ruthie opened the door. She was a sweet girl, maybe
“Hey, Ruthie.”
“Hi, Quentin,” she said.
“Hey, are your parents here?”
“They just left,” she said, “to go to Target.” She had
Margo’s big eyes, but hers were hazel. She looked up at
me, her lips pursed with worry. “Did you meet the
“Yeah,” I said. “He seemed nice.”
“Mom says that it’s like if Margo went to college early.”
“Yeah,” I said, thinking that the easiest way to solve a
mystery is to decide that there is no mystery to solve. But it
seemed clear to me now that she had left the clues to a
mystery behind.
“Listen, Ruthie, we need to look in Margo’s room,” I said.
“But the thing is—it’s like when Margo would ask you to do
top-secret stuff. We’re in the same situation here.”
“Margo doesn’t like people in her room,” Ruthie said.
“’Cept me. And sometimes Mommy.”
“But we’re her friends.”
“She doesn’t like her friends in her room,” Ruthie said.
I leaned down toward her. “Ruthie, please.”
“And you don’t want me to tell Mommy and Dad,” she
“Five dollars,” she said. I was about to bargain with her,
but then Radar produced a five-dollar bill and handed it to
her. “If I see the car in the driveway, I’ll let you know,” she
her. “If I see the car in the driveway, I’ll let you know,” she
said conspiratorially.
I knelt down to give the aging-but-always-enthusiastic
Myrna Mountweazel a good petting, and then we raced
upstairs to Margo’s room. As I put my hand on the
doorknob, it occurred to me that I had not seen Margo’s
entire room since I was about ten years old.
I walked in. Much neater than you’d expect Margo to be,
but maybe her mom had just picked everything up. To my
right, a closet packed-to-bursting with clothes. On the back
of the door, a shoe rack with a couple dozen pairs of
shoes, from Mary Janes to prom heels. It didn’t seem like
much could be missing from that closet.
“I’m on the computer,” Radar said. Ben was fiddling with
the shade. “The poster is taped on,” he said. “Just Scotch
tape. Nothing strong.”
The great surprise was on the wall next to the computer
desk: bookcases as tall as me and twice as long, filled with
vinyl records. Hundreds of them. “John Coltrane’s A Love
Supreme is in the record player,” Ben said.
“God, that is a brilliant album,” Radar said without
looking away from the computer. “Girl’s got taste.” I looked
at Ben, confused, and then Ben said, “He was a sax
player.” I nodded.
Still typing, Radar said, “I can’t believe Q has never
heard of Coltrane. Trane’s playing is literally the most
convincing proof of God’s existence I’ve ever come
I began to look through the records. They were
organized alphabetically by artist, so I scanned through,
organized alphabetically by artist, so I scanned through,
looking for the G’s. Dizzy Gillespie, Jimmie Dale Gilmore,
Green Day, Guided by Voices, George Harrison. “She has,
like, every musician in the world except Woody Guthrie,” I
said. And then I went back and started from the A’s.
“All her schoolbooks are still here,” I heard Ben say.
“Plus some other books by her bedside table. No journal.”
But I was distracted by Margo’s music collection. She
liked everything. I could never have imagined her listening
to all these old records. I’d seen her listening to music while
running, but I’d never suspected this kind of obsession. I’d
never heard of most of the bands, and I was surprised to
learn that vinyl records were even being produced for the
newer ones.
I kept going through the A’s and then the B’s—making
my way through the Beatles and the Blind Boys of Alabama
and Blondie—and I started to rifle through them more
quickly, so quickly that I didn’t even see the back cover of
Billy Bragg’s Mermaid Avenue until I was looking at the
Buzzcocks. I stopped, went back, and pulled out the Billy
Bragg record. The front was a photograph of urban row
houses. But on the back, Woody Guthrie was staring at me,
a cigarette hanging out of his lips, holding a guitar that said
“Hey,” I said. Ben looked over.
“Holy shitstickers,” he said. “Nice find.” Radar spun
around the chair and said, “Impressive. Wonder what’s
Unfortunately, only a record was inside. The record
looked exactly like a record. I put it on Margo’s record
player and eventually figured out how to turn it on and put
down the needle. It was some guy singing Woody Guthrie
songs. He sang better than Woody Guthrie.
“What is it, just a crazy coincidence?”
Ben was holding the album cover. “Look,” he said. He
was pointing at the song list. In thin black pen, the song title
“Walt Whitman’s Niece” had been circled.
“Interesting,” I said. Margo’s mom had said that Margo’s
clues never led anywhere, but I knew now that Margo had
created a chain of clues—and she had seemingly made
them for me. I immediately thought of her in the SunTrust
Building, telling me I was better when I showed confidence.
I turned the record over and played it. “Walt Whitman’s
Niece” was the first song on side two. Not bad, actually.
I saw Ruthie in the doorway then. She looked at me. “Got
any clues for us, Ruthie?” She shook her head. “I already
looked,” she said glumly. Radar looked at me and gestured
his head toward Ruthie.
“Can you please keep watch for your mom for us?” I
asked. She nodded and left. I closed the door.
“What’s up?” I asked Radar. He motioned us over to the
computer. “In the week before she left, Margo was on
Omnictionary a bunch. I can tell from minutes logged by her
username, which she stored in her passwords. But she
erased her browsing history, so I can’t tell what she was
looking at.”
“Hey, Radar, look up who Walt Whitman was,” Ben said.
“He was a poet,” I answered. “Nineteenth century.”
“Great,” Ben said, rolling his eyes. “Poetry.”
“What’s wrong with that?” I asked.
“Poetry is just so emo,” he said. “Oh, the pain. The pain.
It always rains. In my soul.”
“Yeah, I believe that’s Shakespeare,” I said dismissively.
“Did Whitman have any nieces?” I asked Radar. He was
already on Whitman’s Omnictionary page. A burly guy with
this huge beard. I’d never read him, but he looked like a
good poet.
“Uh, no one famous. Says he had a couple brothers, but
no mention of whether they had kids. I can probably find out
if you want.” I shook my head. That didn’t seem right. I went
back to looking around the room. The bottom shelf of her
record collection included some books—middle school
yearbooks, a beat-up copy of The Outsiders—and some
back issues of teen magazines. Nothing relating to Walt
Whitman’s niece, certainly.
I looked through the books by her bedside table. Nothing
of interest. “It would make sense if she had a book of his
poetry,” I said. “But she doesn’t seem to.”
“She does!” Ben said excitedly. I went over to where he
had knelt by the bookshelves, and saw it now. I’d looked
right past the slim volume on the bottom shelf, wedged
between two yearbooks. Walt Whitman. Leaves of Grass. I
pulled out the book. There was a photograph of Whitman
on the cover, his light eyes staring back at me.
“Not bad,” I told Ben.
He nodded. “Yeah, now can we get out of here? Call me
old-fashioned, but I’d rather not be here when Margo’s
parents get back.”
“Is there anything we’re missing?”
Radar stood up. “It really seems like she’s drawing a
pretty straight line; there’s gotta be something in that book.
It’s weird, though—I mean, no offense, but if she always left
clues for her parents, why would she leave them for you this
I shrugged my shoulders. I didn’t know the answer, but of
course I had my hopes: maybe Margo needed to see my
confidence. Maybe this time she wanted to be found, and to
be found by me. Maybe—just as she had chosen me on the
longest night, she had chosen me again. And maybe untold
riches awaited he who found her.
Ben and Radar left soon after we got back to my house,
after they’d each looked through the book and not found
any obvious clues. I grabbed some cold lasagna from the
fridge for lunch and went to my room with Walt. It was the
Penguin Classics version of the first edition of Leaves of
Grass. I read a little from the introduction and then paged
through the book. There were several quotes highlighted in
blue, all from the epically long poem known as “Song of
Myself.” And there were two lines from the poem that were
highlighted in green:
Unscrew the locks from the doors!
Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs!
I spent most of my afternoon trying to make sense of that
quote, thinking maybe it was Margo’s way of telling me to
become more of a badass or something. But I also read
and reread everything highlighted in blue:
You shall no longer take things at second or third
hand . . . .
nor look through the eyes of the dead . . . . nor
feed on
the spectres in books.
I tramp a perpetual journey
All goes onward and outward . . . . and nothing
And to die is different from what any one
supposed, and
If no other in the world be aware I sit content,
And if each and all be aware I sit content.
The final three stanzas of “Song of Myself” were also
I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I
If you want me again look for me under your
You will hardly know who I am or what I mean,
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.
Failing to fetch me at first keep encouraged,
Missing me one place search another,
I stop some where waiting for you
It became a weekend of reading, of trying to see her in
the fragments of the poem she’d left for me. I could never
get anywhere with the lines, but I kept thinking about them
anyway, because I didn’t want to disappoint her. She
wanted me to play out the string, to find the place where
she had stopped and was waiting for me, to follow the
bread crumb trail until it dead-ended into her.
Monday morning, an extraordinary event occurred. I was
late, which was normal; and then my mom dropped me off
at school, which was normal; and then I stood outside
talking with everyone for a while, which was normal; and
then Ben and I headed inside, which was normal. But as
soon as we swung open the steel door, Ben’s face became
a mix of excitement and panic, like he’d just been picked
out of a crowd by a magician for the get-sawn-in-half trick. I
followed his gaze down the hall.
Denim miniskirt. Tight white T-shirt. Scooped neck.
Extraordinarily olive skin. Legs that make you care about
legs. Perfectly coiffed curly brown hair. A laminated button
reading ME FOR PROM QUEEN. Lacey Pemberton.
Walking toward us. By the band room.
“Lacey Pemberton,” Ben whispered, even though she
was about three steps from us and could clearly hear him,
and in fact flashed a faux-bashful smile upon hearing her
“Quentin,” she said to me, and more than anything else, I
found it impossible that she knew my name. She motioned
with her head, and I followed her past the band room, over
to a bank of lockers. Ben kept pace with me.
“Hi, Lacey,” I said once she stopped walking. I could
smell her perfume, and I remembered the smell of it in her
SUV, remembered the crunch of the catfish as Margo and I
slammed her seat down.
“I hear you were with Margo.”
I just looked at her.
“That night, with the fish? In my car? And in Becca’s
closet? And through Jase’s window?”
I kept looking. I wasn’t sure what to say. A man can live a
long and adventurous life without ever being spoken to by
Lacey Pemberton, and when that rare opportunity does
arise, one does not wish to misspeak. So Ben spoke for
me. “Yeah, they hung out,” Ben said, as if Margo and I were
“Was she mad at me?” Lacey asked after a moment.
She was looking down; I could see her brown eye shadow.
She spoke quietly then, the tiniest crack in her voice,
and all at once Lacey Pemberton was not Lacey
Pemberton. She was just—like, a person. “Was she, you
know, pissed at me about something?”
I thought about how to answer that for a while. “Uh, she
was a little disappointed that you didn’t tell her about Jase
and Becca, but you know Margo. She’ll get over it.”
Lacey started walking down the hall. Ben and I let her go,
but then she slowed down. She wanted us to walk with her.
Ben nudged me, and then we started walking together. “I
didn’t even know about Jase and Becca. That’s the thing.
God, I hope I can explain that to her soon. For a while, I was
really worried that maybe she had like really left, but then I
went into her locker ’cause I know her combination and she
still has all her pictures up and everything, and all her books
are stacked there.”
“That’s good,” I said.
“Yeah, but it’s been like four days. That’s almost a
record for her. And you know, this has really sucked,
because Craig knew, and I was so pissed at him for not
telling me that I broke up with him, and now I’m out a prom
date, and my best friend is off wherever, in New York or
whatever, thinking I did something I would NEVER do.” I
shot a look to Ben. Ben shot a look back to me.
“I have to run to class,” I said. “But why do you say she’s
in New York?”
“I guess she told Jase like two days before she left that
New York was the only place in America where a person
could actually live a halfway livable life. Maybe she was just
saying it. I don’t know.”
“Okay, I gotta run,” I said.
I knew Ben would never convince Lacey to go to prom
with him, but I figured he at least deserved the opportunity. I
jogged through the halls toward my locker, rubbing Radar’s
head as I ran past him. He was talking to Angela and a
freshman girl in band. “Don’t thank me. Thank Q,” I heard
him say to the freshman, and she called out, “Thank you for
my two hundred dollars!” Without looking back I shouted,
“Don’t thank me, thank Margo Roth Spiegelman!” because
of course she’d given me the tools I needed.
I made it to my locker and grabbed my calc notebook,
but then I just stayed, even after the second bell rang,
standing still in the middle of the hallway while people
rushed past me in both directions, like I was the median in
their freeway. Another kid thanked me for his two hundred
dollars. I smiled at him. The school felt more mine than in all
my four years there. We’d gotten a measure of justice for
the bikeless band geeks. Lacey Pemberton had spoken to
me. Chuck Parson had apologized.
I knew these halls so well—and finally it was starting to
feel like they knew me, too. I stood there as the third bell
rang and the crowds dwindled. Only then did I walk to calc,
sitting down just after Mr. Jiminez had started another
interminable lecture.
I’d brought Margo’s copy of Leaves of Grass to school,
and I started reading the highlighted parts of “Song of
Myself” again, under the desk while Mr. Jiminez scratched
away at the blackboard. There were no direct references to
New York that I could see. I handed it to Radar after a few
minutes, and he looked at it for a while before writing on the
corner of his notebook closest to me, The green
highlighting must mean something. Maybe she wants you
to open the door of your mind? I shrugged, and wrote
back, Or maybe she just read the poem on two different
days with two different highlighters.
A few minutes later, as I glanced toward the clock for
only the thirty-seventh time, I saw Ben Starling standing
outside the classroom door, a hall pass in his hand,
dancing a spastic jig.
When the bell rang for lunch, I raced to my locker, but
somehow Ben had beaten me there, and somehow he was
talking to Lacey Pemberton. He was crowding her,
slumping slightly so he could talk toward her face. Talking
to Ben could make me feel a little claustrophobic
sometimes, and I wasn’t even a hot girl.
“Hey, guys,” I said when I got up to them.
“Hey,” Lacey answered, taking an obvious step back
from Ben. “Ben was just bringing me up-to-date on Margo.
No one ever went into her room, you know. She said her
parents didn’t allow her to have friends over.”
“Really?” Lacey nodded. “Did you know that Margo
owns, like, a thousand records?”
Lacey threw up her hands. “No, that’s what Ben was
saying! Margo never talked about music. I mean, she would
say she liked something on the radio or whatever. But—no.
She’s so weird.”
I shrugged. Maybe she was weird, or maybe the rest of
us were weird. Lacey kept talking. “But we were just saying
that Walt Whitman was from New York.”
“And according to Omnictionary, Woody Guthrie lived
there for a long time, too,” Ben said.
I nodded. “I can totally see her in New York. I think we
have to figure out the next clue, though. It can’t end with the
book. There must be some code in the highlighted lines or
“Yeah, can I look at it during lunch?”
“Yeah,” I said. “Or I can make you a copy in the library if
you want.”
“Nah, I can just read it. I mean, I don’t know crap about
poetry. Oh, but anyway, I have a cousin in college there, at
NYU, and I sent her a flyer she could print. So I’m going to
tell her to put them up in record stores. I mean, I know there
are a lot of record stores, but still.”
“Good idea,” I said. They started to walk to the cafeteria,
and I followed them.
“Hey,” Ben asked Lacey, “what color is your dress?”
“Um, it’s kind of sapphire, why?”
“Just want to make sure my tux matches,” Ben said. I’d
never seen Ben’s smile so giddy-ridiculous, and that’s
saying something, because he was a fairly giddy-ridiculous
Lacey nodded. “Well, but we don’t want to be too
matchy-matchy. Maybe if you go traditional: black tux and a
black vest?”
“No cummerbund, you don’t think?”
“Well, they’re okay, but you don’t want to get one with
really fat pleats, you know?”
They kept talking—apparently, the ideal level of pleatfatness
is a conversational topic to which hours can be
devoted—but I stopped listening as I waited in the Pizza
Hut line. Ben had found his prom date, and Lacey had
found a boy who would happily talk prom for hours. Now
everyone had a date—except me, and I wasn’t going. The
only girl I’d want to take was off tramping some kind of
perpetual journey or something.
When we sat down, Lacey started reading “Song of
Myself,” and she agreed that none of it sounded like
anything and certainly none of it sounded like Margo. We
still had no idea what, if anything, Margo was trying to say.
She gave the book back to me, and they started talking
about prom again.
All afternoon, I kept feeling like it wasn’t doing any good to
look at the highlighted quotes, but then I would get bored
and reach into my backpack and put the book on my lap
and go back to it. I had English at the end of the day,
seventh period, and we were just starting to read Moby
Dick, so Dr. Holden was talking quite a lot about fishing in
the nineteenth century. I kept Moby Dick on the desk and
Whitman in my lap, but even being in English class couldn’t
help. For once, I went a few minutes without looking at the
clock, so I was surprised by the bell ringing, and took longer
than everyone else to get my backpack packed. As I slung
it over one shoulder and started to leave, Dr. Holden smiled
at me and said, “Walt Whitman, huh?”
I nodded sheepishly.
“Good stuff,” she said. “So good that I’m almost okay
with you reading it in class. But not quite.” I mumbled sorry
and then walked out to the senior parking lot.
While Ben and Radar banded, I sat in RHAPAW with the
doors open, a slow husky breeze blowing through. I read
from The Federalist Papers to prepare for a quiz I had the
next day in government, but my mind kept returning to its
continuous loop: Guthrie and Whitman and New York and
Margo. Had she gone to New York to immerse herself in
folk music? Was there some secret folk music-loving
Margo I’d never known? Was she maybe staying in an
apartment where one of them had once lived? And why did
she want to tell me about it?
I saw Ben and Radar approaching in the sideview
mirror, Radar swinging his sax case as he walked quickly
toward RHAPAW. They hustled in through the already-open
door, and Ben turned the key and RHAPAW sputtered, and
then we hoped, and then she sputtered again, and then we
hoped some more, and finally she gurgled to life. Ben
raced out of the parking lot and turned off campus before
saying to me, “CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT!” He could
hardly contain his glee.
He started hitting the car’s horn, but of course the horn
didn’t work, so every time he hit it, he just yelled, “BEEP!
Ben could hardly shut up the whole way home. “You
know what did it? Aside from desperation? I guess she and
Becca Arrington are fighting because Becca’s, you know, a
cheater, and I think she started to feel bad about the whole
Bloody Ben thing. She didn’t say that, but she sort of acted
it. So in the end, Bloody Ben is going to get me some puhlay-
hey.” I was happy for him and everything, but I wanted to
focus on the game of getting to Margo.
“Do you guys have any ideas at all?”
It was quiet for a moment, and then Radar looked at me
through the rearview mirror and said, “That doors thing is
the only one marked different from the others, and it’s also
the most random; I really think that’s the one with the clue.
What is it again?”
“‘Unscrew the locks from the doors! / Unscrew the doors
themselves from their jambs!’” I replied.
“Admittedly, Jefferson Park is not really the best place to
unscrew the doors of closed-mindedness from their jambs,”
Radar allowed. “Maybe that’s what she’s saying. Like the
paper town thing she said about Orlando? Maybe she’s
saying that’s why she left.”
Ben slowed for a stoplight and then turned around to
look at Radar. “Bro,” he said, “I think you guys are giving
Margo Honey-bunny way too much credit.”
“How’s that?” I asked.
“Unscrew the locks from the doors,” he said. “Unscrew
the doors themselves from their jambs.”
“Yeah,” I said. The light turned green and Ben hit the gas.
RHAPAW shuddered like she might disintegrate but then
began to move.
“It’s not poetry. It’s not metaphor. It’s instructions. We
are supposed to go to Margo’s room and unscrew the lock
from the door and unscrew the door itself from its jamb.”
Radar looked at me in the rearview mirror, and I looked
back at him. “Sometimes,” Radar said to me, “he’s so
retarded that he becomes kind of brilliant.”
After parking in my driveway, we walked across the strip
of grass that separated Margo’s house from mine, just as
we had Saturday. Ruthie answered the door and said her
parents wouldn’t be home until six; Myrna Mountweazel ran
excited circles around us; we went upstairs. Ruthie brought
us a toolbox from the garage, and then we all stared at the
door leading to Margo’s bedroom for a while. We were not
handy people.
“What the hell are you supposed to do?” asked Ben.
“Don’t curse in front of Ruthie,” I said.
“Ruthie, do you mind if I say hell?”
“We don’t believe in hell,” she said, by way of answering.
Radar interrupted. “People,” he said. “People. The
door.” Radar dug out a Phillips-head screwdriver from the
mess of a toolbox and knelt down, unscrewing the locking
doorknob. I grabbed a bigger screwdriver and tried to
unscrew the hinges, but there didn’t seem to be any screws
involved. I looked at the door some more. Eventually, Ruthie
got bored and went downstairs to watch TV.
Radar got the doorknob loose, and we each, in turn,
peered inside at the unpainted, unfinished wood around the
knob. No message. No note. Nothing. Annoyed, I moved
onto the hinges, wondering how to open them. I swung the
door open and shut, trying to understand its mechanics.
“That poem is so damned long,” I said. “You’d think old Walt
could have taken a line or two to tell us how to unscrew the
door itself from its jamb.”
Only when he responded did I realize Radar was sitting
at Margo’s computer. “According to Omnictionary,” he said,
“we’re looking at a butt hinge. And you just use the
screwdriver as a lever to pop out the pin. Incidentally, some
vandal has added that butt hinges function well because
they are powered by farts. Oh, Omnictionary. Wilt thou ever
be accurate?”
Once Omnictionary had told us what to do, doing it
proved surprisingly easy. I got the pin off each of the three
hinges and then Ben pulled the door away. I examined the
hinges, and the unfinished wood of the doorway. Nothing.
“Nothing on the door,” Ben said. Ben and I placed the
door back in place, and Radar pounded in the pins with the
screwdriver’s handle.
Radar and I went over to Ben’s house, which was
architecturally identical to mine, to play a game called
Arctic Fury. We were playing this game-within-a-game
where you shoot each other with paintballs on a glacier.
You received extra points for shooting your opponents in
the balls. It was very sophisticated. “Bro, she’s definitely in
New York City,” Ben said. I saw the muzzle of his rifle
around a corner, but before I could move, he shot me
between the legs. “Shit,” I mumbled.
Radar said, “In the past, it seems like her clues have
pointed to a place. She tells Jase; she leaves us clues
involving two people who both lived in New York City most
of their lives. It does make sense.”
Ben said, “Dude, that’s what she wants.” Just as I was
creeping up on Ben, he paused the game. “She wants you
to go to New York. What if she arranged to make that the
only way to find her? To actually go?”
“What? It’s a city of like twelve million people.”
“She could have a mole here,” Radar said. “Who will tell
her if you go.”
“Lacey!” Ben said. “It’s totally Lacey. Yes! You gotta get
on a plane and go to New York City right now. And when
Lacey finds out, Margo will pick you up at the airport. Yes.
Bro, I am going to take you to your house, and you’re gonna
pack, and then I’m driving your ass to the airport, and you’re
gonna put a plane ticket on your emergencies-only credit
card, and then when Margo finds out what a badass you
are, the kind of badass Jase Worthington only dreams
about being, all three of us will be taking hotties to prom.”
I didn’t doubt there was a flight to New York City leaving
shortly. From Orlando, there’s a flight to everywhere leaving
shortly. But I doubted everything else. “If you call Lacey . . . ”
I said.
“She’s not going to confess!” Ben said. “Think of all the
misdirection they used—they probably only acted like they
were fighting so you wouldn’t suspect she was the mole.”
Radar said, “I don’t know, that doesn’t really add up.” He
kept talking, but I was only half listening. Staring at the
paused screen, I thought it over. If Margo and Lacey were
fake-fighting, did Lacey fake-break-up with her boyfriend?
Had she faked her concern? Lacey had been fielding
dozens of emails—none with real information—from the
flyers her cousin had put in record stores in New York. She
was no mole, and Ben’s plan was idiotic. Still, the mere
idea of a plan appealed to me. But there were only two and
a half weeks left of school, and I’d miss at least two days if I
went to New York—not to mention my parents would kill me
for putting a plane ticket on my credit card. The more I
thought about it, the dumber it was. Still, if I could see her
tomorrow. . . . But no. “I can’t miss school,” I finally said. I
unpaused the game.
“I have a French quiz tomorrow.”
“You know,” Ben said, “your romanticism is a real
I played for a few more minutes and then walked across
Jefferson Park back home.
My mom told me once about this crazy kid she worked with.
He was a completely normal kid until he was nine, when his
dad died. And even though obviously a lot of nine-year-olds
have had a lot of dead fathers and most of the time the kids
don’t go crazy, I guess this kid was an exception.
So what he did was he took a pencil and one of those
steel compass things, and he started drawing circles onto a
piece of paper. All the circles exactly two inches in
diameter. And he would draw the circles until the entire
piece of paper was completely black, and then he would
get another piece of paper and draw more circles, and he
did this every day, all day, and didn’t pay attention in school
and drew circles all over all of his tests and shit, and my
mom said that this kid’s problem was that he had created a
routine to cope with his loss, only the routine became
destructive. So anyway, then my mom made him cry about
his dad or whatever and the kid stopped drawing circles
and presumably lived happily ever after. But I think about
the circles kid sometimes, because I can sort of understand
him. I always liked routine. I suppose I never found boredom
very boring. I doubted I could explain it to someone like
Margo, but drawing circles through life struck me as a kind
of reasonable insanity.
So I should have felt fine about not going to New York—it
was a dumb idea, anyway. But as I went about my routine
that night and the next day at school, it ate away at me, as if
the routine itself was taking me farther from reuniting with
Tuesday evening, when she had been gone six days, I
talked to my parents. It wasn’t a big decision or anything; I
just did. I was sitting at the kitchen counter while Dad
chopped vegetables and Mom browned some beef in a
skillet. Dad was razzing me about how much time I’d spent
reading such a short book, and I said, “Actually, it’s not for
English; it seems like maybe Margo left it for me to find.”
They got quiet, and then I told them about Woody Guthrie
and the Whitman.
“She clearly likes to play these games of incomplete
information,” my dad said.
“I don’t blame her for wanting attention,” my mom said,
and then to me added, “but that doesn’t make her wellbeing
your responsibility.”
Dad scraped the carrots and onions into the skillet.
“Yeah, true. Not that either of us could diagnose her without
seeing her, but I suspect she’ll be home soon.”
“We shouldn’t speculate,” my mom said to him quietly,
as if I couldn’t hear or something. Dad was about to
respond but I interrupted.
“What should I do?”
“Graduate,” my mom said. “And trust that Margo can
take of herself, for which she has shown a great talent.”
“Agreed,” my dad said, but after dinner, when I went
back to my room and played Resurrection on mute, I could
hear them talking quietly back and forth. I could not hear the
words, but I could hear the worry.
Later that night, Ben called my cell.
“Hey,” I said.
“Bro,” he said.
“Yes,” I answered.
“I’m about to go shoe shopping with Lacey.”
“Shoe shopping?”
“Yeah. Everything’s thirty percent off from ten to
midnight. She wants me to help her pick out her prom
shoes. I mean, she had some, but I was over at her house
yesterday and we agreed that they weren’t . . . you know,
you want the perfect shoes for prom. So she’s going to
return them and then we’re going to Burdines and we’re
going to like pi—”
“Ben,” I said.
“Dude, I don’t want to talk about Lacey’s prom shoes.
And I’ll tell you why: I have this thing that makes me really
uninterested in prom shoes. It’s called a penis.”
“I’m really nervous and I can’t stop thinking that I actually
kinda really like her not just in the she’s-a-hot-prom-date
way but in the she’s-actually-really-cool-and-I-like-hangingout-
with-her kinda way. And, like, maybe we’re going to go
to prom and we’ll be, like, kissing in the middle of the
dance floor and everyone will be like, holy shit and, you
know, everything they ever thought about me will just go out
the window—”
“Ben,” I said, “stop the dork babble and you’ll be fine.”
He kept talking for a while, but I finally got off the phone with
I lay down and started to feel a little depressed about prom.
I refused to feel any kind of sadness over the fact that I
wasn’t going to prom, but I had—stupidly, embarrassingly
—thought of finding Margo, and getting her to come home
with me just in time for prom, like late on Saturday night,
and we’d walk into the Hilton ballroom wearing jeans and
ratty T-shirts, and we’d be just in time for the last dance,
and we’d dance while everyone pointed at us and marveled
at the return of Margo, and then we’d fox-trot the hell out of
there and go get ice cream at Friendly’s. So yes, like Ben, I
harbored ridiculous prom fantasies. But at least I didn’t say
mine out loud.
Ben was such a self-absorbed idiot sometimes, and I
had to remind myself why I still liked him. If nothing else, he
sometimes got surprisingly bright ideas. The door thing
was a good idea. It didn’t work, but it was a good idea. But
obviously Margo had intended it to mean something else to
me. To me.
The clue was mine. The doors were mine!
On my way to the garage, I had to walk through the living
room, where Mom and Dad were watching TV. “Want to
watch?” my mom asked. “They’re about to crack the case.”
It was one of those solve-the-murder crime shows.
“No, thanks,” I said, and breezed past them through the
kitchen and into the garage. I found the widest flathead
screwdriver and then stuck it in the waistband of my khaki
shorts, cinching my belt tight. I grabbed a cookie out of the
kitchen and then walked back through the living room, my
gait only slightly awkward, and while they watched the
televised mystery unfold, I removed the three pins from my
bedroom door. When the last one came off, the door
creaked and started to fall, so I swung it all the way open
against the wall with one hand, and as I swung it, I saw a
tiny piece of paper—about the size of my thumbnail—flutter
down from the door’s top hinge. Typical Margo. Why hide
something in her own room when she could hide it in mine?
I wondered when she’d done it, how she’d gotten in. I
couldn’t help but smile.
It was a sliver of the Orlando Sentinel, half straight
edges and half ripped. I could tell it was the Sentinel
because one ripped edge read “do Sentinel May 6, 2.” The
day she’d left. The message was clearly from her. I
recognized her handwriting:
8328 bartlesville Avenue
I couldn’t put the door back on without beating the pins
back into place with the screwdriver, which would have
definitely alerted my parents, so I just propped the door on
its hinges and kept it all the way open. I pocketed the pins
and then went to my computer and looked up a map of
8328 Bartlesville Avenue. I’d never heard of the street.
It was 34.6 miles away, way the hell out Colonial Drive
almost to the town of Christmas, Florida. When I zoomed in
on the satellite image of the building, it looked like a black
rectangle fronted by dull silver and then grass behind. A
mobile home, maybe? It was hard to get a sense of scale,
because it was surrounded by so much green.
I called Ben and told him. “So I was right!” he said. “I
can’t wait to tell Lacey, because she totally thought it was a
good idea, too!”
I ignored the Lacey comment. “I think I’m gonna go,” I
“Well, yeah, of course you’ve gotta go. I’m coming. Let’s
go on Sunday morning. I’ll be tired from all-night prom
partying, but whatever.”
“No, I mean I’m going tonight,” I said.
“Bro, it’s dark. You can’t go to a strange building with a
mysterious address in the dark. Haven’t you ever seen a
horror movie?”
“She could be there,” I said.
“Yeah, and a demon who can only be nourished by the
pancreases of young boys could also be there,” he said.
“Christ, at least wait till tomorrow, although I’ve got to order
her corsage after band, and then I want to be home in case
Lacey IM’s, because we’ve been IM’ing a lot—”
I cut him off. “No, tonight. I want to see her.” I could feel
the circle closing. In an hour, if I hurried, I could be looking
at her.
“Bro, I am not letting you go to some sketchy address in
the middle of the night. I will Tase your ass if necessary.”
“Tomorrow morning,” I said, mostly to myself. “I’ll just go
tomorrow morning.” I was tired of having perfect attendance
anyway. Ben was quiet. I heard him blowing air between his
front teeth.
“I do feel a little something coming on,” he said. “Fever.
Cough. Aches. Pains.” I smiled. After I hung up, I called
“I’m on the other line with Ben,” he said. “Let me call you
He called back a minute later. Before I could even say
hello, Radar said, “Q, I’ve got this terrible migraine. There’s
no way I can go to school tomorrow.” I laughed.
After I got off the phone, I stripped down to T-shirt and
boxers, emptied my garbage can into a drawer, and put the
can next to the bed. I set my alarm for the ungodly hour of
six in the morning, and spent the next few hours trying in
vain to fall asleep.
Mom came into my room the next morning and said, “You
didn’t even close the door last night, sleepyhead,” and I
opened my eyes and said, “I think I have a stomach bug.”
And then I motioned toward the trash can, which contained
“Quentin! Oh, goodness. When did this happen?”
“About six,” I said, which was true.
“Why didn’t you come get us?”
“Too tired,” I said, which was also true.
“You just woke up feeling ill?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said, which was untrue. I woke up because my
alarm went off at six, and then I snuck into the kitchen and
ate a granola bar and some orange juice. Ten minutes
later, I stuck two fingers down my throat. I didn’t want to do it
the night before because I didn’t want it stinking the room
up all night. The puking sucked, but it was over quickly.
Mom took the bucket, and I could hear her cleaning it out
in the kitchen. She returned with a fresh bucket, her lips
pouting with worry. “Well, I feel like I should take the day—”
she started, but I cut her off.
“I’m honestly fine,” I said. “Just queasy. Something I ate.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’ll call if it gets worse,” I said. She kissed my forehead. I
could feel her sticky lipstick on my skin. I wasn’t really sick,
but still, somehow she’d made me feel better.
“Do you want me to close the door?” she asked, one
hand on it. The door clung to its hinges, but only barely.
“No no no,” I said, perhaps too nervously.
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll call school on my way to work. You
let me know if you need anything. Anything. Or if you want
me to come home. And you can always call Dad. And I’ll
check up on you this afternoon, okay?”
I nodded, and then pulled the covers back up to my chin.
Even though the bucket had been cleaned, I could smell the
puke underneath the detergent, and the smell of it reminded
me of the act of puking, which for some reason made me
want to puke again, but I just took slow, even mouth breaths
until I heard the Chrysler backing down the driveway. It was
7:32. For once, I thought, I would be on time. Not to school,
admittedly. But still.
I showered and brushed my teeth and put on dark jeans
and a plain black T-shirt. I put Margo’s scrap of newspaper
in my pocket. I hammered the pins back into their hinges,
and then packed. I didn’t really know what to throw into my
backpack, but I included the doorjamb-opening
screwdriver, a printout of the satellite map, directions, a
bottle of water, and in case she was there, the Whitman. I
wanted to ask her about it.
Ben and Radar showed up at eight on the dot. I got in
the backseat. They were shouting along to a song by the
Mountain Goats.
Ben turned around and offered me his fist. I punched it
softly, even though I hated that greeting. “Q!” he shouted
over the music. “How good does this feel?”
And I knew exactly what Ben meant: he meant listening
to the Mountain Goats with your friends in a car that runs on
a Wednesday morning in May on the way to Margo and
whatever Margotastic prize came with finding her. “It beats
calculus,” I answered. The music was too loud for us to talk.
Once we got out of Jefferson Park, we rolled down the one
window that worked so the world would know we had good
taste in music.
We drove all the way out Colonial Drive, past the movie
theaters and the bookstores that I had been driving to and
past my whole life. But this drive was different and better
because it occurred during calculus, because it occurred
with Ben and Radar, because it occurred on our way to
where I believed I would find her. And finally, after twenty
miles, Orlando gave way to the last remaining orange tree
groves and undeveloped ranches—the endlessly flat land
grown over thick with brush, the Spanish moss hanging off
the branches of oak trees, still in the windless heat. This
was the Florida where I used to spend mosquito-bitten,
armadillo-chasing nights as a Boy Scout. The road was
dominated now by pickup trucks, and every mile or so you
could see a subdivision off the highway—little streets
winding for no reason around houses that rose up out of
nothing like a volcano of vinyl siding.
Farther out we passed a rotting wooden sign that said
GROVE-POINT ACRES. A cracked blacktop road lasted
only a couple hundred feet before dead-ending into an
expanse of gray dirt, signaling that Grovepoint Acres was
what my mom called a pseudovision—a subdivision
abandoned before it could be completed. Pseudovisions
had been pointed out to me a couple times before on
drives with my parents, but I’d never seen one so desolate.
We were about five miles past Grovepoint Acres when
Radar turned down the music and said, “Should be in about
a mile.”
I took a long breath. The excitement of being
somewhere other than school had started to wane. This
didn’t seem like a place where Margo would hide, or even
visit. It was a far cry from New York City. This was the
Florida you fly over, wondering why people ever thought to
inhabit this peninsula. I stared at the empty asphalt, the heat
distorting my vision. Ahead, I saw a strip mall wavering in
the bright distance.
“Is that it?” I asked, leaning forward and pointing.
“Must be,” Radar said.
Ben pushed the power button on the stereo, and we all
got very quiet as Ben pulled into a parking lot long since
reclaimed by the gray sandy dirt. There had once been a
sign for these four storefronts. A rusted pole stood about
eight feet high by the side of the road. But the sign was long
gone, snapped off by a hurricane or an accumulation of
decay. The stores themselves had fared little better: it was
a single-story building with a flat roof, and bare cinder block
was visible in places. Strips of cracked paint wrinkled away
from the walls, like insects clinging to a nest. Water stains
formed brown abstract paintings between the store
windows. The windows were boarded up with warped
sheets of particleboard. I was struck by an awful thought,
the kind that cannot be taken back once it escapes into the
open air of consciousness: it seemed to me that this was
not a place you go to live. It was a place you go to die.
As soon as the car stopped, my nose and mouth were
flooded with the rancid smell of death. I had to swallow
back a rush of puke that rose up into the raw soreness in
the back of my throat. Only now, after all this lost time, did I
realize how terribly I had misunderstood both her game and
the prize for winning it.
I get out of the car and Ben is standing next to me, and
Radar next to him. And I know all at once that this isn’t
funny, that this hasn’t been prove-to-me-you’re-goodenough-
to-hang-out-with-me. I can hear Margo that night as
we drove around Orlando. I can hear her saying to me, “I
don’t want some kids to find me swarmed with flies on a
Saturday morning in Jefferson Park.” Not wanting to be
found by some kids in Jefferson Park isn’t the same thing
as not wanting to die.
There is no evidence that anyone has been here in a
long time except for the smell, that sickly sour stench
designed to keep the living from the dead. I tell myself she
can’t smell like that, but of course she can. We all can. I
hold my forearm up to my nose so I can smell sweat and
skin and anything but death.
“MARGO?” Radar calls. A mockingbird perched on the
rusted gutter of the building spits out two syllables in
response. “MARGO!” he shouts again. Nothing. He digs a
parabola into the sand with his foot and sighs. “Shit.”
Standing before this building, I learn something about
fear. I learn that it is not the idle fantasies of someone who
maybe wants something important to happen to him, even if
the important thing is horrible. It is not the disgust of seeing
a dead stranger, and not the breathlessness of hearing a
shotgun pumped outside of Becca Arrington’s house. This
cannot be addressed by breathing exercises. This fear
bears no analogy to any fear I knew before. This is the
basest of all possible emotions, the feeling that was with us
before we existed, before this building existed, before the
earth existed. This is the fear that made fish crawl out onto
dry land and evolve lungs, the fear that teaches us to run,
the fear that makes us bury our dead.
The smell leaves me seized by desperate panic—panic
not like my lungs are out of air, but like the atmosphere
itself is out of air. I think maybe the reason I have spent
most of my life being afraid is that I have been trying to
prepare myself, to train my body for the real fear when it
comes. But I am not prepared.
“Bro, we should leave,” Ben says. “We should call the
cops or something.” We have not looked at each other yet.
We are all still looking at this building, this long-abandoned
building that cannot possibly hold anything but corpses.
“No,” Radar says. “No no no no no. We call if there’s
something to call about. She left the address for Q. Not for
the cops. We have to find a way in there.”
“In there?” Ben says dubiously.
I clap Ben on the back, and for the first time all day, the
three of us are looking not forward but at one another. That
makes it bearable. Something about seeing them makes
me feel as if she is not dead until we find her. “Yeah, in
there,” I say.
I don’t know who she is anymore, or who she was, but I
need to find her.
We walk around the back of the building and find four
locked steel doors and nothing but ranch land, patches of
palmettos dotting an expanse of gold-green grass. The
stench is worse here, and I feel afraid to keep walking. Ben
and Radar are just behind me, to my right and left. We form
a triangle together, walking slowly, our eyes scanning the
“It’s a raccoon!” Ben shouts. “Oh, thank God. It’s a
raccoon. Jesus.” Radar and I walk away from the building to
join him near a shallow drainage ditch. A huge, bloated
raccoon with matted hair lies dead, no visible trauma, its fur
falling off, one of its ribs exposed. Radar turns away and
heaves, but nothing comes out. I lean down next to him and
put my arm between his shoulder blades, and when he gets
his breath back, he says, “I am so fucking glad to see that
dead fucking raccoon.”
But even so, I cannot picture her here alive. It occurs to
me that the Whitman could be a suicide note. I think about
things she highlighted: “To die is different from what any
one supposed, and luckier.” “I bequeath myself to the dirt to
grow from the grass I love, / If you want me again look for
me under your bootsoles.” For a moment, I feel a flash of
hope when I think about the last line of the poem: “I stop
some where waiting for you.” But then I think that the I does
not need to be a person. The I can also be a body.
Radar has walked away from the raccoon and is tugging
on the handle of one of the four locked steel doors. I feel
like praying for the dead—saying Kaddish for this raccoon
—but I don’t even know how. I’m so sorry for him, and so
sorry for how happy I am to see him like this.
“It’s giving a little,” Radar shouts to us. “Come help.”
Ben and I both put our arms around Radar’s waist and
pull back. He puts his foot up against the wall to give
himself extra leverage as he pulls, and then all at once they
collapse onto me, Radar’s sweat-soaked T-shirt pressed
up against my face. For a moment, I’m excited, thinking
we’re in. But then I see Radar holding the door handle. I
scramble up and look at the door. Still locked.
“Piece of shit forty-year-old goddamned doorknob,”
Radar says. I’ve never heard him talk like this before.
“It’s okay,” I say. “There’s a way. There has to be.”
We walk all the way around to the front of the building.
No doors, no holes, no visible tunnels. But I need in. Ben
and Radar try to peel the slabs of particleboard from the
windows, but they’re all nailed shut. Radar kicks at the
board, but it doesn’t give. Ben turns back to me. “There’s
no glass behind one of these boards,” he says, and then he
starts jogging away from the building, his sneakers
splashing sand as he goes.
I give him a confused look. “I’m going to bust through the
particleboard,” he explains.
“You can’t do that.” He is the smallest of our light trio. If
anyone tries to smash through the boarded-up windows, it
should be me.
He balls his hands into fists and then extends his fingers
out. As I walk toward him, he starts talking to me. “When my
mom was trying to keep me from getting beat up in third
grade, she put me in tae kwon do. I only went to like three
classes, and I only learned one thing, but the thing comes in
handy sometimes: we watched this tae kwon do master
punch through a thick wooden block, and we were all like,
dude, how did he do that, and he told us that if you move as
though your hand will go through the block, and if you
believe that your hand will go through the block, then it will.”
I’m about to refute this idiotic logic when he takes off,
running past me in a blur. His acceleration continues as he
approaches the board, and then utterly without fear, he
leaps up at the last possible second, twists his body
sideways—his shoulder out to bear the brunt of the force—
and slams into the wood. I half-expect him to burst through
and leave a Ben-shaped cutout, like a cartoon. Instead, he
bounces off the board and falls onto his ass in a patch of
bright grass amid the sea of sandy dirt. Ben rolls onto his
side, rubbing his shoulder. “It broke,” he announces.
I assume he means his shoulder as I race toward him,
but then he stands up, and I’m looking at a Ben-high crack
in the particle-board. I start kicking at it, and the crack
spreads horizontally, and then Radar and I get our fingers
inside the crack and start tugging. I squint to keep the
sweat from burning my eyes, and pull with all my force back
and forth until the crack starts to make a jagged opening.
Radar and I urge it on with silent work, until eventually he
has to take a break and Ben replaces him. Finally we are
able to punch a big chunk of the board into the minimall. I
climb in feetfirst, landing blindly onto what feels like a stack
of papers.
The hole we’ve carved into this building gives a little
light, but I can’t even make out the dimensions of the room,
or whether there is a ceiling. The air in here is so stale and
hot that inhaling and exhaling feel identical.
I turn around and my chin hits Ben’s forehead. I find
myself whispering, even though there’s no reason to. “Do
you have a—”
“No,” he whispers back before I can finish. “Radar, did
you bring a flashlight?”
I hear Radar coming through the hole. “I have one on my
key chain. It’s not much, though.”
The light comes on, and I still can’t see very well, but I
can tell we’ve stepped into a big room filled with a labyrinth
of metal shelves. The papers on the floor are pages from
an old day-by-day calendar, the days scattered through the
room, all of them yellowing and mouse-bit. I wonder if this
might once have been a little bookstore, although it’s been
decades since these shelves held anything but dust.
We fall into line behind Radar. I hear something creak
above us, and we all stop moving. I try to swallow the panic.
I can hear each of Radar’s and Ben’s breaths, their
shuffling footsteps. I want out of here, but that could be
Margo creaking for all I know. It could also be crack
“Just the building settling,” Radar whispers, but he
seems less sure than usual. I stand there unable to move.
After a moment, I hear Ben’s voice. “The last time I was this
scared, I peed myself.”
“The last time I was this scared,” Radar says, “I actually
had to face a Dark Lord in order to make the world safe for
I made a feeble attempt. “The last time I was this scared
I had to sleep in Mommy’s room.”
Ben chuckles. “Q, if I were you, I would get that scared
Every. Single. Night.”
I’m not up for laughing, but their laughter makes the room
feel safer, and so we begin to explore. We walk through
each row of shelves, finding nothing but a few copies of
Reader’s Digest from the 1970s lying on the floor. After a
while, I find my eyes adjusting to the darkness, and in the
gray light we start walking in different directions at different
“No one leaves the room until everyone leaves the
room,” I whisper, and they whisper okay’s back. I get to a
side wall of the room and find the first evidence that
someone has been here since everyone left. A jagged
semicircular, waist-high tunnel has been cut out of the wall.
The words TROLL HOLE have been spray-painted in
orange above the hole, with a helpful arrow pointing down
to the hole. “Guys,” Radar says, so loud that the spell
breaks for just a moment. I follow his voice and find him
standing by the opposite wall, his flashlight illuminating
another Troll Hole. The graffiti doesn’t look particularly like
Margo’s, but it’s hard to tell for sure. I’ve only seen her
spray-paint a single letter.
Radar shines the light through the hole as I duck down
and lead the way through. This room is entirely empty
except for a rolled carpet in one corner. As the flashlight
scans the floor, I can see glue stains on the concrete from
where the carpet had once been. Across the room, I can
just make out another hole cut into the wall, this time without
the graffiti.
I crawl through that Troll Hole into a room lined with
clothing racks, the stainless-steel poles still bolted into
walls wine-stained with water damage. This room is better
lit, and it takes me a moment to realize it’s because there
are several holes in the roof—tar paper hangs down, and I
can see places where the roof sags against exposed steel
“Souvenir store,” Ben whispers in front of me, and I know
immediately he is right.
In the middle of the room five display cases form a
pentagon. The glass that once kept the tourists from their
tourist crap has mostly been shattered and lies in shards
around the cases. The gray paint peels off the wall in odd
and beautiful patterns, each cracked polygon of paint a
snowflake of decay.
Strangely, though, there’s still some merchandise:
there’s a Mickey Mouse phone I recognize from some way
back part of childhood. Moth-bit but still-folded SUNNY
ORLANDO T-shirts are on display, splattered with broken
glass. Beneath the glass cases, Radar finds a box filled
with maps and old tourist brochures advertising Gator
World and Crystal Gardens and fun houses that no longer
exist. Ben waves me over and silently points out the green
glass alligator tchotchke lying alone in the case, almost
buried in the dust. This is the value of our souvenirs, I think:
you can’t give this shit away.
We make our way back through the empty room and the
shelved room and crawl through the last Troll Hole. This
room looks like an office only without computers, and it
appears to have been abandoned in a great hurry, like its
employees were beamed up to space or something.
Twenty desks sit in four rows. There are still pens on some
of the desks, and they all feature oversize paper calendars
lying flat against the desks. On each calendar, it is
perpetually February of 1986. Ben pushes a cloth desk
chair and it spins, creaking rhythmically. Thousands of
Post-it notes advertising The Martin-Gale Mortgage Corp.
are piled beside one desk in a rickety pyramid. Open
boxes contain stacks of paper from old dot matrix printers,
detailing the expenses and income of the Martin-Gale
Mortgage Corp. On one of the desks, someone has
stacked brochures for subdivisions into a single-story
house of cards. I spread the brochures out, thinking that
they may hold a clue, but no.
Radar fingers through the papers, whispering, “Nothing
after 1986.” I start to go through the desk drawers. I find Qtips
and stickpins. Pens and pencils packed a dozen each
in flimsy cardboard packaging with retro fonts and design.
Napkins. A pair of golf gloves.
“Do you guys see anything,” I ask, “that gives any hint
that anyone has been here in the last, say, twenty years?”
“Nothing but the Troll Holes,” Ben answers. It’s a tomb,
everything wrapped in dust.
“So why did she lead us here?” asks Radar. We are
speaking now.
“Dunno,” I say. She is clearly not here.
“There are some spots,” Radar says, “with less dust.
There’s a dustless rectangle in the empty room, like
something was moved. But I don’t know.”
“And there’s that painted part,” Ben says. Ben points
and Radar’s flashlight shows me that a piece of the far wall
in this office has been brushed over with white primer, like
someone got the idea to remodel the place but abandoned
the project after half an hour. I walk over to the wall, and up
close, I can see that there’s some red graffiti behind the
white paint. But I can only see occasional hints of the red
paint bleeding through—not nearly enough to make
anything out. There’s a can of primer up against the wall,
open. I kneel down and push my finger into the paint.
There’s a hard surface, but it breaks easily, and my finger
comes up drenched in white. As the paint drips off my
finger, I don’t say anything, because we’ve all come to the
same conclusion, that someone has been here recently
after all, and then the building creaks again and Radar
drops the flashlight and curses.
“This is freaky,” he says.
“Guys,” Ben says. The flashlight is still on the ground,
and I take a step back, to pick it up, but then I see Ben
pointing. He is pointing at the wall. A trick of the indirect
light has made the graffiti letters float up through the coat of
primer, a ghost-gray print I recognize immediately as
I pick up the flashlight and shine it on the paint directly,
and the message disappears. But when I shine it against a
different part of the wall, I can read it again. “Shit,” Radar
says under his breath.
And now Ben says, “Bro, can we go now? Because the
last time I was this scared . . . screw it. I’m freaked out.
There’s nothing funny about this shit.”
There’s nothing funny about this shit is the closest Ben
can come to the terror I feel, maybe. And it is close enough
for me. I fast-walk toward the Troll Hole. I can feel the walls
closing in on us.
Ben and Radar dropped me off at my house—even
though they’d skipped school, they couldn’t afford to skip
band practice. I sat alone with “Song of Myself” for a long
time, and for about the tenth time I tried to read the entire
poem starting at the beginning, but the problem was that
it’s like eighty pages long and weird and repetitive, and
although I could understand each word of it, I couldn’t
understand anything about it as a whole. Even though I
knew the highlighted parts were probably the only important
parts, I wanted to know whether it was a suicide-note kind
of poem. But I couldn’t make sense of it.
I was ten confusing pages into the poem when I got so
freaked out that I decided to call the detective. I dug his
business card out of a pair of shorts in the laundry hamper.
He answered on the second ring.
“Hi, um, it’s Quentin Jacobsen. I’m a friend of Margo
Roth Spiegelman?”
“Sure, kid, I remember you. What’s up?”
I told him about the clues and the minimall and about
paper towns, about how she had called Orlando a paper
town from the top of the SunTrust Building, but she hadn’t
used it in the plural, about her telling me that she wouldn’t
want to be found, about finding her underneath our
bootsoles. He didn’t even tell me not to break into
abandoned buildings, or ask why I was at an abandoned
building at 10 A.M. on a school day. He just waited until I
stopped talking and said, “Jesus, kid, you’re almost a
detective. All you need now is a gun, a gut, and three exwives.
So what’s your theory?”
“I’m worried that she might have, um, I guess killed
“It never crossed my mind this girl did anything but run
off, kid. I can see your case, but you gotta remember she’s
done this before. The clues, I mean. Adds drama to the
whole enterprise. Honestly, kid, if she wanted you to find
her—dead or alive—you already would have.”
“But don’t you—”
“Kid, the unfortunate thing is that she’s a legal adult with
free will, you know? Let me give you some advice: let her
come home. I mean, at some point, you gotta stop looking
up at the sky, or one of these days you’ll look back down
and see that you floated away, too.”
I hung up with a bad taste in my mouth—I realized it wasn’t
Warren’s poetry that would take me to Margo. I kept
thinking about those lines at the end Margo had underlined:
“I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, /
If you want me again look for me under your bootsoles.”
That grass, Whitman writes in the first few pages, is “the
beautiful uncut hair of graves.” But where were the graves?
Where were the paper towns?
I logged onto Omnictionary to see if it knew anything
more about the phrase “paper towns” than I did. They had
an extremely thoughtful and helpful entry created by a user
named skunkbutt: “A Paper Town is a town that’s got a
paper mill in it.” This was the shortcoming of Omnictionary:
the stuff written by Radar was thorough and extremely
helpful; the unedited work of skunk-butt left something to be
desired. But when I searched the whole Web, I found
something interesting buried forty entries down on a forum
about real estate in Kansas.
Looks like Madison Estates isn’t going to get built;
my husband and I bought property there, but
someone called this week to say they’re refunding us
our deposit because they didn’t presell enough
houses to finance the project. Another paper town for
KS! —Marge in Cawker, KS
A pseudovision! You will go to the pseudovisions and
you will never come back. I took a deep breath and stared
at the screen for a while.
The conclusion seemed inescapable. Even with
everything broken and decided inside her, she couldn’t
quite allow herself to disappear for good. And she had
decided to leave her body—to leave it for me—in a shadow
version of o u r subdivision, where her first strings had
broken. She had said she didn’t want her body found by
broken. She had said she didn’t want her body found by
random kids—and it made sense that out of everyone she
knew, she would pick me to find her. She wouldn’t be
hurting me in a new way. I’d done it before. I had
experience in the field.
I saw that Radar was online and was clicking over to talk
to him when an IM from him popped up on my screen.
I think she wants me to find her body. Because she
thinks I can handle it. Because we found that dead
guy when we were kids.
I sent him the link.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Slow down. Let me look at
the link.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Okay, don’t be so morbid.
You don’t know anything for sure. I think she’s
probably fine.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Okay, I don’t. But if
anybody’s alive in the face of this evidence . . .
QTHERESURRECTION: Yeah, I guess. I’m gonna
go lie down. My parents get home soon.
But I couldn’t calm down, so I called Ben from bed and
told him my theory.
“Pretty morbid shit, bro. But she’s fine. It’s all part of
some game she’s playing.”
“You’re being kind of cavalier about it.”
He sighed. “Whatever, it’s a little lame of her to, like,
hijack the last three weeks of high school, you know? She’s
got you all worried, and she’s got Lacey all worried, and
prom is in like three days, you know? Can’t we just have a
fun prom?”
“Are you serious? She could be dead, Ben.”
“She’s not dead. She’s a drama queen. Wants attention.
I mean, I know her parents are assholes, but they know her
better than we do, don’t they? And they think so, too.”
“You can be such a tool,” I said.
“Whatever, bro. We both had a long day. Too much
drama. I’ll TTYS.” I wanted to ridicule him for using
chatspeak IRL, but I found myself lacking the energy.
After I hung up with Ben, I went back online, looking for a
list of pseudovisions in Florida. I couldn’t find a list
anywhere, but after searching “abandoned subdivisions”
and “Grovepoint Acres” and the like for a while, I managed
to compile a list of five places within three hours of
Jefferson Park. I printed out a map of Central Florida,
tacked the map to the wall above my computer, and then
added a tack for each of the five locations. Looking at the
map, I could detect no pattern among them. They were
randomly distributed among the far-flung suburbs, and it
would take me at least a week to get to all of them. Why
hadn’t she left me a specific place? All these scary-as-hell
clues. All this intimation of tragedy. But no place. Nothing to
hold on to. Like trying to climb a mountain of gravel.
Ben gave me permission to borrow RHAPAW the next day,
since he was going to be driving around, prom shopping
with Lacey in her SUV. So for once I didn’t have to sit
outside the band room—the seventh-period bell rang and I
raced out to his car. I lacked Ben’s talent for getting
RHAPAW to start, so I was one of the first people to arrive
at the senior parking lot and one of the last to leave, but
finally the engine caught, and I was off to Grovepoint Acres.
I drove out of town on Colonial, driving slowly, watching
for any other pseudovisions I might have missed online. A
long line of cars trailed behind me, and I felt anxious about
holding them up; I marveled at how I could still have room to
worry about such petty, ridiculous crap as whether the guy
in the SUV behind me thought I was an excessively
cautious driver. I wanted Margo’s disappearance to change
me; but it hadn’t, not really.
As the line of cars snaked behind me like some kind of
unwilling funeral procession, I found myself talking out loud
to her. I will play out the string. I will not betray your trust. I
will find you.
Talking like this to her kept me calm, strangely. It kept me
from imagining the possibilities. I came again to the
sagging wooden sign for Grovepoint Acres. I could almost
hear the sighs of relief from the bottleneck behind me as I
turned left onto the dead-end asphalt road. It looked like a
driveway without a house. I left RHAPAW running and got
out. From close up, I could see that Grovepoint Acres was
more finished than it initially appeared. Two dirt roads
ending in cul-de-sacs had been cut into the dusty ground,
although the roads had eroded so much I could barely see
their outlines. As I walked up and down both streets, I could
feel the heat in my nose with each breath. The scalding sun
made it hard to move, but I knew the beautiful, if morbid,
truth: heat made death reek, and Grovepoint Acres smelled
like nothing except cooked air and car exhaust—our
cumulative exhalations held close to the surface by the
I looked for evidence she had been there: footprints or
something written in the dirt or some memento. But I
seemed to be the first person to walk on these unnamed
dirt streets in years. The ground was flat, and not much
brush had grown back yet, so I could see for a ways in
every direction. No tents. No campfires. No Margo.
I got back in RHAPAW and drove to I-4 and then went
northeast of town, up to a place called Holly Meadows. I
drove past Holly Meadows three times before I finally found
it—everything in the area was oak trees and ranch land,
and Holly Meadows—lacking a sign at its entrance—didn’t
stand out much. But once I drove a few feet down a dirt
road through the initial roadside stand of oak and pine
trees, it was every bit as desolate as Grovepoint Acres.
The main dirt road just slowly evaporated into a field of dirt.
There were no other roads that I could make out, but as I
walked around, I did find a few spray-painted wooden
stakes lying on the ground; I guessed that they had once
been lot line markers. I couldn’t smell or see anything
suspicious, but even so I felt a fear standing on my chest,
and at first I couldn’t understand why, but then I saw it: when
they’d clear-cut the area to build, they’d left a solitary live
oak tree near the back of the field. And the gnarled tree
with its thick-barked branches looked so much like the one
where we’d found Robert Joyner in Jefferson Park that I felt
sure she was there, on the other side of the tree.
And for the first time, I had to picture it: Margo Roth
Spiegelman, slumped against the tree, her eyes silent, the
black blood pouring out of her mouth, everything bloated
and distorted because I had taken so long to find her. She
had trusted me to find her sooner. She had trusted me with
her last night. And I had failed her. And even though the air
tasted like nothing but it-might-rain-later, I was sure I’d
found her.
But no. It was only a tree, alone in the empty silver dirt. I
sat down against the tree and let my breath come back. I
hated doing this alone. I hated it. If she thought Robert
Joyner had prepared me for this, she was wrong. I didn’t
know Robert Joyner. I didn’t love Robert Joyner.
I hit at the dirt with the heels of my fists, and then
pounded it again and again, the sand scattering around my
hands until I was hitting the bare roots of the tree, and I kept
it up, the pain shooting up through my palms and wrists. I
had not cried for Margo until then, but now finally I did,
pounding against the ground and shouting because there
was no one to hear: I missed her I missed her I missed her I
miss her.
I stayed there even after my arms got tired and my eyes
dried up, sitting there and thinking about her until the light
got gray.
The next morning at school, I found Ben standing beside
the band door talking to Lacey, Radar, and Angela in the
shade of a tree with low-hanging branches. It was hard for
me to listen as they talked about prom, and about how
Lacey was feuding with Becca or whatever. I was waiting
for a chance to tell them what I’d seen, but then when I had
the chance, when I finally said, “I took a pretty long look at
the two pseudovisions but didn’t find much,” I realized that
there was nothing new to say, really.
No one even seemed that concerned, except Lacey.
She shook her head as I talked about the pseudovisions,
and then said, “I was reading online last night that people
who are suicidal end relationships with people they’re
angry with. And they give away their stuff. Margo gave me
like five pairs of jeans last week because she said I could
wear them better, which isn’t even true because she’s so
much more, like, curvy.” I liked Lacey, but I saw Margo’s
point about the undermining.
Something about telling us that story made her start to
cry, and Ben put an arm around her, and she tucked her
head into his shoulder, which was hard to do, because in
her heels she was actually taller than him.
“Lacey, we just have to find a location. I mean, talk to
your friends. Did she ever mention paper towns? Did she
ever talk about a specific place? Was there some
subdivision somewhere that meant something to her?” She
shrugged into Ben’s shoulder.
“Bro, don’t push her,” Ben said. I sighed, but shut up.
“I’m on the online stuff,” Radar said, “but her username
hasn’t logged on to Omnictionary since she left.”
And then all at once they were back on the topic of prom.
Lacey emerged from Ben’s shoulder still looking sad and
distracted, but she tried to smile as Radar and Ben
swapped tales of corsage purchasing.
The day passed as it always did—in slow motion, with a
thousand plaintive glances at the clock. But now it was even
more unbearable, because every minute I wasted in school
was another minute in which I failed to find her.
My only vaguely interesting class that day was English,
when Dr. Holden completely ruined Moby Dick for me by
incorrectly assuming we’d all read it and talking about
Captain Ahab and his obsession with finding and killing this
white whale. But it was fun to watch her get more and more
excited as she talked. “Ahab’s a madman railing against
fate. You never see Ahab wanting anything else in this
whole novel, do you? He has a singular obsession. And
because he is the captain of his ship, no one can stop him.
You can argue—indeed, you may argue, if you choose to
write about him for your final reaction papers—that Ahab is
a fool for being obsessed. But you could also argue that
there is something tragically heroic about fighting this battle
he is doomed to lose. Is Ahab’s hope a kind of insanity, or
is it the very definition of humanness?” I wrote down as
much as I could of what she said, realizing that I could
probably pull off my final reaction paper without actually
reading the book. As she talked, it occurred to me that Dr.
Holden was unusually good at reading stuff. And she’d said
she liked Whitman. So when the bell rang, I took Leaves of
Grass from my bag and then zipped it back up slowly while
everyone raced off either to home or to extracurriculars. I
waited behind someone asking for an extension on an
already late paper, and then he left.
“It’s my favorite Whitman reader,” she said.
I forced a smile. “Do you know Margo Roth
Spiegelman?” I asked.
She sat down behind her desk and motioned for me to
sit. “I never had her in class,” Dr. Holden said, “but I’ve
certainly heard of her. I know that she ran away.”
“She sort of left me this book of poems before she, uh,
disappeared.” I handed the book over, and Dr. Holden
began paging through it slowly. As she did, I told her, “I’ve
been thinking a lot about the highlighted parts. If you go to
the end of ‘Song of Myself,’ she highlights this stuff about
dying. Like, ‘If you want me again look for me under your
“She left this for you,” Dr. Holden said quietly.
“Yeah,” I said.
She flipped back and tapped at the green highlighted
quote with her fingernail. “What is this about the
doorjambs? That’s a great moment in the poem, where
Whitman—I mean, you can feel him shouting at you: ‘Open
the doors! In fact, remove the doors!’”
“She actually left me something else inside my
Dr. Holden laughed. “Wow. Clever. But it’s such a great
poem—I hate to see it reduced to such a literal reading.
And she seems to have responded very darkly to what is
finally a very optimistic poem. The poem is about our
connectedness—each of us sharing the same root system
like leaves of grass.”
“But, I mean, from what she highlighted, it seems kinda
like a suicide note,” I said. Dr. Holden read the last stanzas
again and then looked up at me.
“What a mistake it is to distill this poem into something
hopeless. I hope that’s not the case, Quentin. If you read the
whole poem, I don’t see how you can come to any
conclusion except that life is sacred and valuable. But—
who knows. Maybe she skimmed it for what she was
looking for. We often read poems that way. But if so, she
completely misunderstood what Whitman was asking of
“And what’s that?”
She closed the book and looked right at me in a way
that made it impossible for me to hold her gaze. “What do
you think of it?”
“I don’t know,” I said, staring at a stack of graded papers
on her desk. “I’ve tried to read it straight through a bunch of
times, but I haven’t gotten very far. Mostly I just read the
parts she highlighted. I’m reading it to try to understand
Margo, not to try to understand Whitman.”
She picked up a pencil and wrote something on the
back of an envelope. “Hold on. I’m writing that down.”
“What you just said,” she explained.
“Because I think that is precisely what Whitman would
have wanted. For you to see ‘Song of Myself’ not just as a
poem but as a way into understanding another. But I
wonder if maybe you have to read it as a poem, instead of
just reading these fragments for quotes and clues. I do think
there are some interesting connections between the poet in
‘Song of Myself’ and Margo Spiegelman—all that wild
charisma and wanderlust. But a poem can’t do its work if
you only read snippets of it.”
“Okay, thanks,” I said. I took the book and stood up. I
didn’t feel much better.
I got a ride home with Ben that afternoon and stayed at his
house until he left to go pick up Radar for some pre-prom
party being thrown by our friend Jake, whose parents were
out of town. Ben asked me to go, but I didn’t feel like it.
I walked back to my house, across the park where
Margo and I had found the dead guy. I remembered that
morning, and I felt something twist at my gut in the
remembering of it—not because of the dead guy, but
because I remembered that she had found him first. Even
in my own neighborhood’s playground, I’d been unable to
find a body on my own—how the hell would I do it now?
I tried to read “Song of Myself” again when I got home
that night, but despite Dr. Holden’s advice, it still turned into
a jumble of nonsensical words.
I woke up early the next morning, just after eight, and went
to the computer. Ben was online, so I IM’ed him.
QTHERESURRECTION: How was the party?
Every party I go to is lame.
QTHERESURRECTION: Sorry I missed it. You’re
up early. Want to come over, play Resurrection?
day it is?
eleven hours and fourteen minutes. I have to pick
Lacey up in less than nine hours. I haven’t even
washed and waxed RHAPAW yet, which by the way
you did a nice job of dirtying up. Then after that I have
to shower and shave and trim nasal hairs and wash
and wax myself. God, don’t even get me started. I
have a lot to do. Listen, I’ll call you later if I have a
Radar was on, too, so I IM’ed him.
QTHERESURRECTION: What is Ben’s problem?
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Whoa there, cowboy.
QTHERESURRECTION: Sorry, I’m just pissed that
he thinks prom is oh-so important.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: You’re going to be pretty
pissed when you hear that the only reason I’m up this
early is that I really need to go because I have to pick
up my tux, aren’t you?
QTHERESURRECTION: Jesus Christ. Seriously?
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Q, tomorrow and the next
day and the day after that and all the days for the rest
of my life, I am happy to participate in your
investigation. But I have a girlfriend. She wants to
have a nice prom. I want to have a nice prom. It’s not
my fault that Margo Roth Spiegelman didn’t want us
to have a nice prom.
I didn’t know what to say. He was right, maybe. Maybe she
deserved to be forgotten. But at any rate, I couldn’t forget
her. My mom and dad were still in bed, watching an old
movie on TV. “Can I take the minivan?” I asked.
“Sure, why?”
“Decided to go to prom,” I answered hurriedly. The lie
occurred to me as I told it. “Gotta pick out a tux and then get
over to Ben’s. We’re both going stag.” My mom sat up,
“Well, I think that’s great, hon. It’ll be great for you. Will
you come back so we can take pictures?”
“Mom, do you really need pictures of me going to prom
stag? I mean, hasn’t my life been humiliating enough?”
She laughed.
“Call before curfew,” my dad said, which was midnight.
“Sure thing,” I said. It was so easy to lie to them that I
found myself wondering why I’d never much done it before
that night with Margo.
I took I-4 west toward Kissimmee and the theme parks, and
then passed I-Drive where Margo and I had broken into
SeaWorld, and then took Highway 27 down toward Haines
City. There are a lot of lakes down there, and wherever
there are lakes in Florida, there are rich people to
congregate around them, so it seemed an unlikely place for
a pseudovision. But the Website I’d found had been very
specific about there being this huge parcel of oft-foreclosed
land that no one had ever managed to develop. I
recognized the place immediately, because every other
subdivision on the access road was walled in, whereas
Quail Hollow was just a plastic sign hammered into the
ground. As I turned in, little plastic posters read FOR SALE,
Unlike the previous pseudovisions, someone was
keeping up Quail Hollow. No houses had been built, but the
lots were marked with surveying stakes, and the grass was
freshly mown. All the streets were paved and named with
road signs. In the subdivision’s center, a perfectly circular
lake had been dug and then, for some reason, drained. As I
drove up in the minivan, I could see it was about ten feet
deep and several hundred feet in diameter. A hose snaked
across the bottom of the crater to the middle, where a steeland-
aluminum fountain rose from the bottom to eye level. I
found myself feeling thankful the lake was empty, so I
wouldn’t have to stare into the water and wonder if she was
in the bottom somewhere, expecting me to put on scuba
gear to find her.
I felt certain Margo could not be in Quail Hollow. It
abutted too many subdivisions for it to be a good place to
hide, whether you were a person or a body. But I looked
anyway, and as I idled down the streets in the minivan, I felt
so hopeless. I wanted to be happy that it wasn’t here. But if
it wasn’t Quail Hollow, it would be the next place, or the one
after that, or the one after that. Or maybe I’d never find her.
Was that the better fate?
I finished my rounds, finding nothing, and headed back
toward the highway. I got lunch at a drive-thru and then ate
as I drove out west toward the minimall.
As I pulled into the minimall parking lot, I noticed that
blue painters’ tape had been used to seal our hole in the
board. I wondered who could have been there after us.
I drove around to the back and parked the minivan next
to a rusted Dumpster that hadn’t encountered a garbage
truck in decades. I figured I could bust through the painters’
tape if I needed to, and I was walking around toward the
front when I noticed that the steel back doors to the stores
didn’t have any visible hinges.
I’d learned a thing or two about hinges thanks to Margo,
and I realized why we hadn’t had any luck pulling on all
those doors: they opened in. I walked up to the door to the
mortgage company office and pushed. It opened with no
resistance whatsoever. God, we were such idiots. Surely,
whoever cared for the building knew about the unlocked
door, which made the painters’ tape seem even more out
of place.
I wiggled out of the backpack I’d packed that morning
and pulled out my dad’s high-powered Maglite and flashed
it around the room. Something sizable in the rafters
scurried. I shivered. Little lizards jump-ran through the path
of the light.
A single shaft of light from a hole in the ceiling shone in
the front corner of the room, and sunlight peeked out from
behind the particleboard, but I mostly relied on the
flashlight. I walked up and down the rows of desks, looking
at the items we’d found in the drawers, which we’d left. It
was profoundly creepy to see desktop after desktop with
the same unmarked calendar: February 1986. February
1986. February 1986. June 1986. February 1986. I spun
around and shone the light on a desk in the very center of
the room. The calendar had been changed to June. I leaned
in close and looked at the paper of the calendar, hoping to
see a jagged edge where previous months had been torn
off, or some marks on the page where a pen had pushed
through the paper, but there was nothing different from the
other calendars, save the date.
With the flashlight crooked between my neck and
shoulder, I started to look through desk drawers again,
paying special attention to the June desk: some napkins,
some still-sharp pencils, memos about mortgages
addressed to one Dennis McMahon, an empty pack of
Marlboro Lights, and an almost-full bottle of red nail polish.
I took the flashlight in one hand and the nail polish in the
other and stared at it closely. So red it was almost black. I’d
seen this color before. It had been on the minivan’s dash
that night. Suddenly, the scurrying in the rafters and the
creaking in the building became irrelevant—I felt a
perverted euphoria. I couldn’t know if it was the same
bottle, of course, but it was certainly the same color.
I rotated the bottle around and saw, unambiguously, a
tiny smear of blue spray paint on the outside of the bottle.
From her spray-painted fingers. I could be sure now. She’d
been here after we parted ways that morning. Maybe she
was still staying here. Maybe she only showed up late at
night. Maybe she had taped up the particleboard to keep
her privacy.
I resolved right then to stay until morning. If Margo had
slept here, I could, too. And thus commenced a brief
conversation with myself.
Me: But the rats.
Me: Yeah, but they seem to stay in the ceiling.
Me: But the lizards.
Me: Oh, come on. You used to pull their tails off when
you were little. You’re not scared of lizards.
Me: But the rats.
Me: Rats can’t really hurt you anyway. They’re more
scared of you than you are of them.
Me: Okay, but what about the rats?
Me: Shut up.
In the end, the rats didn’t matter, not really, because I was in
a place where Margo had been alive. I was in a place that
saw her after I did, and the warmth of that made the
minimall almost comfortable. I mean, I didn’t feel like an
infant being held by Mommy or anything, but my breath had
stopped catching each time I heard a noise. And in
becoming comfortable, I found it easier to explore. I knew
there was more to find, and now, I felt ready to find it.
I left the office, ducking through a Troll Hole into the room
with the labyrinthine shelves. I walked up and down the
aisles for a while. At the end of the room I crawled through
the next Troll Hole into the empty room. I sat down on the
carpet rolled against the far wall. The cracked white paint
crunched against my back. I stayed there for a while, long
enough that the jagged beam of light coming through a hole
in the ceiling crept an inch along the floor as I let myself
become accustomed to the sounds.
After a while, I got bored and crawled through the last
Troll Hole into the souvenir shop. I rifled through the T-shirts.
I pulled the box of tourist brochures out from under the
display case and looked through them, looking for some
hand-scrawled message from Margo, but I found nothing.
I returned to the room I now found myself calling the
library. I thumbed through the Reader’s Digests and found a
stack of National Geographics from the 1960s, but the box
was covered in so much dust that I knew Margo had never
been inside it.
I began to find evidence of human habitation only when I
got back to the empty room. On the wall with the rolled-up
carpet, I discovered nine thumbtack holes in the cracked
and paint-peeled wall. Four of the holes made an
approximate square, and then there were five holes inside
the square. I thought perhaps Margo had stayed here long
enough to hang up some posters, although there were none
obviously missing from her room when we searched it.
I unrolled the carpet partway and immediately found
something else: a flattened, empty box that had once
contained twenty-four nutrition bars. I found myself able to
imagine Margo here, leaning against the wall with musty
rolled-up carpet for a seat, eating a nutrition bar. She is all
alone, with only this to eat. Maybe she drives once a day to
a convenience store to buy a sandwich and some Mountain
Dew, but most of every day is spent here, on or near this
carpet. This image seemed too sad to be true—it all struck
me as so lonely and so very unMargo. But all the evidence
of the past ten days accumulated toward a surprising
conclusion: Margo herself was—at least part of the time—
very unMargo.
I rolled out the carpet farther and found a blue knit
blanket, almost newspaper thin. I grabbed it and held it to
my face and there, God, yes. Her smell. The lilac shampoo
and the almond in her skin lotion and beneath all of that the
faint sweetness of the skin itself.
And I could picture her again: she unravels the carpet
halfway each night so her hip isn’t against bare concrete as
she lies on her side. She crawls beneath the blanket, uses
the rest of the carpet as a pillow, and sleeps. But why here?
How is this better than home? And if it’s so great, why
leave? These are the things I cannot imagine, and I realize
that I cannot imagine them because I didn’t know Margo. I
knew how she smelled, and I knew how she acted in front of
me, and I knew how she acted in front of others, and I knew
that she liked Mountain Dew and adventure and dramatic
gestures, and I knew that she was funny and smart and just
generally more than the rest of us. But I didn’t know what
brought her here, or what kept her here, or what made her
leave. I didn’t know why she owned thousands of records
but never told anyone she even liked music. I didn’t know
what she did at night, with the shades down, with the door
locked, in the sealed privacy of her room.
And maybe this was what I needed to do above all. I
needed to discover what Margo was like when she wasn’t
being Margo.
I lay there with the her-scented blanket for a while,
staring up at the ceiling. I could see a sliver of lateafternoon
sky through a crack in the roof, like a jagged
canvas painted a bright blue. This would be the perfect
place to sleep: one could see stars at night without getting
rained on.
I called my parents to check in. My dad answered, and I
said we were in the car on the way to meet Radar and
Angela, and that I was staying with Ben overnight. He told
me not to drink, and I told him I wouldn’t, and he said he
was proud of me for going to prom, and I wondered if he
would be proud of me for doing what I was actually doing.
This place was boring. I mean, once you got past the
rodents and the mysterious the-building-is-falling-apart
groans in the walls, there wasn’t anything to do. No Internet,
no TV, no music. I was bored, so it again confused me that
she would pick this place, since Margo always struck me
as a person with a very limited tolerance for boredom.
Maybe she liked the idea of slumming it? Unlikely. Margo
wore designer jeans to break into SeaWorld.
It was the lack of alternative stimuli that led me back to
“Song of Myself,” the only certain gift I had from her. I moved
to a water-stained patch of concrete floor directly beneath
the hole in the ceiling, sat down cross-legged, and angled
my body so the light shone upon the book. And for some
reason, finally, I could read it.
The thing is that the poem starts out really slowly—it’s just
sort of a long introduction, but around the ninetieth line,
Whitman finally starts to tell a bit of a story, and that’s where
it picked up for me. So Whitman is sitting around (which he
calls loafing) on the grass, and then:
A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me
with full
How could I answer the child? . . . . . . I do not know
it is any more than he.
I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of
green stuff woven.
There was the hope Dr. Holden had talked about—the
grass was a metaphor for his hope. But that’s not all. He
Or I guess it is the handkerchief of the Lord,
A scented gift and remembrancer designedly
Like grass is a metaphor for God’s greatness or
something. . . .
Or I guess the grass is itself a child . . . .
And then soon after that,
Or I guess it is a uniform hieroglyphic,
And it means, Sprouting alike in broad zones and
Growing among black folks as among white.
So maybe the grass is a metaphor for our equality and
our essential connectedness, as Dr. Holden had said. And
then finally, he says of grass,
And now it seems to me the beautiful uncut hair of
So grass is death, too—it grows out of our buried
bodies. The grass was so many different things at once, it
was bewildering. So grass is a metaphor for life, and for
death, and for equality, and for connectedness, and for
children, and for God, and for hope.
I couldn’t figure out which of these ideas, if any, was at
the core of the poem. But thinking about the grass and all
the different ways you can see it made me think about all
the ways I’d seen and mis-seen Margo. There was no
shortage of ways to see her. I’d been focused on what had
become of her, but now with my head trying to understand
the multiplicity of grass and her smell from the blanket still in
my throat, I realized that the most important question was
who I was looking for. If “What is the grass?” has such a
complicated answer, I thought, so, too, must “Who is Margo
Roth Spiegelman?” Like a metaphor rendered
incomprehensible by its ubiquity, there was room enough in
what she had left me for endless imaginings, for an infinite
set of Margos.
I had to narrow her down, and I figured there had to be
things here that I was seeing wrong or not seeing. I wanted
to tear off the roof and light up the whole place so that I
could see it all at once, instead of one flashlight beam at a
time. I put aside Margo’s blanket and shouted, loud enough
for all the rats to hear, “I Am Going To Find Something
I went through each desk in the office again, but it
seemed more and more obvious that Margo had used only
the desk with the nail polish in the drawer and the calendar
set to June.
I ducked through a Troll Hole and made my way back to
the library, walking again through the abandoned metal
shelves. On each shelf I looked for dustless shapes that
would tell me Margo had used this space for something, but
I couldn’t find any. But then my darting flashlight happened
across something atop the shelf in a corner of the room,
right near the boarded-up storefront window. It was the
spine of a book.
The book was called Roadside America: Your Travel
Guide, and had been published in 1998, after this place
had been abandoned. I flipped through it with the flashlight
crooked between neck and shoulder. The book listed
hundreds of attractions you could visit, from the world’s
largest ball of twine in Darwin, Minnesota, to the world’s
largest ball of stamps in Omaha, Nebraska. Someone had
folded down the corners of several seemingly random
pages. The book wasn’t too dusty. Maybe SeaWorld was
only the first stop on some kind of whirlwind adventure. Yes.
That made sense. That was Margo. She found out about
this place somehow, came here to gather her supplies,
spent a night or two, and then hit the road. I could imagine
her pinballing among tourist traps.
As the last light fled from the holes in the ceiling, I found
more books above other bookshelves. The Rough Guide
to Nepal; The Great Sights of Canada; America by Car;
Fodor’s Guide to the Bahamas; Let’s Go Bhutan. There
seemed to be no connection at all among the books,
except that they were all about traveling and had all been
published after the minimall was abandoned. I tucked the
Maglite under my chin, scooped up the books into a stack
that extended from my waist to my chest, and carried them
into the empty room I was now imagining as the bedroom.
So it turned out that I did spend prom night with Margo, just
not quite as I’d dreamed. Instead of busting into prom
together, I sat against her rolled-up carpet with her ratty
blanket draped over my knees, alternately reading travel
guides by flashlight and sitting still in the dark as the
cicadas hummed above and around me.
Maybe she had sat here in the cacophonous darkness
and felt some kind of desperation take her over, and
maybe she found it impossible to unthink the thought of
death. I could imagine that, of course.
But I could also imagine this: Margo picking these books
up at various garage sales, buying every travel guide she
could get her hands on for a quarter or less. And then
coming here—even before she disappeared—to read the
books away from prying eyes. Reading them, trying to
decide on destinations. Yes. She would stay on the road
and in hiding, a balloon floating through the sky, eating up
hundreds of miles a day with the help of a perpetual
tailwind. And in this imagining, she was alive. Had she
brought me here to give me the clues to piece together an
itinerary? Maybe. Of course I was nowhere near an
itinerary. Judging from the books, she could be in Jamaica
or Namibia, Topeka or Beijing. But I had only just begun to
In my dream, her head was on my shoulder as I lay on my
back, only the corner of carpet between us and the
concrete floor. Her arm was around my rib cage. We were
just lying there, sleeping.
God help me. The only teenaged guy in America who
dreams of sleeping with girls, and just sleeping with them.
And then my phone rang. It took two more rings before my
fumbling hands found the phone lying on the unrolled
carpet. It was 3:18 A.M. Ben was calling.
“Good morning, Ben,” I said.
“YESSS!!!!!” he answered, screaming, and I could tell
right away that now was not the time to try to explain to him
all I had learned and imagined about Margo. I could damn
near smell the booze on his breath. That one word, in the
way it was shouted, contained more exclamation points
than anything Ben had ever said to me in his entire life.
“I take it prom is going well?”
“YESSSS! Quentin Jacobsen! The Q! America’s
greatest Quentin! Yes!” His voice got distant then but I
could still hear him. “Everybody, hey, shut up, hold on, shut
There was a cheer then, and Ben’s voice returned. “Yes,
Quentin! Yes! Bro, you have got to come over here.”
“Where is here?” I asked.
“Becca’s! Do you know where it is?”
As it happened, I knew precisely where it was. I’d been
in her basement. “I know where it is, but it’s the middle of
the night, Ben. And I’m in—”
“YESSS!!! You have to come right now. Right now!”
“Ben, there are more important things going on,” I
“You’re my designated driver! Yes! You are so
designated! I love that you answered! That’s so awesome! I
have to be home by six! And I designate you to get me
there! YESSSSSSS!”
“Can’t you just spend the night there?” I asked.
“NOOOO! Booooo. Booo on Quentin. Hey, everybody!
Boooo Quentin!” And then I was booed. “Everybody’s
drunk. Ben drunk. Lacey drunk. Radar drunk. Nobody drive.
Home by six. Promised Mom. Boo, Sleepy Quentin! Yay,
Designated Driver! YESSSS!”
I took a long breath. If Margo were going to show up, she
would have showed up by three. “I’ll be there in half an
Ben was still making assertions of affirmation when I
hung up the phone. I lay there for a moment, telling myself to
get up, and then I did. Still half asleep, I crawled through
Troll Holes past the library and into the office, then pulled
open the back door and got into the minivan.
I turned in to Becca Arrington’s subdivision just before four.
There were dozens of cars parked along both sides of
Becca’s street, and I knew there would be more people
inside, since many of them had been dropped off via limo. I
found a spot a couple cars away from RHAPAW.
I had never seen Ben drunk. In tenth grade, I once drank
a bottle of pink “wine” at a band party. It tasted as bad
going down as it did coming up. It was Ben who sat with me
in Cassie Hiney’s Winnie-the-Pooh–themed bathroom
while I projectile-vomited pink liquid all over a painting of
Eeyore. I think the experience soured both of us on
alcoholic pursuits. Until tonight, anyway.
Now, I knew Ben was going to be drunk. I’d heard him on
the phone. No sober person says “yes” that many times per
minute. Nonetheless, when I pushed past some people
smoking cigarettes on Becca’s front lawn and opened the
door to her house, I did not expect to see Jase Worthington
and two other baseball players holding a tuxedo-clad Ben
upside down above a keg of beer. The spout of the beer
keg was in Ben’s mouth, and the entire room was
transfixed on him. They were all chanting in unison,
“Eighteen, nineteen, twenty,” and for a moment, I thought
Ben was getting—like—hazed or something. But no, as he
sucked on that beer spout like it was mother’s milk, little
trickles of beer spilled from the sides of his mouth, because
he was smiling. “Twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five,” the
people shouted, and you could hear their enthusiasm.
Apparently, something remarkable was taking place.
It all seemed so trivial, so embarrassing. It all seemed
like paper kids having their paper fun. I made my way
through the crowd toward Ben, and was surprised to
happen across Radar and Angela.
“What the hell is this?” I asked.
Radar paused from counting and looked over at me.
“Yes!” he said. “The Designated Driver cometh! Yes!”
“Why is everyone saying ‘yes’ so much tonight?”
“Good question,” Angela shouted to me. She puffed out
her cheeks and sighed. She looked almost as annoyed as I
“Hell yes, it’s a good question!” Radar said, holding a
red plastic cup full of beer in each hand.
“They’re both his,” Angela explained to me calmly.
“Why aren’t you designated driver?” I asked.
“They wanted you,” she said. “Thought it would get you
here.” I rolled my eyes. She rolled hers back,
“You must really like him,” I said, nodding toward Radar,
who was holding both beers over his head, joining in the
counting. Everybody seemed so proud of the fact that they
could count.
“Even now he’s sort of adorable,” she answered.
“Gross,” I said.
Radar nudged me with one of the beer cups. “Look at
our boy Ben! He’s some kind of autistic savant when it
comes to keg stands. Apparently he’s like setting a world
record right now or something.”
“What is a keg stand?” I asked.
Angela pointed at Ben. “That,” she said.
“Oh,” I said. “Well, it’s—I mean, how hard can it be to
hang upside down?”
“Apparently, the longest keg stand in Winter Park history
is sixty-two seconds,” she explained. “And it was set by
Tony Yorrick,” who’s this gigantic guy who’d graduated
when we were freshmen and now played for the University
of Florida football team.
I was all for Ben setting records, but I couldn’t bring
myself to join in as everyone shouted, “Fifty-eight, fifty-nine,
sixty, sixty-one, sixty-two, sixty-three!” And then Ben pulled
the spout out of his mouth and screamed, “YESSS! I MUST
and some baseball players flipped him right-side-up and
carried him around on their shoulders. And then Ben caught
sight of me, pointed, and let out the loudest and most
passionate “YESSSS!!!!!!” I’d ever heard. I mean, soccer
players don’t get that excited about winning the World Cup.
Ben jumped off the baseball players’ shoulders, landing
in an awkward crouch, and then swayed a bit on his way to
standing. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “YES!”
he said again. “Quentin is here! The Great Man! Let’s hear
it for Quentin, the best friend of the fucking keg stand world
record holder!” Jase rubbed the top of my head and said,
“You’re the man, Q!” and then I heard Radar in my ear, “By
the way, we are like folk heroes to these people. Angela
and I left our afterparty to come here because Ben told me
I’d be greeted as a king. I mean, they were chanting my
name. Apparently they all think Ben is hilarious or
something, and so they like us, too.”
To Radar, and also to everyone else, I said, “Wow.”
Ben turned away from us, and I watched him grab
Cassie Hiney. His hands were on her shoulders, and she
put her hands on his shoulders, and he said, “My prom date
was almost prom queen,” and Cassie said, “I know. That’s
great,” and Ben said, “I’ve wanted to kiss you every single
day for the last three years,” and Cassie said, “I think you
should,” and then Ben said, “YES! That’s awesome!” But he
didn’t kiss Cassie. He just turned around to me and said,
“Cassie wants to kiss me!” And I said, “Yeah,” and he said,
“That’s so awesome.” And then he seemed to forget about
Cassie and me both, as if the idea of kissing Cassie Hiney
felt better than actually kissing her ever could.
Cassie said to me, “This party is so great, isn’t it?” and I
said, “Yeah,” and she said, “This is like the opposite of
band parties, huh?” And I said, “Yeah,” and she said, “Ben
is a spaz, but I love him.” And I said, “Yeah.” “Plus he’s got
really green eyes,” she added, and I said, “Uh-huh,” and
then she said, “Everyone says you’re cuter, but I like Ben,”
and I said, “Okay,” and she said, “This party is so great,
isn’t it?” And I said, “Yeah.” Talking to a drunk person was
like talking to an extremely happy, severely brain-damaged
Chuck Parson walked up to me just as Cassie walked
away. “Jacobsen,” he said, matter-of-factly.
“Parson,” I answered.
“You shaved my fucking eyebrow, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t shave it, actually,” I said. “I used a depilatory
He poked me quite hard in the middle of my chest.
“You’re a douche,” he said, but he was laughing. “That took
such big balls, bro. And now you’re all puppet master and
shit. I mean, maybe I’m just drunk, but I’m feeling a little love
for your douchey ass right now.”
“Thank you,” I said. I felt so detached from all this shit, all
this high-school-is-ending-so-we-have-to-reveal-that-deepdown-
we-all-love-everybody bullshit. And I imagined her at
this party, or at thousands like this one. The life drawn out of
her eyes. I imagined her listening to Chuck Parson babble
at her and thinking about ways out, about the living ways out
and the dead ways out. I could imagine the two paths with
equal clarity.
“You want a beer, dicklicker?” Chuck asked. I might
have forgotten he was even there, but the smell of booze on
his breath made it hard to overlook his presence. I just
shook my head, and he wandered off.
I wanted to go home, but I knew I couldn’t rush Ben. This
was probably the single greatest day of his life. He was
entitled to it.
So instead, I found a stairway and headed down to the
basement. I’d been in the dark so long I was still craving it,
and I just wanted to lie down somewhere halfway quiet and
halfway dark and go back to imagining Margo. But as I
walked past Becca’s bedroom, I heard some muffled
noises—specifically, moanish noises—and so I paused
outside her door, which was open just a crack.
I could see the top two-thirds of Jase, shirtless, on top of
Becca, and she had her legs wrapped around him. Nobody
was naked or anything, but they were headed in that
direction. And maybe a better person would have turned
away, but people like me don’t get a lot of chances to see
people like Becca Arrington naked, so I stayed there in the
doorway, peering into the room. And then they rolled
around so Becca was on top of Jason, and she was
sighing as she kissed him, and she was reaching down for
her shirt. “Do you think I’m hot?” she said.
“God yeah, you are so hot, Margo,” Jase said.
“What!?” Becca said, furious, and it became quickly
clear to me that I wasn’t going to see Becca naked. She
started screaming; I backed away from the door; Jase
spotted me and screamed, “What’s your problem?” And
Becca shouted, “Screw him. Who gives a shit about him?
What about me?! Why are you thinking about her and not
That seemed like as good a time as any to take my
leave of the situation, so I closed the door and went to the
bathroom. I did need to pee, but mostly I just needed to be
away from the human voice.
It always takes a few seconds for me to start peeing
after all the equipment has been properly set up, and so I
stood there for a second, waiting, and then I started peeing.
I’d just gotten to the full-stream, shudder-of-relief part of
peeing when a girl’s voice from the general area of the
bathtub said, “Who’s there?”
And I said, “Uh, Lacey?”
“Quentin? What the hell are you doing here?” I wanted to
stop peeing but couldn’t, of course. Peeing is like a good
book in that it is very, very hard to stop once you start.
“Um, peeing,” I said.
“How’s it going?” she asked through the curtain.
“Um, fine?” I shook out the last of it, zipped my shorts,
and flushed.
“You wanna hang out in the bathtub?” she asked. “That’s
not a come-on.”
After a moment, I said, “Sure.” I pulled the shower curtain
back. Lacey smiled up at me, and then pulled her knees up
to her chest. I sat down across from her, my back against
the cold sloping porcelain. Our feet were intertwined. She
was wearing shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt and these cute
little flip-flops. Her makeup was just a little smeared around
her eyes. Her hair was half up, still styled for prom, and her
legs were tan. It must be said that Lacey Pemberton was
very beautiful. She was not the kind of girl who could make
you forget about Margo Roth Spiegelman, but she was the
kind of girl who could make you forget about a lot of things.
“How was prom?” I asked.
“Ben is really sweet,” she answered. “I had fun. But then
Becca and I had a huge fight and she called me a whore
and then she stood up on the couch upstairs and she
shushed the entire party and then she told everyone I have
an STD.”
I winced. “God,” I said.
“Yeah. I’m sort of ruined. It’s just . . . God. It sucks,
honestly, because . . . it’s just so humiliating, and she knew
it would be, and . . . it sucks. So then I went to the bathtub
and then Ben came down here and I told him to leave me
alone. Nothing against Ben, but he wasn’t very good at,
like, listening. He’s kinda drunk. I don’t even have it. I had it.
It’s cured. Whatever. It’s just, I’m not a slut. It was one guy.
One lame-ass guy. God, I can’t believe I ever told her. I
should have just told Margo when Becca wasn’t around.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. “The thing is that Becca is just jealous.”
“Why would she be jealous? She’s prom queen. She’s
dating Jase. She’s the new Margo.”
My butt was sore against the porcelain, so I tried to
rearrange myself. My knees were touching her knees. “No
one will ever be the new Margo,” I said. “Anyway, you have
what she really wants. People like you. People think you’re
Lacey shrugged bashfully. “Do you think I’m superficial?”
“Well, yeah.” I thought of myself standing outside
Becca’s bedroom, hoping she’d take her shirt off. “But so
am I,” I added. “So is everyone.” I’d often thought, If only I
had the body of Jase Worthington. Walked like I knew how
to walk. Kissed like I knew how to kiss.
“But not in the same way. Ben and I are superficial in the
same way. You don’t give a shit if people like you.”
Which was both true and not. “I care more than I’d like
to,” I said.
“Everything sucks without Margo,” she said. She was
drunk, too, but I didn’t mind her variety of drunk.
“Yeah,” I said.
“I want you to take me to that place,” she said. “That strip
mall. Ben told me about it.”
“Yeah, we can go whenever you want,” I said. I told her
I’d been there all night, that I’d found Margo’s nail polish
and her blanket.
Lacey was quiet for a while, breathing through her open
mouth. When she finally said it, she almost whispered it.
Worded like a question and spoken like a statement:
“She’s dead, isn’t she.”
“I don’t know, Lacey. I thought so until tonight, but now I
don’t know.”
“She’s dead and we’re all . . . doing this.”
I thought of the highlighted Whitman: “If no other in the
world be aware I sit content, / And if each and all be aware I
sit content.” I said, “Maybe that’s what she wanted, for life to
go on.”
“That doesn’t sound like my Margo,” she said, and I
thought of my Margo, and Lacey’s Margo, and Mrs.
Spiegelman’s Margo, and all of us looking at her reflection
in different fun house mirrors. I was going to say something,
but Lacey’s open mouth became truly slack-jawed, and she
leaned her head against the cold gray tile of the bathroom
wall, asleep.
It wasn’t until after two people had come into the bathroom
to pee that I decided to wake her up. It was almost 5 A.M.,
and I needed to take Ben home.
“Lace, wake up,” I said, touching her flip-flop with my
She shook her head. “I like being called that,” she said.
“You know that you’re, like, currently my best friend?”
“I’m thrilled,” I said, even though she was drunk and tired
and lying. “So listen, we’re going to go upstairs together,
and if anybody says anything about you, I will defend your
“Okay,” she said. And so we went upstairs together, and
the party had thinned out a little, but there were still some
baseball players, including Jase, over by the keg. Mostly
there were people sleeping in sleeping bags all over the
floor; some of them were squeezed onto the pullout couch.
Angela and Radar were lying together on a love seat,
Radar’s legs dangling over the side. They were sleeping
Just as I was about to ask the guys by the keg if they’d
seen Ben, he ran into the living room. He wore a blue baby
bonnet on his head and was wielding a sword made out of
eight empty cans of Milwaukee’s Best Light, which had, I
assumed, been glued together.
“I SEE YOU!” Ben shouted, pointing at me with the
here! Get on your knees!” he shouted.
“What? Ben, calm down.”
I obediently knelt, looking up at him.
He lowered the beer sword and tapped me on each
shoulder. “By the power of the superglue beer sword, I
hereby designate you my driver!”
“Thanks,” I said. “Don’t puke in the minivan.”
“YES!” he shouted. And then when I tried to get up, he
pushed me back down with his non-beer-sworded hand,
and he tapped me again with the beer sword, and he said,
“By the power of the superglue beer sword, I hereby
announce that you will be naked under your robe at
“What?” I stood then.
“YES! Me and you and Radar! Naked under our robes!
At graduation! It will be so awesome!”
“Well,” I said, “it will be really hot.”
“YES!” he said. “Swear you will do it! I already made
Radar swear. RADAR, DIDN’T YOU SWEAR?”
Radar turned his head ever so slightly, and opened his
eyes a slit. “I swore,” he mumbled.
“Well then, I swear, too,” I said.
“YES!” Then Ben turned to Lacey. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Ben.”
“No, I love you. Not like a sister loves a brother or like a
friend loves a friend. I love you like a really drunk guy loves
the best girl ever.” She smiled.
I took a step forward, trying to save him from further
embarrassment, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “If
we’re gonna get you home by six, we should be leaving,” I
“Okay,” he said. “I just gotta thank Becca for this
awesome party.”
So Lacey and I followed Ben downstairs, where he
opened the door to Becca’s room and said, “Your party
kicked so much ass! Even though you suck so much! It’s
like instead of blood, your heart pumps liquid suck! But
thanks for the beer!” Becca was alone, lying on top of her
covers, staring at the ceiling. She didn’t even glance over at
him. She just mumbled, “Oh, go to hell, shit-face. I hope
your date gives you her crabs.”
Without a hint of irony in his voice, Ben answered, “Great
talking to you!” and then closed the door. I don’t think he
had the faintest idea he’d just been insulted.
And then we were upstairs again and getting ready to
walk out the door. “Ben,” I said, “you’re going to have to
leave the beer sword here.”
“Right,” he said, and then I grabbed the sword’s tip and
tugged, but Ben refused to relinquish it. I was about to start
screaming at his drunk ass when I realized he couldn’t let
go of the sword.
Lacey laughed. “Ben, did you glue yourself to the beer
“No,” Ben answered. “I superglued. That way no one can
steal it from me!”
“Good thinking,” Lacey deadpanned.
Lacey and I managed to break off all the beer cans
except the one that was superglued directly to Ben’s hand.
No matter how hard I pulled, Ben’s hand just limply followed
along, like the beer was the string and his hand the puppet.
along, like the beer was the string and his hand the puppet.
Finally, Lacey just said, “We gotta go.” So we did. We
strapped Ben into the backseat of the minivan. Lacey sat
next to him, because “I should make sure he doesn’t puke
or beat himself to death with his beer hand or whatever.”
But he was far enough gone for Lacey to feel
comfortable talking about him. As I drove down the
interstate, she said, “There’s something to be said for trying
hard, you know? I mean, I know he tries too hard, but why is
that such a bad thing? And he’s sweet, isn’t he?”
“I guess so,” I said. Ben’s head was lolling around,
seemingly unconnected to a spine. He didn’t strike me as
particularly sweet, but whatever.
I dropped Lacey off first on the other side of Jefferson
Park. When she leaned over and pecked him on the mouth,
he perked up enough to mumble, “Yes.” She walked up to
the driver’s-side door on the way to her condo. “Thanks,”
she said. I just nodded.
I drove across the subdivision. It wasn’t night and it
wasn’t morning. Ben snored quietly in the back. I pulled up
in front of his house, got out, opened the sliding door of the
minivan, and unfastened his seat belt.
“Time to go home, Benners.”
He sniffed and shook his head, then awoke. He reached
up to rub his eyes and seemed surprised to find an empty
can of Milwaukee’s Best Light attached to his right hand.
He tried to make a fist and dented the can some, but did
not dislodge it. He looked at it for a minute, and then
nodded. “The Beast is stuck to me,” he noted.
He climbed out of the minivan and staggered up the
sidewalk to his house, and when he was standing on the
front porch, he turned around, smiling. I waved at him. The
beer waved back.
I slept for a few hours and then spent the morning poring
over the travel guides I’d discovered the day before. I
waited until noon to call Ben and Radar. I called Ben first.
“Good morning, Sunshine,” I said.
“Oh, God,” Ben said, his voice dripping abject misery.
“Oh, sweet baby Jesus, come and comfort your little bro
Ben. Oh, Lord. Shower me with your mercy.”
“There’ve been a lot of Margo developments,” I said
excitedly, “so you need to come over. I’m gonna call Radar,
Ben seemed not to have heard me. “Hey, when my mom
came into my room at nine o’clock this morning, why is it
that as I reached up to yawn, she and I both discovered a
beer can was stuck to my hand?”
“You superglued a bunch of beers together to make a
beer sword, and then you superglued your hand to it.”
“Oh, yeah. The beer sword. That rings a bell. ”
“Ben, come over.”
“Bro. I feel like shit.”
“Then I’ll come over to your house. How soon?”
“Bro, you can’t come over here. I have to sleep for ten
thousand hours. I have to drink ten thousand gallons of
water, and take ten thousand Advils. I’ll just see you
tomorrow at school.”
I took a deep breath and tried not to sound pissed. “I
drove across Central Florida in the middle of the night to be
sober at the world’s drunkest party and drive your soggy
ass home, and this is—” I would have kept talking, but I
noticed that Ben had hung up. He hung up on me. Asshole.
As time passed, I only got more pissed. It’s one thing not
to give a shit about Margo. But really, Ben didn’t give a shit
about me, either. Maybe our friendship had always been
about convenience— he didn’t have anyone cooler than me
to play video games with. And now he didn’t have to be
nice to me, or care about the things I cared about, because
he had Jase Worthington. He had the school keg stand
record. He had a hot prom date. He’d jumped at his first
opportunity to join the fraternity of vapid asshats.
Five minutes after he hung up on me, I called his cell again.
He didn’t answer, so I left a message. “You want to be cool
like Chuck, Bloody Ben? That’s what you always wanted?
Well, congratulations. You got it. And you deserve him,
because you’re also a shitbag. Don’t call back.”
Then I called Radar. “Hey,” I said.
“Hey,” he answered. “I just threw up in the shower. Can I
call you back?”
“Sure,” I said, trying not to sound angry. I just wanted
someone to help me sort through the world according to
Margo. But Radar wasn’t Ben; he called back just a couple
minutes later.
“It was so disgusting that I puked while cleaning it up,
and then while cleaning that up, I puked again. It’s like a
perpetual motion machine. If you just kept feeding me, I
could have just kept puking forever.”
“Can you come over? Or can I come over to your
“Yeah, of course. What’s up?”
“Margo was alive and in the minimall for at least one
night after her disappearance.”
“I’ll come to you. Four minutes.”
Radar showed up at my window precisely four minutes
“You should know I’m having a huge fight with Ben,” I
said as he climbed in.
“I’m too hungover to mediate,” Radar answered quietly.
He lay down on the bed, his eyes half closed, and rubbed
his buzzed hair. “It’s like I got hit by lightning.” He sniffed.
“Okay, bring me up-to-date.” I sat down in the desk chair
and told Radar about my evening in Margo’s vacation
house, trying hard not to leave out any possibly helpful
details. I knew Radar was better at puzzles than I, and I was
hoping he’d piece together this one.
He waited to talk until I’d said, “And then Ben called me
and I left for that party.”
“Do you have that book, the one with the turned-down
corners?” he asked. I got up and fished for it under the bed,
finally pulling it out. Radar held it above his head, squinting
through his headache, and flipped through the pages.
“Write this down,” he said. “Omaha, Nebraska. Sac City,
Iowa. Alexandria, Indiana. Darwin, Minnesota. Hollywood,
California. Alliance, Nebraska. Okay. Those are the
locations of all the things she—well, or whoever read this
book—found interesting.” He got up, motioned me out of
the chair, and then swiveled to the computer. Radar had an
amazing talent for carrying on conversations while typing.
“There’s a map mash-up that allows you to enter multiple
destinations and it will spit out a variety of itineraries. Not
that she’d know about this program. But still, I want to see.”
“How do you know all this shit?” I asked.
“Um, reminder: I. Spend. My. Entire. Life. On.
Omnictionary. In the hour between when I got home this
morning and when I hurled in the shower, I completely
rewrote the page for the Blue-spotted Anglerfish. I have a
problem. Okay, look at this,” he said. I leaned in and saw
several jagged routes drawn onto a map of the United
States. All began in Orlando and ended in Hollywood,
“Maybe she’ll stay in LA?” Radar suggested.
“Maybe,” I said. “There’s no way to tell her route, though.”
“True. Also nothing else points to LA. What she said to
Jase points to New York. The ‘go to the paper towns and
never come back’ points to a nearby pseudovision, it
seems. The nail polish also points to maybe her still being
in the area? I’m just saying we can now add the location of
the world’s largest ball of popcorn to our list of possible
Margo locales.”
“The traveling would fit with one of the Whitman quotes: ‘I
tramp a perpetual journey.’”
Radar stayed hunched over the computer. I went to sit
down on the bed. “Hey, will you just print out a map of the
U.S. so I can plot the points?” I asked.
“I can just do it online,” he said.
“Yeah, but I want to be able to look at it.” The printer fired
up a few seconds later and I placed the U.S. map next to
the one with the pseudovisions on the wall. I put a tack in for
each of the six locations she (or someone) had marked in
the book. I tried to look at them as a constellation, to see if
they formed a shape or a letter—but I couldn’t see anything.
It was a totally random distribution, like she’d blindfolded
herself and thrown darts at the map.
I sighed. “You know what would be nice?” Radar asked.
“If we could find some evidence that she was checking her
email or anywhere on the Internet. I search for her name
every day; I’ve got a bot that will alert me if she ever logs on
to Omnictionary with that username. I track IP addresses of
people who search for the phrase ‘paper towns.’ It’s
incredibly frustrating.”
“I didn’t know you were doing all that stuff,” I said.
“Yeah, well. Only doing what I’d want someone else to
do. I know I wasn’t friends with her, but she deserves to be
found, you know?”
“Unless she doesn’t want to be,” I said.
“Yeah, I guess that’s possible. It’s all still possible.” I
nodded. “Yeah, so—okay,” he said. “Can we brainstorm
over video games?”
“I’m not really in the mood.”
“Can we call Ben then?”
“No. Ben’s an asshole.”
Radar looked at me sideways. “Of course he is. You
know your problem, Quentin? You keep expecting people
not to be themselves. I mean, I could hate you for being
massively unpunctual and for never being interested in
anything other than Margo Roth Spiegelman, and for, like,
never asking me about how it’s going with my girlfriend—
but I don’t give a shit, man, because you’re you. My parents
have a shit ton of black Santas, but that’s okay. They’re
them. I’m too obsessed with a reference Web site to
answer my phone sometimes when my friends call, or my
girlfriend. That’s okay, too. That’s me. You like me anyway.
And I like you. You’re funny, and you’re smart, and you may
show up late, but you always show up eventually.”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t complimenting you. Just saying:
stop thinking Ben should be you, and he needs to stop
thinking you should be him, and y’all just chill the hell out.”
“All right,” I said finally, and called Ben. The news that
Radar was over and wanted to play video games led to a
miraculous hangover recovery.
“So,” I said after hanging up. “How’s Angela?”
Radar laughed. “She’s good, man. She’s real good.
Thanks for asking.”
“You still a virgin?” I asked.
“I don’t kiss and tell. Although, yes. Oh, and we had our
first fight this morning. We had breakfast at Waffle House,
and she was going on about how awesome the black
Santas are, and how my parents are great people for
collecting them because it’s important for us not to
presume that everybody cool in our culture like God and
Santa Claus is white, and how the black Santa empowers
the whole African-American community.”
“I actually think I kind of agree with her,” I said.
“Yeah, well, it’s a fine idea, but it happens to be bullshit.
They’re not trying to spread the black Santa gospel. If they
were, they’d make black Santas. Instead, they’re trying to
buy the entire world supply. There’s this old guy in
Pittsburgh with the second-biggest collection, and they’re
always trying to buy it off him.”
Ben spoke from the doorway. He’d been there a while,
apparently. “Radar, your failure to bop that lovely
honeybunny is the greatest humanitarian tragedy of our
“What’s up, Ben?” I said.
“Thanks for the ride last night, bro.”
Even though we only had a week before finals, I spent
Monday afternoon reading “Song of Myself.” I’d wanted to
go to the last two pseudovisions, but Ben needed his car. I
was no longer looking for clues in the poem so much as I
was looking for Margo herself. I’d made it about halfway
through “Song of Myself” this time when I stumbled into
another section that I found myself reading and rereading.
“I think I will do nothing for a long time but listen,”
Whitman writes. And then for two pages, he’s just hearing:
hearing a steam whistle, hearing people’s voices, hearing
an opera. He sits on the grass and lets the sound pour
through him. And this is what I was trying to do, too, I guess:
to listen to all the little sounds of her, because before any of
it could make sense, it had to be heard. For so long, I
hadn’t really heard Margo—I’d seen her screaming and
thought her laughing—that now I figured it was my job. To
try, even at this great remove, to hear the opera of her.
If I couldn’t hear Margo, I could at least listen to what she
once heard, so I downloaded the album of Woody Guthrie
covers. I sat at the computer, my eyes closed, elbows
against the desk, and listened to a voice singing in a minor
key. I tried to hear, inside a song I’d never heard before, the
voice I had trouble remembering after twelve days.
I was still listening—but now to another of her favorites,
Bob Dylan—when my mom got home. “Dad’s gonna be
late,” she said through the closed door. “I thought I might
make turkey burgers?”
“Sounds good,” I answered, and then closed my eyes
again and listened to the music. I didn’t sit up again until
Dad called me for dinner an album and a half later.
At dinner, Mom and Dad were talking about politics in the
Middle East. Even though they completely agreed with
each other, they still managed to yell about it, saying that
so-and-so was a liar, and so-and-so was a liar and a thief,
and that the lot of them should resign. I focused on the
turkey burger, which was excellent, dripping with ketchup
and smothered with grilled onions.
“Okay, enough,” my mom said after a while. “Quentin,
how was your day?”
“Fine,” I said. “Getting ready for finals, I guess.”
“I can’t believe this is your last week of classes,” Dad
said. “It really does just seem like yesterday . . .”
“It does,” Mom said. A voice in my head was like:
WARNING. Great people, my parents, but prone to bouts of
crippling sentimentality.
“We’re just very proud of you,” she said. “But, God, we’ll
miss you next fall.”
“Yeah, well, don’t speak too soon. I could still fail
My mom laughed, and then said, “Oh, guess who I saw
at the YMCA yesterday? Betty Parson. She said Chuck
was going to the University of Georgia next fall. I was
pleased for him; he’s always struggled.”
“He’s an asshole,” I said.
“Well,” my dad said, “he was a bully. And his behavior
was deplorable.” This was typical of my parents: in their
minds, no one was just an asshole. There was always
something wrong with people other than just sucking: they
had socialization disorders, or borderline personality
syndrome, or whatever.
My mom picked up the thread. “But Chuck has learning
difficulties. He has all kinds of problems—just like anyone. I
know it’s impossible for you to see peers this way, but
when you’re older, you start to see them—the bad kids and
the good kids and all kids—as people. They’re just people,
who deserve to be cared for. Varying degrees of sick,
varying degrees of neurotic, varying degrees of selfactualized.
But you know, I always liked Betty, and I always
had hopes for Chuck. So it’s good that he’s going to
college, don’t you think?”
“Honestly, Mom, I don’t really care about him one way or
another.” But I did think, if everyone is such a person, how
come Mom and Dad still hated all the politicians in Israel
and Palestine? They didn’t talk about them like they were
My dad finished chewing something and then put his fork
down and looked at me. “The longer I do my job,” he said,
“the more I realize that humans lack good mirrors. It’s so
hard for anyone to show us how we look, and so hard for us
to show anyone how we feel.”
“That is really lovely,” my mom said. I liked that they liked
each other. “But isn’t it also that on some fundamental level
we find it difficult to understand that other people are human
beings in the same way that we are? We idealize them as
gods or dismiss them as animals.”
“True. Consciousness makes for poor windows, too. I
don’t think I’d ever thought about it quite that way.”
I was sitting back. I was listening. And I was hearing
something about her and about windows and mirrors.
Chuck Parson was a person. Like me. Margo Roth
Spiegelman was a person, too. And I had never quite
thought of her that way, not really; it was a failure of all my
previous imaginings. All along—not only since she left, but
for a decade before—I had been imagining her without
listening, without knowing that she made as poor a window
as I did. And so I could not imagine her as a person who
could feel fear, who could feel isolated in a roomful of
people, who could be shy about her record collection
because it was too personal to share. Someone who might
read travel books to escape having to live in the town that
so many people escape to. Someone who—because no
one thought she was a person—had no one to really talk to.
And all at once I knew how Margo Roth Spiegelman felt
when she wasn’t being Margo Roth Spiegelman: she felt
empty. She felt the unscaleable wall surrounding her. I
thought of her asleep on the carpet with only that jagged
sliver of sky above her. Maybe Margo felt comfortable there
because Margo the person lived like that all the time: in an
abandoned room with blocked-out windows, the only light
pouring in through holes in the roof. Yes. The fundamental
mistake I had always made—and that she had, in fairness,
always led me to make—was this: Margo was not a
miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and
precious thing. She was a girl.
The clock was always punishing, but feeling like I was
closer to unraveling the knots made time seem to stop
entirely on Tuesday. We’d all decided to go to the minimall
right after school, and the waiting was unbearable. When
the bell finally rang for the end of English, I raced
downstairs and was almost out the door when I realized we
couldn’t leave until Ben and Radar finished band practice. I
sat down outside the band room and took a personal pizza
wrapped in napkins from my backpack, where I’d had it
since lunch. I was through the first quarter when Lacey
Pemberton sat down next to me. I offered her a piece. She
We talked about Margo, of course. The hole we had in
common. “What I need to figure out,” I said, rubbing pizza
grease onto my jeans, “is a place. But I don’t even know if
I’m close with the pseudovisions. Sometimes I think we’re
just entirely off track.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. Honestly, everything else aside, I
like finding stuff out about her. I mean, that I didn’t know
before. I had no idea who she really was. I honestly never
thought of her as anything but my crazy beautiful friend who
does all the crazy beautiful things.”
“Right, but she didn’t come up with these things on the
fly,” I said. “I mean, all of her adventures had a certain . . . I
don’t know.”
“Elegance,” Lacey said. “She is the only person I know
who’s not, like, grown up who has total elegance.”
“So it’s hard to imagine her in some gross unlit dusty
“Yeah,” I said. “With rats.”
Lacey pulled her knees to her chest and assumed the
fetal position. “Ick. That’s so not Margo.”
Somehow Lacey got shotgun, although she was the
shortest of us. Ben was driving. I sighed quite loudly as
Radar, seated next to me, pulled out his handheld and
started working on Omnictionary.
“Just deleting vandalism on the Chuck Norris page,” he
said. “For instance, while I do think Chuck Norris
specializes in the roundhouse kick, I don’t think it’s
accurate to say, ‘Chuck Norris’s tears can cure cancer, but
unfortunately he has never cried.’ Anyway, vandalismdeletion
only takes like four percent of my brain.”
I understood Radar was trying to make me laugh, but I
only wanted to talk about one thing. “I’m not convinced
she’s in a pseudovision. Maybe that’s not even what she
meant by ‘paper towns,’ you know? There are so many
place hints, but nothing specific.”
Radar looked up for a second and then back down at
the screen. “Personally, I think she’s far away, doing some
ridiculous roadside attraction tour that she wrongly thinks
she left enough clues to explain. So I think she’s currently in,
like, Omaha, Nebraska, visiting the world’s largest ball of
stamps, or in Minnesota checking out the world’s largest
ball of twine.”
With a glance into the rearview mirror, Ben said, “So you
think that Margo is on a national tour in search of various
World’s Largest Balls?” Radar nodded.
“Well,” Ben went on, “someone should just tell her to
come on home, because she can find the world’s largest
balls right here in Orlando, Florida. They’re located in a
special display case known as ‘my scrotum.’”
Radar laughed, and Ben continued. “I mean, seriously.
My balls are so big that when you order french fries from
McDonald’s, you can choose one of four sizes: small,
medium, large, and my balls.”
Lacey cut her eyes at Ben and said, “Not. Appropriate.”
“Sorry,” Ben mumbled. “I think she’s in Orlando,” he said.
“Watching us look. And watching her parents not look.”
“I’m still for New York,” Lacey said.
“All still possible,” I said. A Margo for each of us—and
each more mirror than window.
The minimall looked as it had a couple days before. Ben
parked, and I took them through the push-open door to the
office. Once everyone was inside, I said softly, “Don’t turn
on the flashlight yet. Give your eyes a chance to adjust.” I
felt fingernails dig at my forearm. I whispered, “It’s okay,
“Whoops,” she said. “Wrong arm.” She’d been
searching, I realized, for Ben.
Slowly, the room came into a hazy gray focus. I could
see the desks lined up, still waiting for workers. I turned on
my flashlight, and then everyone else turned theirs on as
well. Ben and Lacey stayed together, walking toward the
Troll Hole to explore the other rooms. Radar walked with
me to Margo’s desk. He knelt down to look closely at the
paper calendar frozen on June.
I was leaning in next to him when I heard fast footsteps
coming toward us.
“People,” Ben whispered urgently. He ducked down
behind Margo’s desk, pulling Lacey with him.
“What? Where?”
“Next room!” he said. “Wearing masks. Official-looking.
Gotta go.”
Radar shone his flashlight in the direction of the Troll
Hole but Ben knocked it down forcefully. “We. Have. To.
Get. Out. Of. Here.” Lacey was looking up at me, big-eyed
and probably a little bit pissed off that I’d falsely promised
her safety.
“Okay,” I whispered. “Okay, everybody out, through the
door. Very cool, very quick.” I had just started to walk when I
heard a booming voice shout, “WHO GOES THERE!”
Shit. “Um,” I said, “we’re just visiting.” What an
outlandishly lame thing to say. Through the Troll Hole, a
white light blinded me. It might have been God Himself.
“What are your intentions?” The voice had a slight faked
Britishness to it.
I watched Ben stand up next to me. It felt good not to be
alone. “We’re here investigating a disappearance,” he said
with great confidence. “We weren’t going to break
anything.” The light snapped off, and I blinked away the
blindness until I saw three figures, each wearing jeans, a Tshirt,
and a mask with two circular filters. One of them
pulled the mask up to his forehead and looked at us. I
recognized the goatee and flat, wide mouth.
“Gus?” asked Lacey. She stood up. The SunTrust
security guard.
“Lacey Pemberton. Jesus. What are you doing here?
With no mask? This place has a ton of asbestos.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Exploring,” he said. Somehow Ben was emboldened
with enough confidence to walk up to the other guys and
offer handshakes. They introduced themselves as Ace and
the Carpenter. I would venture to guess that these were
We pulled around some rolling desk chairs and sat in an
approximate circle. “Did you guys break the
particleboard?” Gus asked.
“Well, I did,” Ben explained.
“We taped that up because we didn’t want anyone else
in. If people can see a way in from the road, you get a lot of
people coming in who don’t know shit about exploring.
Bums and crack addicts and everything.”
I stepped forward toward them and said, “So, you, uh,
knew that Margo came here?”
Before Gus answered, Ace spoke through the mask. His
voice was slightly modulated but easy to understand. “Man,
Margo was here all the damned time. We only come here a
few times a year; it’s got asbestos, and anyway, it’s not
even that good. But we probably saw her, like, what, like
more than half the time we came here in the last couple
years. She was hot, huh?”
“Was?” asked Lacey pointedly.
“She ran away, right?”
“What do you know about that?” Lacey asked.
“Nothing, Jesus. I saw Margo with him,” Gus said,
nodding toward me, “a couple weeks ago. And then I heard
that she ran away. It occurred to me a few days later she
might be here, so we visited.”
“I never got why she liked this place so much. There’s
not much here,” said the Carpenter. “It’s not great
“What do you mean exploring?” Lacey asked Gus.
“Urban exploring. We enter abandoned buildings,
explore them, photograph them. We take nothing; we leave
nothing. We’re just observers.”
“It’s a hobby,” said Ace. “Gus used to let Margo tag
along on exploring trips when we were still in school.”
“She had a great eye, even though she was only, like,
thirteen,” Gus said. “She could figure a way into anywhere.
It was just occasional back then, but now we go out like
three times a week. There’s places all over. There’s an
abandoned mental hospital over in Clearwater. It’s
amazing. You can see where they strapped down the
crazies and gave them electroshock. And there’s an old jail
out west of here. But she wasn’t really into it. She liked to
break into the places, but then she just wanted to stay.”
“Yeah, God that was annoying,” added Ace.
The Carpenter said, “She wouldn’t even, like, take
pictures. Or run around and find stuff. She just wanted to go
inside and, like, sit. Remember, she had that black
notebook? And she would just sit in the corner and write,
like she was in her house, doing homework or something.”
“Honestly,” Gus said, “she never really got what it’s all
about. The adventure. She seemed pretty depressed,
I wanted to let them keep talking, because I figured
everything they said would help me imagine Margo. But all
of a sudden, Lacey stood up and kicked her chair behind
her. “And you never thought to ask her about how she was
pretty depressed actually? Or why she hung out in these
sketch-ass places? That never bothered you?” She was
standing above him now, shouting, and he stood up, too,
half a foot taller than her, and then the Carpenter said,
“Jesus, somebody calm that bitch down.”
“Oh no you didn’t!” Ben yelled, and before I even knew
what was going on, Ben tackled the Carpenter, who fell
awkwardly out of his chair onto his shoulder. Ben straddled
the guy and started pounding on him, furiously and
awkwardly smacking and punching his mask, shouting,
“SHE’S NOT THE BITCH, YOU ARE!” I scrambled up and
grabbed one of Ben’s arms as Radar grabbed the other.
We pulled him away, but he was still shouting, “I have a lot
of anger right now! I was enjoying punching the guy! I want
to go back to punching him!”
“Ben,” I said, trying to sound calm, trying to sound like my
mom. “Ben, it’s okay. You made your point.”
Gus and Ace picked up the Carpenter, and Gus said,
“Jesus Christ, we’re getting out of here, okay? It’s all yours.”
Ace picked up their camera equipment, and they hustled
out the back door. Lacey started to explain to me how she
knew him, saying, “He was a senior when we were fr—.”
But I waved it off. None of it mattered anyway.
Radar knew what mattered. He returned immediately to
the calendar, his eyes an inch away from the paper. “I don’t
think anything was written on the May page,” he says. “The
paper is pretty thin and I can’t see any marks. But it’s
impossible to say for sure.” He went off to search for more
clues, and I saw Lacey’s and Ben’s flashlights dipping as
they went through a Troll Hole, but I just stood there in the
office, imagining her. I thought of her following these guys,
four years older than her, into abandoned buildings. That
was Margo as I’d seen her. But then, inside the buildings,
she is not the Margo I’d always imagined. While everyone
else walks off to explore and take pictures and bounce
around the walls, Margo sits on the floor, writing something.
From next door, Ben shouted, “Q! We got something!”
I wiped sweat from my face with both sleeves and used
Margo’s desk to pull myself up. I walked across the room,
ducked through the Troll Hole, and headed toward the three
flashlights scanning the wall above the rolled-up carpet.
“Look,” Ben said, using the beam to draw a square on
the wall. “You know those little holes you mentioned?”
“They had to have been mementos tacked up there.
Postcards or pictures, we think, from the spacing of the
holes. Which maybe she took with her,” Ben said.
“Yeah, maybe,” I said. “I wish we could find that notebook
Gus was talking about.”
“Yeah, when he said that, I remembered that notebook,”
Lacey said, the beam of my flashlight lighting up only her
legs. “She had one with her all the time. I never saw her
write in it, but I just figured it was like a day planner or
whatever. God, I never asked about it. I get pissed at Gus,
who wasn’t even her friend. But what did I ever ask her?”
“She wouldn’t have answered anyway,” I said. It was
dishonest to act like Margo hadn’t participated in her own
We walked around for another hour, and just when I felt
sure the trip had been a waste, my flashlight happened over
the subdivision brochures that had been built into a house
of cards when we first came here. One of the brochures
was for Grovepoint Acres. My breath caught as I spread out
the other brochures. I jogged to my backpack by the door
and came back with a pen and a notebook and wrote down
the names of all the advertised subdivisions. I recognized
one immediately: Collier Farms—one of the two
pseudovisions on my list I hadn’t yet visited. I finished
copying the subdivision names and returned my notebook
to my backpack. Call me selfish, but if I found her, I wanted
it to be alone.
The moment Mom got home from work on Friday, I told
her that I was going to a concert with Radar and then
proceeded to drive out to rural Seminole County to see
Collier Farms. All the other subdivisions from the brochures
turned out to exist— most of them on the north side of town,
which had been totally developed a long time ago.
I only recognized the turnoff for Collier Farms because
I’d become something of an expert in hard-to-see dirt
access roads. But Collier Farms was like none of the other
pseudovisions I’d seen, because it was wildly overgrown,
as if it had been abandoned for fifty years. I didn’t know if it
was older than the other pseudovisions, or if the low-lying,
swamp-wet land made everything grow faster, but the
Collier Farms access road became impassable just after I
turned in because a thick grove of brambly brush had
sprouted across the entire road.
I got out and walked. The overgrown grass scraped at
my shins, and my sneakers sunk into the mud with each
step. I couldn’t help but hope she had a tent pitched out
here somewhere on some little piece of land two feet
higher than everything else, keeping the rain off. I walked
slowly, because there was more to see than at any of the
others, more places to hide, and because I knew this
pseudovision had a direct connection to the minimall. The
ground was so thick I had to walk slowly as I let myself take
in each new landscape, checking each place big enough to
fit a person. At the end of the street I saw a blue-and-white
cardboard box in the mud, and for a second it looked like
the same nutrition bars I’d found in the minimall. But, no. A
rotting container for a twelve-pack of beer. I trudged back to
the minivan and headed for a place called Logan Pines
farther to the north.
It took an hour to get there, and by now I was up near the
Ocala National Forest, not really even the Orlando metro
area anymore. I was a few miles away when Ben called.
“What’s up?”
“You hittin’ those paper towns?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m almost to the last one I know of. Nothing yet.”
“So listen, bro, Radar’s parents had to leave town real
“Is everything okay?” I asked. I knew Radar’s
grandparents were really old and lived in a nursing home
down in Miami.
“Yeah, get this: you know the guy in Pittsburgh with the
world’s second-largest collection of black Santas?”
“He just bit it.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Bro, I don’t kid about the demise of black Santa
collectors. This guy had an aneurysm, and so Radar’s folks
are flying to Pennsylvania to try to buy his entire collection.
So we’re having a few people over.”
“Who’s we?”
“You and me and Radar. We’re the hosts.”
“I don’t know,” I said.
There was a pause, and then Ben used my full name.
“Quentin,” he said, “I know you want to find her. I know she
is the most important thing to you. And that’s cool. But we
graduate in, like, a week. I’m not asking you to abandon the
search. I’m asking you to come to a party with your two best
friends who you have known for half your life. I’m asking you
to spend two to three hours drinking sugary wine coolers
like the pretty little girl you are, and then another two to
three hours vomiting the aforementioned wine coolers
through your nose. And then you can go back to poking
around abandoned housing projects.”
It bothered me that Ben only wanted to talk about Margo
when it involved an adventure that appealed to him, that he
thought there was something wrong with me for focusing on
her over my friends, even though she was missing and they
weren’t. But Ben was Ben, like Radar said. And I had
nothing left to search after Logan Pines anyway. “I’ve got to
go to this last place and then I’ll be over.”
Because Logan Pines was the last pseudovision in Central
Florida— or at least the last one I knew about—I had
placed so much hope in it. But as I walked around its single
dead-end street with a flashlight, I saw no tent. No campfire.
No food wrappers. No sign of people. No Margo. At the
end of the road, I found a single concrete foundation dug
into the dirt. But there was nothing built atop it, just the hole
cut into the earth like a dead mouth agape, tangles of briars
and waist-high grass growing up all around. If she’d wanted
me to see these places, I could not understand why. And if
Margo had gone to the pseudovisions never to come back,
she knew about a place I hadn’t uncovered in all my
It took an hour and a half to drive back to Jefferson Park. I
parked the minivan at home, changed into a polo shirt and
my only nice pair of jeans, and walked down Jefferson Way
to Jefferson Court, and then took a right onto Jefferson
Road. A few cars were already lined up on both sides of
Jefferson Place, Radar’s street. It was only eight-forty-five.
I opened the door and was greeted by Radar, who had
an armful of plaster black Santas. “Gotta put away all of the
nice ones,” he said. “God forbid one of them breaks.”
“Need any help?” I asked. Radar nodded toward the
living room, where the tables on either side of the couch
held three sets of unnested black Santa nesting dolls. As I
renested them, I couldn’t help but notice that they were
really very beautiful— hand-painted and extraordinarily
detailed. I didn’t say this to Radar, though, for fear that he
would beat me to death with the black Santa lamp in the
living room.
I carried the matryoshka dolls into the guest bedroom,
where Radar was carefully stashing Santas into a dresser.
“You know, when you see them all together, it really does
make you question the way we imagine our myths.”
Radar rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I always find myself
questioning the way I imagine my myths when I’m eating my
Lucky Charms every morning with a goddamned black
Santa spoon.”
I felt a hand on my shoulder spinning me around. It was
Ben, his feet fidgeting in fast-motion like he needed to pee
or something. “We kissed. Like, she kissed me. About ten
minutes ago. On Radar’s parents’ bed.”
“That’s disgusting,” Radar said. “Don’t make out in my
parents’ bed.”
“Wow, I figured you’d already gotten past that,” I said.
“What with you being such a pimp and everything.”
“Shut up, bro. I’m freaked out,” he said, looking at me,
his eyes almost crossed. “I don’t think I’m very good.”
“At what?”
“At kissing. And, I mean, she’s done a lot more kissing
than me over the years. I don’t want to suck so bad she
dumps me. Girls dig you,” he said to me, which was at best
true only if you defined the word girls as “girls in the
marching band.” “Bro, I’m asking for advice.”
I was tempted to bring up all Ben’s endless blather about
the various ways in which he would rock various bodies, but
I just said, “As far as I can tell, there are two basic rules: 1.
Don’t bite anything without permission, and 2. The human
tongue is like wasabi: it’s very powerful, and should be
used sparingly.”
Ben’s eyes suddenly grew bright with panic. I winced,
and said, “She’s standing behind me, isn’t she?”
“‘The human tongue is like wasabi,’” Lacey mimicked in
a deep, goofy voice that I hoped didn’t really resemble
I wheeled around. “I actually think Ben’s tongue is like
sunscreen,” she said. “It’s good for your health and should
be applied liberally.”
“I just threw up in my mouth,” Radar said.
“Lacey, you just kind of took away my will to go on,” I
“I wish I could stop imagining that,” Radar said.
I said, “The very idea is so offensive that it’s actually
illegal to say the words ‘Ben Starling’s tongue’ on
“The penalty for violating that law is either ten years in
prison or one Ben Starling tongue bath,” Radar said.
“Everyone,” I said.
“Chooses,” Radar said, smiling.
“Prison,” we finished together.
And then Lacey kissed Ben in front of us. “Oh God,”
Radar said, waving his arms in front of his face. “Oh, God.
I’m blind. I’m blind.”
“Please stop,” I said. “You’re upsetting the black
The party ended up in the formal living room on the second
floor of Radar’s house, all twenty of us. I leaned against a
wall, my head inches from a black Santa portrait painted on
velvet. Radar had one of those sectional couches, and
everyone was crowded onto it. There was beer in a cooler
by the TV, but no one was drinking. Instead, they were
telling stories about one another. I’d heard most of them
before—band camp stories and Ben Starling stories and
first kiss stories—but Lacey hadn’t heard any of them, and
anyway, they were still entertaining.
I stayed mostly out of it until Ben said, “Q, how are we
going to graduate?”
I smirked. “Naked but for our robes,” I said.
“Yes!” Ben sipped a Dr Pepper.
“I’m not even bringing clothes, so I don’t wuss out,”
Radar said.
“Me neither! Q, swear not to bring clothes.”
I smiled. “Duly sworn,” I said.
“I’m in!” said our friend Frank. And then more and more
of the guys got behind the idea. The girls, for some reason,
were resistant.
Radar said to Angela, “Your refusal to do this makes me
question the whole foundation of our love.”
“You don’t get it,” Lacey said. “It’s not that we’re afraid.
It’s just that we already have our dresses picked out.”
Angela pointed at Lacey. “Exactly.” Angela added, “Y’all
better hope it’s not windy.”
“I hope it is windy,” Ben said. “The world’s largest balls
benefit from fresh air.”
Lacey put a hand to her face, ashamed. “You’re a
challenging boyfriend,” she said. “Rewarding, but
challenging.” We laughed.
This was what I liked most about my friends: just sitting
around and telling stories. Window stories and mirror
stories. I only listened—the stories on my mind weren’t that
I couldn’t help but think about school and everything else
ending. I liked standing just outside the couches and
watching them—it was a kind of sad I didn’t mind, and so I
just listened, letting all the happiness and the sadness of
this ending swirl around in me, each sharpening the other.
For the longest time, it felt kind of like my chest was
cracking open, but not precisely in an unpleasant way.
I left just before midnight. Some people were staying later,
but it was my curfew, and plus I didn’t feel like staying. Mom
was half asleep on the couch, but she perked up when she
saw me. “Did you have fun?”
“Yeah,” I said. “It was pretty chill.”
“Just like you,” she said, smiling. This sentiment struck
me as hilarious, but I didn’t say anything. She stood up and
pulled me into her, kissing me on the cheek. “I really like
being your mom,” she said.
“Thanks,” I said.
I went to bed with the Whitman, flipping to the part I’d liked
before, where he spends all the time hearing the opera and
the people.
After all that hearing, he writes, “I am exposed . . . . cut
by bitter and poisoned hail.” That was perfect, I thought: you
listen to people so that you can imagine them, and you hear
all the terrible and wonderful things people do to
themselves and to one another, but in the end the listening
exposes you even more than it exposes the people you’re
trying to listen to.
Walking through pseudovisions and trying to listen to her
does not crack the Margo Roth Spiegelman case so much
as it cracks me. Pages later—hearing and exposed—
Whitman starts to write about all the travel he can do by
imagining, and lists all the places he can visit while loafing
on the grass. “My palms cover continents,” he writes.
I kept thinking about maps, like the way sometimes
when I was a kid I would look at atlases, and just the looking
was kind of like being somewhere else. This is what I had
to do. I had to hear and imagine my way into her map.
But hadn’t I been trying to do that? I looked up at the
maps above my computer. I had tried to plot her possible
travels, but just as the grass stood for too much, so Margo
stood for too much. It seemed impossible to pin her down
with maps. She was too small and the space covered by
the maps too big. They were more than a waste of time—
they were the physical representation of the total
fruitlessness of all of it, my absolute inability to develop the
kinds of palms that cover continents, to have the kind of
mind that correctly imagines.
I got up and walked over to the maps and tore them off
the wall, the pins and tacks flying out with the paper and
falling to the ground. I balled up the maps and threw them in
the garbage can. On my way back to bed I stepped on a
tack, like an idiot, and even though I was annoyed and
exhausted and out of pseudovisions and ideas, I had to
pick up all the thumbtacks scattered around the carpet so I
didn’t step on them later. I just wanted to punch the wall, but
I had to pick up those stupid goddamned thumbtacks.
When I finished, I got back into bed and socked my pillow,
my teeth clenched.
I started trying to read the Whitman again, but between it
and thinking of Margo, I felt exposed enough for this night.
So finally I put the book down. I couldn’t be bothered to get
up and turn off the light. I just stared at the wall, my blinks
growing longer. And every time I opened my eyes, I saw
where each map had been—the four holes marking the
rectangle, and the pinholes seemingly randomly distributed
inside the rectangle. I’d seen a similar pattern before. In the
empty room above the rolled-up carpet.
A map. With plotted points.
I woke up with the sunlight just before seven on
Saturday morning. Amazingly, Radar was online.
QTHERESURRECTION: I thought you’d be
sleeping for sure.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Nah, man. I’ve been up since
six, expanding the article on this Malaysian pop
Angela’s still in bed, though.
QTHERESURRECTION: Ooh she stayed over?
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Yeah but my purity is still
Graduation night, though . . . I think maybe.
something last night. The little holes in that wall in the
strip mall— maybe a map that plotted points with
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Like a route.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Wanna go over? I have to
wait till Ange gets up, though.
He called at ten. I picked him up in the minivan and then we
drove to Ben’s house, figuring that a surprise attack would
be the only way to wake him up. But even singing “You Are
My Sunshine” outside his window only resulted in him
opening the window and spitting at us. “I’m not doing
anything until noon,” he said authoritatively.
So it was just Radar and me on the drive out. He talked
a little about Angela and how much he liked her and how
weird it was to fall in love just a few months before they
would leave for different colleges, but I found it hard to listen
very well. I wanted that map. I wanted to see the places
she’d pinpointed. I wanted to get those tacks back into the
We walked in through the office, hustled through the library,
paused briefly to examine the holes in the bedroom wall,
and entered the souvenir shop. The place didn’t scare me
at all anymore. Once we’d been in each room and
established we were alone, I felt as safe as I did at home.
Beneath a display counter, I found the box of maps and
brochures I’d rifled through on prom night. I lifted it out and
balanced it on the corners of a broken glass counter. Radar
sorted through them initially, looking for anything with a
map, and then I unfolded them, scanning for pinholes.
We were getting near the bottom of the box when Radar
pulled out a black-and-white brochure entitled FIVE
THOUSAND AMERICAN CITIES. It was copyrighted 1972
by the Esso company. As I carefully unfolded the map,
trying to smooth the creases, I saw a pinhole in a corner.
“This is it,” I said, my voice rising. There was a small rip
around the pinhole, like it’d been torn off the wall. It was a
yellowing, brittle, classroom-size map of the United States
printed thick with potential destinations. The rips in the map
told me that she had not intended this as a clue— Margo
was too precise and assured with her clues to muddy the
waters. Somehow or another, we’d stumbled into
something she hadn’t planned, and in seeing what she
hadn’t planned, I thought again of how much she had
planned. And maybe, I thought, that’s what she did in the
quiet dark here. Traveling while loafing, like Whitman had,
as she prepared for the real thing.
I ran all the way back to the office and found a bunch of
thumbtacks in a desk adjacent to Margo’s, before Radar
and I carefully carried the unfurled map back to Margo’s
room. I held it up against the wall while Radar tried to get
the tacks into the corners, but three of the four corners had
ripped, as had three of the five locations, presumably when
the map was taken off the wall. “Higher and to the left,” he
said. “No, down. Yeah. Don’t move.” Finally we got the map
on the wall, and then we started lining up the holes in the
map with the ones on the wall. We got all five pins in pretty
easily. But some of these pinholes were also ripped, so it
was impossible to tell their EXACT location. And exact
location mattered in a map blackened with the names of
five thousand places. The lettering was so small and exact
that I had to stand up on the carpet and put my bare
eyeballs inches away from the map even to guess each
location. As I suggested town names, Radar pulled out his
handheld and looked them up on Omnictionary.
There were two unripped dots: one looked like Los
Angeles, although there were a bunch of towns clustered so
close together in Southern California that the type
overlapped. The other unripped hole was over Chicago.
There was a ripped one in New York that, judging from the
location of the hole in the wall, was one of the five boroughs
of New York City.
“That makes sense with what we know.”
“Yeah,” I said. “But God, where in New York? That’s the
“We’re missing something,” he says. “Some locational
hint. What’re the other dots?”
“There’s another in New York State, but not near the city.
I mean, look, all the towns are tiny. It might be
Poughkeepsie or Woodstock or the Catskill Park.”
“Woodstock,” Radar said. “That’d be interesting. She’s
not much of a hippie, but she has that whole free-spirit
“I don’t know,” I said. “The last one is either Washington,
D.C., or else maybe Annapolis or Chesapeake Bay. That
one could be a bunch of things, actually.”
“It’d be helpful if there was only one point on the map,”
Radar said sullenly.
“But she’s probably going from place to place,” I said.
Tramping her perpetual journey.
I sat on the carpet for a while as Radar read to me more
about New York, about the Catskill Mountains, about the
nation’s capital, about the concert at Woodstock in 1969.
Nothing seemed to help. I felt as if we’d played out the
string and found nothing.
After I dropped Radar off that afternoon, I sat around the
house reading “Song of Myself” and halfheartedly studying
for finals.
I had calc and Latin on Monday, probably my two
toughest subjects, and I couldn’t afford to ignore them
completely. I studied most of Saturday night and throughout
the day Sunday, but then a Margo idea popped into my
head just after dinner, so I took a break from practicing
Ovid translations and logged onto IM. I saw Lacey online.
I’d only just gotten her screen name from Ben, but I figured I
knew her well enough to IM her.
QTHERESURRECTION: Did you ever think about
how much time Margo must have spent planning
SACKCLOTHANDASHES: Yeah, like leaving the
letters in the alphabet soup before Mississippi and
leading you to the minimall, you mean?
QTHERESURRECTION: Yeah, these aren’t things
you think up in ten minutes.
SACKCLOTHANDASHES: Maybe the notebook.
SACKCLOTHANDASHES: Yeah. I was thinking
about it today because I remembered one time when
we were shopping, she kept sticking the notebook
into purses she liked, to make sure it fit.
QTHERESURRECTION: I wish I had that notebook.
SACKCLOTHANDASHES: Yeah, probably with her,
QTHERESURRECTION: Yeah. It wasn’t in her
SACKCLOTHANDASHES: No, just textbooks,
stacked neat like they always were.
I studied at my desk and waited for other people to come
online. Ben did after a while, and I invited him into a chat
room with me and Lacey. They did most of the talking—I
was still sort of translating—until Radar logged in and
joined the room. Then I put down my pencil for the night.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Someone from New York
City searched Omnictionary for Margo Roth
Spiegelman today.
ITWASAKIDNEYINFECTION: Can you tell where in
New York City?
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Unfortunately, no.
SACKCLOTHANDASHES: Also there are still
some posters up in record stores there. It was
probably just someone trying to find out about her.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Oh, right. I forgot about that.
QTHERESURRECTION: Hey, I’m in and out
because I’m using that site Radar showed me to map
routes between the places she pinholed.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: I have a new theory. She’s
going to show up for graduation, sitting in the
ITWASAKIDNEYINFECTION: I have an old theory,
that she is somewhere in Orlando, screwing with us
and making sure that she’s the center of our universe.
They went on like that, talking about their Margos, as I
tried to map her route. If she hadn’t intended the map as a
clue—and the ripped tack holes told me she hadn’t—I
figured we’d gotten all the clues she’d intended for us and
now much more. Surely I had what I needed, then. But I still
felt very far away from her.
After three long hours alone with eight hundred words
from Ovid on Monday morning, I walked through the halls
feeling as if my brain might drip out of my ears. But I’d done
okay. We had an hour and a half for lunch, to give our minds
time to firm back up before the second exam period of the
day. Radar was waiting for me at my locker.
“I just bombed me some Spanish,” Radar said.
“I’m sure you did okay.” He was going to Dartmouth on a
huge scholarship. He was plenty smart.
“Dude, I don’t know. I kept falling asleep during the oral
part. But listen, I was up half the night building this program.
It’s so awesome. What it does is it allows you to enter a
category—it can be a geographical area or like a family in
the animal kingdom— and then you can read the first
sentences of up to a hundred Omnictionary articles about
your topic on a single page. So, like, say you are trying to
find a particular kind of rabbit but can’t remember its name.
You can read an introduction to all twenty-one species of
rabbits on the same page in, like, three minutes.”
“You did this the night before finals?” I asked.
“Yeah, I know, right? Anyway I’ll email it to you. It’s nerdtastic.”
Ben showed up then. “I swear to God, Q, Lacey and I
were up on IM until two o’clock in the morning playing on
that site, the-longwayround? And having now plotted every
single possible trip that Margo could have taken between
Orlando and those five points, I realize I was wrong all this
time. She’s not in Orlando. Radar’s right. She’s coming
back here for graduation day.”
“The timing is perfect. To drive from Orlando to New
York to the mountains to Chicago to Los Angeles back to
Orlando is like exactly a twenty-three-day trip. Plus, it’s a
totally retarded joke, but it’s a Margo joke. You make
everyone think you offed yourself. Surround yourself with an
air of mystery so that everyone pays attention. And then
right as all the attention starts to go away, you show up at
“No,” I said. “No way.” I knew Margo better than that by
now. She did want attention. I believed that. But Margo
didn’t play life for laughs. She didn’t get off on mere
“I’m telling you, bro. Look for her at graduation. She’s
gonna be there.” I just shook my head. Since everyone had
the same lunch period, the cafeteria was beyond packed,
so we exercised our rights as seniors and drove to
Wendy’s. I tried to stay focused on my coming calc exam,
but I was starting to feel like maybe there was more string
to the story. If Ben was right about the twenty-three-day trip,
that was very interesting, indeed. Maybe that’s what she’d
been planning in her black notebook, a long and lonesome
road trip. It didn’t explain everything, but it did fit with Margo
as a planner. Not that this brought me closer to her. As hard
as it is to pinpoint a dot inside a ripped segment of a map,
it only becomes harder when the dot is moving.
After a long day of finals, returning to the comfortable
impenetrability of “Song of Myself” was almost a relief. I had
reached a weird part of the poem—after all this time
listening and hearing people, and then traveling alongside
them, Whitman stops hearing and he stops visiting, and he
starts to become other people. Like, actually inhabit them.
He tells the story of a ship’s captain who saved everyone
on his boat except himself. The poet can tell the story, he
argues, because he has become the captain. As he writes,
“I am the man . . . . I suffered . . . . I was there.” A few lines
later, it becomes even more clear that Whitman no longer
needs to listen to become another: “I do not ask the
wounded person how he feels . . . . I myself become the
wounded person.”
I put the book down and lay on my side, staring out the
window that had always been between us. It is not enough
just to see her or hear her. To find Margo Roth Spiegelman,
you must become Margo Roth Spiegelman.
And I had done many of the things she might have done:
I had engineered a most unlikely prom coupling. I had
quieted the hounds of caste warfare. I had come to feel
comfortable inside the rat-infested haunted house where
she did her best thinking. I had seen. I had listened. But I
could not yet become the wounded person.
I limped through my physics and government finals the next
day and then stayed up till 2 A.M. on Tuesday finishing my
final reaction paper for English about Moby Dick. Ahab
was a hero, I decided. I had no particular reason for having
decided this—particularly given that I hadn’t read the book
—but I decided it and reacted thusly.
The abbreviated exam week meant that Wednesday
was the last day of school for us. And all day long, it was
hard not to walk around thinking about the lastness of it all:
The last time I stand in a circle outside the band room in the
shade of this oak tree that has protected generations of
band geeks. The last time I eat pizza in the cafeteria with
Ben. The last time I sit in this school scrawling an essay
with a cramped hand into a blue book. The last time I
glance up at the clock. The last time I see Chuck Parson
prowling the halls, his smile half a sneer. God. I was
becoming nostalgic for Chuck Parson. Something sick was
happening inside of me.
It must have been like this for Margo, too. With all the
planning she’d done, she must have known she was
leaving, and even she couldn’t have been totally immune to
the feeling. She’d had good days here. And on the last day,
the bad days become so difficult to recall, because one
way or another, she had made a life here, just as I had. The
town was paper, but the memories were not. All the things
I’d done here, all the love and pity and compassion and
violence and spite, kept welling up inside me. These
whitewashed cinder-block walls. My white walls. Margo’s
white walls. We’d been captive in them for so long, stuck in
their belly like Jonah.
Throughout the day, I found myself thinking that maybe
this feeling was why she’d planned everything so intricately
and precisely: even if you want to leave, it is so hard. It took
preparation, and maybe sitting in that minimall scrawling
her plans was both intellectual and emotional practice—
Margo’s way of imagining herself into her fate.
Ben and Radar both had a marathon band practice to
make sure they would rock “Pomp and Circumstance” at
graduation. Lacey offered me a ride, but I decided to clean
out my locker, because I didn’t really want to come back
here and again have to feel like my lungs were drowning in
this perverse nostalgia.
My locker was an unadulterated crap hole—half trash
can, half book storage. Her locker had been neatly stacked
with textbooks when Lacey opened it, I remembered, as if
she intended to come to school the next day. I pulled a
garbage can over to the bank of lockers and opened mine
up. I began by pulling off a picture of Radar and Ben and
me goofing off. I put it inside my backpack and then started
the disgusting process of picking through a year’s worth of
accumulated filth—gum wrapped in scraps of notebook
paper, pens out of ink, greasy napkins—and scraping it all
into the garbage. All along, I kept thinking, I will never do
this again, I will never be here again, this will never be my
locker again, Radar and I will never write notes in calculus
again, I will never see Margo across the hall again. This
was the first time in my life that so many things would never
happen again.
And finally it was too much. I could not talk myself down
from the feeling, and the feeling became unbearable. I
reached in deep to the recesses of my locker. I pushed
everything—photographs and notes and books—into the
trash can. I left the locker open and walked away. As I
walked past the band room, I could hear through the walls
the muffled sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance.” I kept
walking. It was hot outside, but not as hot as usual. It was
bearable. There are sidewalks most of the way home, I
thought. So I kept walking.
And as paralyzing and upsetting as all the never agains
were, the final leaving felt perfect. Pure. The most distilled
possible form of liberation. Everything that mattered except
one lousy picture was in the trash, but it felt so great. I
started jogging, wanting to put even more distance
between myself and school.
It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the
easiest goddamned thing in the world.
As I ran, I felt myself for the first time becoming Margo. I
knew: she is not in Orlando. She is not in Florida. Leaving
feels too good, once you leave. If I’d been in a car, and not
on foot, I might have kept going, too. She was gone and not
coming back for graduation or anything else. I felt sure of
coming back for graduation or anything else. I felt sure of
that now.
I leave, and the leaving is so exhilarating I know I can
never go back. But then what? Do I just keep leaving
places, and leaving them, and leaving them, tramping a
perpetual journey?
Ben and Radar drove past me a quarter mile from
Jefferson Park, and Ben brought RHAPAW to a screeching
halt right on Lakemont in spite of traffic everywhere, and I
ran up to the car and got in. They wanted to play
Resurrection at my house, but I had to tell them no, because
I was closer than I’d ever been before.
All night Wednesday, and all day Thursday, I tried to use
my new understanding of her to figure out some meaning to
the clues I had—some relationship between the map and
the travel books, or else some link between the Whitman
and the map that would allow me to understand her
travelogue. But increasingly I felt like maybe she had
become too enthralled with the pleasure of leaving to
construct a proper bread crumb trail. And if that were the
case, the map she had never intended for us to see might
be our best chance to find her. But no site on the map was
adequately specific. Even the Catskill Park dot, which
interested me because it was the only location not in or
near a big city, was far too big and populous to find a single
person. “Song of Myself” made references to places in New
York City, but there were too many locations to track them
all down. How do you pinpoint a spot on the map when the
spot seems to be moving from metropolis to metropolis?
I was already up and paging through travel guides when my
parents came into my room on Friday morning. They rarely
both entered the room at the same time, and I felt a ripple
of nausea—maybe they had bad news about Margo—
before I remembered it was my graduation day.
before I remembered it was my graduation day.
“Ready, bud?”
“Yeah. I mean, it’s not that big of a deal, but it’ll be fun.”
“You only graduate from high school once,” Mom said.
“Yeah,” I said. They sat down on the bed across from
me. I noticed them share a glance and giggle. “What?” I
“Well, we want to give you your graduation present,”
Mom said. “We’re really proud of you, Quentin. You’re the
greatest accomplishment of our lives, and this is just such a
great day for you, and we’re— You’re just a great young
I smiled and looked down. And then my dad produced a
very small gift wrapped in blue wrapping paper.
“No,” I said, snatching it from him.
“Go ahead and open it.”
“No way,” I said, staring at it. It was the size of a key. It
was the weight of a key. When I shook the box, it rattled like
a key.
“Just open it, sweetie,” my mom urged.
I tore off the wrapping paper. A KEY! I examined it
closely. A Ford key! Neither of our cars was a Ford. “You
got me a car?!”
“We did,” my dad said. “It’s not brand-new—but only two
years old and just twenty thousand miles on it.” I jumped up
and hugged both of them.
“It’s mine?”
“Yeah!” my mom almost shouted. I had a car! A car! Of
my own!
I disentangled myself from my parents and shouted
I disentangled myself from my parents and shouted
“thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you” as I raced through the living room, and yanked
open the front door wearing only an old T-shirt and boxer
shorts. There, parked in the driveway with a huge blue bow
on it, was a Ford minivan.
They’d given me a minivan. They could have picked any
car, and they picked a minivan. A minivan. O God of
Vehicular Justice, why dost thou mock me? Minivan, you
albatross around my neck! You mark of Cain! You wretched
beast of high ceilings and few horsepower!
I put on a brave face when I turned around. “Thank you
thank you thank you!” I said, although surely I didn’t sound
quite as effusive now that I was completely faking it.
“Well, we just knew how much you loved driving mine,”
Mom said. She and Dad were beaming—clearly convinced
they’d landed me the transportation of my dreams. “It’s
great for getting around with your friends!” added my dad.
And to think: these people specialize in the analysis and
understanding of the human psyche.
“Listen,” Dad said, “we should get going pretty soon if
we want to get good seats.”
I hadn’t showered or dressed or anything. Well, not that I
would technically be dressing, but still. “I don’t have to be
there until twelve-thirty,” I said. “I need to, like, get ready.”
Dad frowned. “Well, I really want to have a good sight
line so I can take some pic— ”
I interrupted him. “I can just take MY CAR,” I said. “I can
drive MYSELF in MY CAR.” I smiled broadly.
“I know!” my mom said excitedly. And what the hell—a
“I know!” my mom said excitedly. And what the hell—a
car’s a car, after all. Driving my own minivan was surely a
step up from driving someone else’s.
I went back to my computer then and informed Radar and
Lacey (Ben wasn’t online) about the minivan.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Actually that’s really good
news. Can I stop by and put a cooler in your trunk? I
gotta drive my parents to graduation and don’t want
them to see.
QTHERESURRECTION: Sure, it’s unlocked.
Cooler for what?
OMNICTIONARIAN96: Well, since no one drank at
my party, there were 212 beers left over, and we’re
taking them over to Lacey’s for her party tonight.
OMNICTIONARIAN96: It’s a big cooler.
Ben came online then, SHOUTING about how he was
already showered and naked and just needed to put on the
cap and gown. We were all talking back and forth about our
naked graduation. After everyone logged off to get ready, I
got in the shower and stood up straight so that the water
shot directly at my face, and I started thinking as the water
pounded away at me. New York or California? Chicago or
D.C.? I could go now, too, I thought. I had a car just as much
as she did. I could go to the five spots on the map, and
even if I didn’t find her, it would be more fun than another
boiling summer in Orlando. But no. It’s like breaking into
SeaWorld. It takes an immaculate plan, and then you
execute it brilliantly, and then—nothing. And then it’s just
Sea-World, except darker. She’d told me: the pleasure isn’t
in doing the thing; the pleasure is in planning it.
And that’s what I thought about as I stood beneath the
showerhead: the planning. She sits in the minimall with her
notebook, planning. Maybe she’s planning a road trip,
using the map to imagine routes. She reads the Whitman
and highlights “I tramp a perpetual journey,” because that’s
the kind of thing she likes to imagine herself doing, the kind
of thing she likes to plan.
But is it the kind of thing she likes to actually do? No.
Because Margo knows the secret of leaving, the secret I
have only just now learned: leaving feels good and pure
only when you leave something important, something that
mattered to you. Pulling life out by the roots. But you can’t
do that until your life has grown roots.
And so when she left, she left for good. But I could not
believe she had left for a perpetual journey. She had, I felt
sure, left for a place—a place where she could stay long
enough for it to matter, long enough for the next leaving to
feel as good as the last one had. There is a corner of the
world somewhere far away from here where no one knows
what “Margo Roth Spiegelman” means. And Margo is
sitting in that corner, scrawling in her black notebook.
The water began to get cold. I hadn’t so much as
touched a bar of soap, but I got out, wrapped a towel
around my waist, and sat down at the computer.
I dug up Radar’s email about his Omnictionary program
and downloaded the plug-in. It really was pretty cool. First, I
entered a zip code in downtown Chicago, clicked
“location,” and asked for a radius of twenty miles. It spit
back a hundred responses, from Navy Pier to Deerfield.
The first sentence of each entry came up on my screen, and
I read through them in about five minutes. Nothing stood
out. Then I tried a zip code near the Catskill Park in New
York. Fewer responses this time, eighty-two, organized by
the date on which the Omnictionary page had been
created. I started to read.
Woodstock, New York, is a town in Ulster County,
New York, perhaps best known for the eponymous
Woodstock concert [see Woodstock Concert] in
1969, a three-day event featuring acts from Jimi
Hendrix to Janis Joplin, which actually occurred in a
nearby town.
Lake Katrine is a small lake in Ulster County, New
York, often visited by Henry David Thoreau.
The Catskill Park comprises 700,000 acres of land
in the Catskill Mountains owned jointly by state and
local governments, including a 5 percent share held
by New York City, which gets much of its water from
reservoirs partly inside the park.
Roscoe, New York, is a hamlet in New York State,
which according to a recent census contains 261
Agloe, New York, is a fictitious village created by the
Esso company in the early 1930s and inserted into
tourist maps as a copyright trap, or paper town.
I clicked on the link and it took me to the full article, which
Located at the intersection of two dirt roads just north
of Roscoe, NY, Agloe was the creation of
mapmakers Otto G. Lindberg and Ernest Alpers, who
invented the town name by anagramming their
initials. Copyright traps have featured in mapmaking
for centuries. Cartographers create fictional
landmarks, streets, and municipalities and place
them obscurely into their maps. If the fictional entry is
found on another cartographer’s map, it becomes
clear a map has been plagiarized. Copyright traps
are also sometimes known as key traps, paper
streets, and paper towns [see also fictitious entries].
Although few cartographic corporations acknowledge
their existence, copyright traps remain a common
feature even in contemporary maps.
In the 1940s, Agloe, New York, began appearing
on maps created by other companies. Esso
suspected copyright infringement and prepared
several lawsuits, but in fact, an unknown resident had
built “The Agloe General Store” at the intersection
that appeared on the Esso map.
The building, which still stands [needs citation], is
the only structure in Agloe, which continues to appear
on many maps and is traditionally recorded as having
a population of zero.
Every Omnictionary entry contains subpages where you
can view all the edits ever made to the page and any
discussion by Omnictionary members about it. The Agloe
page hadn’t been edited by anyone in almost a year, but
there was one recent comment on the talk page by an
anonymous user:
fyi, whoever Edits this—the Population of agloe Will
actually be One until may 29th at Noon.
I recognized the capitalization immediately. The rules of
capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle of a
sentence. My throat tightened, but I forced myself to calm
down. The comment had been left fifteen days ago. It had
been sitting there all that time, waiting for me. I looked at
the clock on the computer. I had just under twenty-four
For the first time in weeks, she seemed completely and
undeniably alive to me. She was alive. For one more day at
least, she was alive. I had focused on her whereabouts for
so long in an attempt to keep me from obsessively
wondering whether she was alive that I had no idea how
terrified I’d been until now, but oh, my God. She was alive.
I jumped up, let the towel drop, and called Radar. I
cradled the phone in the crook of my neck while pulling on
boxers and then shorts. “I know what paper towns means!
Do you have your handheld?”
“Yeah. You should really be here, dude. They’re about to
make us line up.”
I heard Ben shout into the phone, “Tell him he better be
“Radar,” I said, trying to convey the importance of it.
“Look up the page for Agloe, New York. Got it?”
“Yes. Reading. Hold on. Wow. Wow. This could be the
Catskills spot on the map?”
“Yes, I think so. It’s pretty close. Go to the discussion
“. . .”
“Jesus Christ.”
“I know, I know!” I shouted. I didn’t hear his response
because I was pulling my shirt on, but when the phone got
back to my ear, I could hear him talking to Ben. I just hung
Online, I searched for driving directions from Orlando to
Agloe, but the map system had never heard of Agloe, so
instead I searched for Roscoe. Averaging sixty-five miles
per hour, the computer said it would be a nineteen-hourand-
four-minute trip. It was two fifteen. I had twenty-one
hours and forty-five minutes to get there. I printed the
directions, grabbed the keys to the minivan, and locked the
front door behind me.
“It’s nineteen hours and four minutes away,” I said into the
cell phone. It was Radar’s cell phone, but Ben had
answered it.
“So what are you going to do?” he asked. “Are you flying
“No, I don’t have enough money, and anyway it’s like
eight hours away from New York City. So I’m driving.”
Suddenly Radar had the phone back. “How long is the
“Nineteen hours and four minutes.”
“According to who?”
“Google maps.”
“Crap,” Radar said. “None of those map programs
calculate for traffic. I’ll call you back. And hurry. We’ve got to
line up like right now!”
“I’m not going. Can’t risk the time,” I said, but I was
talking to dead air. Radar called back a minute later. “If you
average sixty-five miles per hour, don’t stop, and account
for average traffic patterns, it’s going to take you twentythree
hours and nine minutes. Which puts you there just
after one P.M., so you’re going to have to make up time
when you can.”
“What? But the—”
Radar said, “I don’t want to criticize, but maybe on this
particular topic, the person who is chronically late needs to
listen to the person who is always punctual. But you gotta
come here at least for a second because otherwise your
parents will freak out when you don’t show when your name
is called, and also, not that it is the most important
consideration or anything, but I’m just saying—you have all
our beer in there.”
“I obviously don’t have time,” I answered.
Ben leaned into the phone. “Don’t be an asshat. It’ll cost
you five minutes.”
“Okay, fine.” I hooked a right on red and gunned the
minivan— it had better pickup than Mom’s but only just
barely— toward school. I made it to the gym parking lot in
three minutes. I did not park the minivan so much as I
stopped it in the middle of the parking lot and jumped out.
As I sprinted toward the gym I saw three robed individuals
running toward me. I could see Radar’s spindly dark legs
as his robe blew up around him, and next to him Ben,
wearing sneakers without socks. Lacey was just behind
“You get the beer,” I said as I ran past them. “I gotta talk
to my parents.”
The families of graduates were spread out across the
bleachers, and I ran back and forth across the basketball
court a couple times before I spotted Mom and Dad about
halfway up. They were waving at me. I ran up the stairs two
at a time, and so was a little out of breath when I knelt down
next to them and said, “Okay, so I’m not going [breath] to
walk, because I [breath] think I found Margo and [breath] I
just have to go, and I’ll have my cell phone on [breath] and
please don’t be pissed at me and thank you again for the
And my mom wrapped her hand around my wrist and
said, “What? Quentin, what are you talking about? Slow
I said, “I’m going to Agloe, New York, and I have to go
right now. That’s the whole story. Okay, I gotta go. I’m
crunched for time here. I have my cell. Okay, love you.”
I had to pull free from her light grasp. Before they could
say anything, I bounded down the stairs and took off,
sprinting back toward the minivan. I was inside and had the
thing in gear and was starting to move when I looked over
and saw Ben sitting in the passenger’s seat.
“Get the beer and get out of the car!” I shouted.
“We’re coming with,” he said. “You’d fall asleep if you
tried to drive for that long anyway.”
I turned back, and Lacey and Radar were both holding
cell phones to their ears. “Gotta tell my parents,” Lacey
explained, tapping the phone. “C’mon, Q. Go go go go go

The First Hour
It takes a little while for everyone to explain to their
parents that 1. We’re all going to miss graduation, and 2.
We’re driving to New York, to 3. See a town that may or
may not technically exist, and hopefully 4. Intercept the
Omnictionary poster, who according to the Randomly
capitalized Evidence is 5. Margo Roth Spiegelman.
Radar is the last to get off the phone, and when he finally
does, he says, “I’d like to make an announcement. My
parents are very annoyed that I’m missing graduation. My
girlfriend is also annoyed, because we were scheduled to
do something very special in about eight hours. I don’t want
to get into details about it, but this had better be one fun
road trip.”
“Your ability to not lose your virginity is an inspiration to
us all,” Ben says next to me.
I glance at Radar through the rearview mirror.
“WOOHOO ROAD TRIP!” I tell him. In spite of himself, a
smile creeps across his face. The pleasure of leaving.
By now we are on I-4, and traffic is fairly light, which in
and of itself is borderline miraculous. I’m in the far left lane
driving eight miles an hour over the fifty-five-miles-per-hour
speed limit, because I heard once that you don’t get pulled
over until you’re going nine miles an hour over the speed
Very quickly, we all settle into our roles.
In the wayback, Lacey is the provisioner. She lists aloud
everything we currently have for the trip: the half of a
Snickers that Ben was eating when I called about Margo;
the 212 beers in the back; the directions I printed out; and
the following items from her purse: eight sticks of
wintergreen gum, a pencil, some tissue, three tampons,
one pair of sunglasses, some ChapStick, her house keys,
a YMCA membership card, a library card, some receipts,
thirty-five dollars, and a BP card.
From the back, Lacey says, “This is exciting! We’re like
under-provisioned pioneers! I wish we had more money,
“At least we have the BP card,” I say. “We can get gas
and food.”
I look up into the rearview mirror and see Radar,
wearing his graduation gown, looking over into Lacey’s
purse. The graduation gown has a bit of a low-cut neck, so I
can see some curled chest hairs. “You got any boxers in
there?” he asks.
“Seriously, we better be stopping at the Gap,” Ben adds.
Radar’s job, which he begins with the calculator on his
handheld, is Research and Calculations. He’s alone in the
row of seats behind me, with the directions and the
minivan’s owner’s manual spread out next to him. He’s
figuring out how fast we need to travel in order to make it by
noon tomorrow, how many times we’ll need to stop in order
to keep the car from running out of gas, the locations of BP
stations on our route and how long each stop will be, and
how much time we’ll lose in the process of slowing down to
“We gotta stop four times for gas. The stops will have to
be very very short. Six minutes at the most off-highway.
We’re looking at three long areas of construction, plus
traffic in Jacksonville, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia,
although it will help that we’re driving through D.C. around
three in the morning. According to my calculations, our
average cruising speed should be around seventy-two.
How fast are you going?”
“Sixty-three,” I say. “The speed limit is fifty-five.”
“Go seventy-two,” he says.
“I can’t; it’s dangerous, and I’ll get a ticket.”
“Go seventy-two,” he says again. I press my foot down
hard on the gas. The difficulty is partly that I am hesitant to
go seventy-two and partly that the minivan itself is hesitant
to go seventy-two. It begins to shake in a way that implies it
might fall apart. I stay in the far left lane, even though I’m still
not the fastest car on the road, and I feel bad that people
are passing me on the right, but I need clear road ahead,
because unlike everyone else on this road, I can’t slow
down. And this is my role: my role is to drive, and to be
nervous. It occurs to me that I have played this role before.
And Ben? Ben’s role is to need to pee. At first it seems
like his main role is going to be complaining about how we
don’t have any CDs and that all the radio stations in
Orlando suck except for the college radio station, which is
already out of range. But soon enough, he abandons that
role for his true and faithful calling: needing to pee.
“I need to pee,” he says at 3:06. We’ve been on the road
for forty-three minutes. We have approximately a day left in
our drive.
“Well,” says Radar, “the good news is that we will be
stopping. The bad news is that it won’t be for another four
hours and thirty minutes.”
“I think I can hold it,” Ben says. At 3:10, he announces,
“Actually, I really need to pee. Really.”
The chorus responds, “Hold it.” He says, “But I—” And
the chorus responds again, “Hold it!” It is fun, for now, Ben
needing to pee and us needing him to hold it. He is
laughing, and complaining that laughing makes him need to
pee more. Lacey jumps forward and leans in behind him
and starts tickling at his sides. He laughs and whines and I
laugh, too, keeping the speedometer on seventy-two. I
wonder if she created this journey for us on purpose or by
accident—regardless, it’s the most fun I’ve had since the
last time I spent hours behind the wheel of a minivan.
Hour Two
I’m still driving. We turn north, onto I-95, snaking our way
up Florida, near the coast but not quite on it. It is all pine
trees here, too skinny for their height, built like I am. But
there is mostly just the road, passing cars and occasionally
being passed by them, always having to remember who is
in front of you and who behind, who is approaching and
who is drifting away.
Lacey and Ben are sitting together on the bench seat
now, and Radar is in the wayback, and they’re all playing a
retarded version of I Spy in which they are only allowed to
spy things that cannot physically be seen.
“I Spy with my little eye something tragically hip,” Radar
“Is it the way Ben smiles mostly with the right side of his
mouth?” asks Lacey.
“No,” says Radar. “Also don’t be so gooey about Ben.
It’s gross.”
“Is it the idea of wearing nothing under your graduation
gown and then having to drive to New York while all the
people in passing cars assume you’re wearing a dress?”
“No,” says Radar. “That’s just tragic.”
Lacey smiles. “You’ll learn to like dresses. You get to
enjoy the breeze.”
“Oh, I know!” I say from the front. “You spy a twenty-fourhour
road trip in a minivan. Hip because road trips always
are; tragic because the gas we’re guzzling will destroy the
Radar says no, and they keep guessing. I am driving
and going seventy-two and praying not to get a ticket and
playing Metaphysical I Spy. The tragically hip thing turns out
to be failing to turn in your rented graduation robes on time.
I blow past a cop parked on the grass median. I grip the
steering wheel hard with both hands, feeling sure he’ll race
up to pull us over. But he doesn’t. Maybe he knows I’m only
speeding because I have to.
Hour Three
Ben is sitting shotgun again. I’m still driving. We’re all
hungry. Lacey distributes one piece of wintergreen gum to
each of us, but it’s cold comfort. She’s writing a gigantic list
of everything we’re going to buy at the BP when we stop for
the first time. This had better be one extraordinarily wellstocked
BP station, because we are going to clear the
bitch out.
Ben keeps bouncing his legs up and down.
“Will you stop that?”
“I’ve had to pee for three hours.”
“You’ve mentioned that.”
“I can feel the pee all the way up to my rib cage,” he
says. “I am honestly full of pee. Bro, right now, seventy
percent of my body weight is pee.”
“Uh-huh,” I say, barely cracking a smile. It’s funny and all,
but I’m tired.
“I feel like I might start crying, and that I’m going to cry
That gets me. I laugh a little.
The next time I glance over, a few minutes later, Ben has
a hand tight around his crotch, the fabric of the gown
bunched up.
“What the hell?” I ask.
“Dude, I have to go. I’m pinching off the flow.” He turns
around then. “Radar, how long till we stop?”
“We have to go at least a hundred forty-three more miles
in order to keep it down to four stops, which means about
one hour and fifty-eight-point-five minutes if Q keeps pace.”
“I’m keeping up!” I shout. We are just north of
Jacksonville, getting close to Georgia.
“I can’t make it, Radar. Get me something to pee in.”
The chorus erupts: NO. Absolutely not. Just hold it like a
man. Hold it like a Victorian lady holds on to her
maidenhead. Hold it with dignity and grace, like the
president of the United States is supposed to hold the fate
of the free world.
“Oh, Christ,” Radar says as he unbuckles his seat belt.
He climbs into the wayback, and then reaches down and
opens the cooler. He returns to his seat, leans forward, and
hands Ben a beer.
“Thank God it’s a twist off,” Ben says, gathering a
handful of robe and then opening the bottle. Ben rolls down
the window, and I watch out the side-view mirror as the
beer floats past the car and splashes onto the interstate.
Ben manages to get the bottle underneath his robe without
showing us the world’s purportedly largest balls, and then
we all sit and wait, too disgusted to look.
Lacey is just saying, “Can’t you just hold it,” when we all
hear it. I have never heard the sound before, but I recognize
it anyway: it is the sound of pee hitting the bottom of a beer
bottle. It sounds almost like music. Revolting music with a
very fast beat. I glance over and I can see the relief in Ben’s
eyes. He is smiling, staring into the middle distance.
“The longer you wait, the better it feels,” he says. The
sound soon changes from the clinking of pee-on-bottle to
the blopping of pee-on-pee. And then, slowly, Ben’s smile
“Bro, I think I need another bottle,” he says suddenly.
“Another bottle STAT,” I shout.
“Another bottle coming up!” In a flash, I can see Radar
bent over the backseat, his head in the cooler, digging a
bottle out of the ice. He opens it with his bare hand, cracks
one of the back windows open, and pours the beer out
through the crack. Then he leaps to the front, his head
between Ben and me, and holds the bottle out for Ben,
whose eyes are darting around in panic.
“The, uh, exchange is going to be, uh, complicated,” Ben
says. There’s a lot of fumbling going on beneath that robe,
and I’m trying not to imagine what’s happening when out
from underneath a robe comes a Miller Lite bottle filled with
pee (which looks astoundingly similar to Miller Lite). Ben
deposits the full bottle in the cup holder, grabs the new one
from Radar, and then sighs with relief.
The rest of us, meanwhile, are left to contemplate the
pee in the cup holder. The road is not particularly bumpy,
but the shocks on the minivan leave something to be
desired, so the pee swishes back and forth at the top of the
“Ben, if you get pee in my brand-new car, I am going to
cut your balls off.”
Still peeing, Ben looks over at me, smirking. “You’re
gonna need a hell of a big knife, bro.” And then finally I hear
the stream slow. He’s soon finished, and then in one swift
motion he throws the new bottle out the window. The full one
Lacey is fake-gagging—or maybe really gagging. Radar
says, “God, did you wake up this morning and drink
eighteen gallons of water?”
But Ben is beaming. He is holding his fists in the air,
triumphant, and he is shouting, “Not a drop on the seat! I’m
Ben Starling. First clarinet, WPHS Marching Band. Keg
Stand Record Holder. Pee-in-the-car champion. I shook up
the world! I must be the greatest!”
Thirty-five minutes later, as our third hour comes to a
close, he asks in a small voice, “When are we stopping
“One hour and three minutes, if Q keeps pace,” Radar
“Okay,” Ben says. “Okay. Good. Because I have to pee.”
Hour Four
For the first time, Lacey asks, “Are we there yet?” We
W e are, however, in Georgia, a state I love and adore
for this reason and this reason only: the speed limit here is
seventy, which means I can up my speed to seventy-seven.
Aside from that, Georgia reminds me of Florida.
We spend the hour preparing for our first stop. This is an
important stop, because I am very, very, very, very hungry
and dehydrated. For some reason, talking about the food
we’ll buy at the BP eases the pangs. Lacey prepares a
grocery list for each of us, written in small letters on the
backs of receipts she found in her purse. She makes Ben
lean out the passenger-side window to see which side the
gas cap is on. She forces us to memorize our grocery lists
and then quizzes us. We talk through our visit to the gas
station several times; it needs to be as well-executed as a
stock car pit stop.
“One more time,” Lacey says.
“I’m the gas man,” Radar says. “After I start the fill-up, I
run inside while the pump is pumping even though I’m
supposed to stay near the pump at all times, and I give you
the card. Then I return to the gas.”
“I take the card to the guy behind the counter,” Lacey
“Or girl,” I add.
“Not relevant,” Lacey answers.
“I’m just saying—don’t be so sexist.”
“Oh whatever, Q. I take the card to the person behind the
counter. I tell her or him to ring up everything we bring. Then
I pee.”
I add, “Meanwhile, I’m getting everything on my list and
bringing it up to the front.”
Ben says, “And I’m peeing. Then when I finish peeing, I’ll
get the stuff on my list.”
“Most importantly shirts,” Radar says. “People keep
looking at me funny.”
Lacey says, “I sign the receipt when I get out of the
“And then the moment the tank is full, I’m going to get in
the minivan and drive away, so y’all had better be in there. I
will seriously leave your asses. You have six minutes,”
Radar says.
“Six minutes,” I say, nodding my head. And Lacey and
Ben repeat it also. “Six minutes.” “Six minutes.” At 5:35
P.M., with nine hundred miles to go, Radar informs us that,
according to his handheld, the next exit will have a BP.
As I pull into the gas station, Lacey and Radar are
crouched behind the sliding door in the back. Ben, seat belt
unbuckled, has one hand on the passenger-door handle
and the other on the dashboard. I maintain as much speed
as I can for as long as I can, and then slam on the brakes
right in front of the gas tank. The minivan jolts to a halt, and
we fly out the doors. Radar and I cross in front of the car; I
toss him the keys and then run all out to the food mart.
Lacey and Ben have beaten me to the doors, but only just
barely. While Ben bolts for the bathroom, Lacey explains to
the gray-haired woman (it is a woman!) that we’re going to
be buying a lot of stuff, and that we’re in a huge hurry, and
that she should just ring items up as we deliver them and
that it will all go on her BP card, and the woman seems a
little bewildered but agrees. Radar runs in, his robe aflutter,
and hands Lacey the card.
Meanwhile, I’m running through the aisles getting
everything on my list. Lacey’s on liquids; Ben’s on
nonperishable supplies; I’m on food. I sweep through the
place like I’m a cheetah and the tortilla chips are injured
gazelles. I run an armful of chips and beef jerky and peanuts
to the front counter, then jog to the candy aisle. A handful of
Mentos, a handful of Snickers, and— Oh, it’s not on the list,
but screw it, I love Nerds, so I add three packages of
Nerds. I run back and then head over to the “deli” counter,
which consists of ancient turkey sandwiches wherein the
turkey strongly resembles ham. I grab two of those. On my
way back to the cash register, I stop for a couple
Starbursts, a package of Twinkies, and an indeterminate
number of GoFast nutrition bars. I run back. Ben’s standing
there in his graduation gown, handing the woman T-shirts
and four-dollar sunglasses. Lacey runs up with gallons of
soda, energy drinks, and bottles of water. Big bottles, the
kind of bottles that even Ben’s pee can’t fill.
“ONE MINUTE!” Lacey shouts, and I panic. I’m turning in
circles, my eyes darting around the store, trying to
remember what I’m forgetting. I glance down at my list. I
seem to have everything, but I feel like there’s something
important I’ve forgotten. Something. Come on, Jacobsen.
Chips, candy, turkey-that-looks-like-ham, pbj, and—what?
What are the other food groups? Meat, chips, candy, and,
and, and, and cheese! “CRACKERS!” I say, much too loud,
and then I dart to the crackers, grabbing cheese crackers
and peanut butter crackers and some of Grandma’s peanut
butter cookies for good measure, and then I run back and
toss them across the counter. The woman has already
bagged up four plastic bags of groceries. Almost a
hundred dollars total, not even counting gas; I’ll be paying
back Lacey’s parents all summer.
There’s only one moment of pause, and it’s after the
woman behind the counter swipes Lacey’s BP card. I
glance at my watch. We’re supposed to leave in twenty
seconds. Finally, I hear the receipt printing. The woman
tears it out of the machine, Lacey scribbles her name, and
then Ben and I grab the bags and dash for the car. Radar
revs the engine as if to say hustle, and we are running
through the parking lot, Ben’s robe flowing in the wind so
that he looks vaguely like a dark wizard, except that his
pale skinny legs are visible, and his arms hug plastic bags.
I can see the back of Lacey’s legs beneath her dress, her
calves tight in midstride. I don’t know how I look, but I know
how I feel: Young. Goofy. Infinite. I watch as Lacey and Ben
pile in through the open sliding door. I follow, landing on
plastic bags and Lacey’s torso. Radar guns the car as I
slam the sliding door shut, and then he peels out of the
parking lot, marking the first time in the long and storied
history of the minivan that anyone anywhere has ever used
one to burn rubber. Radar turns left onto the highway at a
somewhat unsafe speed, and then merges back onto the
interstate. We’re four seconds ahead of schedule. And just
like with the NASCAR pit stops, we share high-fives and
backslaps. We are well supplied. Ben has plenty of
containers into which he can urinate. I have adequate beef
jerky rations. Lacey has her Mentos. Radar and Ben have
T-shirts to wear over their robes. The minivan has become
a biosphere—give us gas, and we can keep going forever.
Hour Five
Okay, maybe we are not that well provisioned after all. In
the rush of the moment, it turns out that Ben and I made
some moderate (although not fatal) mistakes. With Radar
alone up front, Ben and I sit in the first bench, unpacking
each bag and handing the items to Lacey in the wayback.
Lacey, in turn, is sorting items into piles based on an
organizational schema only she understands.
“Why is the NyQuil not in the same pile as the NoDoz?” I
ask. “Shouldn’t all the medicines be together?”
“Q. Sweetie. You’re a boy. You don’t know how to do
these things. The NoDoz is with the chocolate and the
Mountain Dew, because those things all contain caffeine
and help you stay up. The NyQuil is with the beef jerky
because eating meat makes you feel tired.”
“Fascinating,” I say. After I’ve handed Lacey the last of
the food from my bags, Lacey asks, “Q, where is the food
that is— you know—good?”
Lacey produces a copy of the grocery list she wrote for
me and reads from it. “Bananas. Apples. Dried
cranberries. Raisins.”
“Oh.” I say. “Oh, right. The fourth food group wasn’t
“Q!” she says, furious. “I can’t eat any of this!”
Ben puts a hand on her elbow. “Well, but you can eat
Grandma’s cookies. They’re not bad for you. They were
made by Grandma. Grandma wouldn’t hurt you.”
Lacey blows a strand of hair out of her face. She seems
genuinely annoyed. “Plus,” I tell her, “there are GoFast bars.
They’re fortified with vitamins!”
“Yeah, vitamins and like thirty grams of fat,” she says.
From the front Radar announces, “Don’t you go talking
bad about GoFast bars. Do you want me to stop this car?”
“Whenever I eat a GoFast bar,” Ben says, “I’m always
like, ‘So this is what blood tastes like to mosquitoes.’”
I half unwrap a fudge brownie GoFast bar and hold it in
front of Lacey’s mouth. “Just smell it,” I say. “Smell the
vitaminy deliciousness.”
“You’re going to make me fat.”
“Also zitty,” Ben said. “Don’t forget zitty.”
Lacey takes the bar from me and reluctantly bites into it.
She has to close her eyes to hide the orgasmic pleasure
inherent in GoFast-tasting. “Oh. My. God. That tastes like
hope feels.”
Finally, we unpack the last bag. It contains two large Tshirts,
which Radar and Ben are very excited about,
because it means they can be guys-wearing-giganticshirts-
over-silly-robes instead of just guys-wearing-sillyrobes.
But when Ben unfurls the T-shirts, there are two small
problems. First, it turns out that a large T-shirt in a Georgia
gas station is not the same size as a large T-shirt at, say,
Old Navy. The gas station shirt is gigantic—more garbage
bag than shirt. It is smaller than the graduation robes, but
not by much. But this problem rather pales in comparison to
the other problem, which is that both T-shirts are embossed
with huge Confederate flags. Printed over the flag are the
“Oh no you didn’t,” Radar says when I show him why
we’re laughing. “Ben Starling, you better not have bought
your token black friend a racist shirt.”
“I just grabbed the first shirts I saw, bro.”
“Don’t bro me right now,” Radar says, but he’s shaking
his head and laughing. I hand him his shirt and he wiggles
into it while driving with his knees. “I hope I get pulled over,”
he says. “I’d like to see how the cop responds to a black
man wearing a Confederate T-shirt over a black dress.”
Hour Six
For some reason, the stretch of I-95 just south of
Florence, South Carolina, is the place to drive a car on a
Friday evening. We get bogged down in traffic for several
miles, and even though Radar is desperate to violate the
speed limit, he’s lucky when he can go thirty. Radar and I sit
up front, and we try to keep from worrying by playing a
game we’ve just invented called That Guy Is a Gigolo. In the
game, you imagine the lives of people in the cars around
you. We’re driving alongside a Hispanic woman in a beat-up
old Toyota Corolla. I watch her through the early darkness.
“Left her family to move here,” I say. “Illegal. Sends money
back home on the third Tuesday of every month. She’s got
two little kids—her husband is a migrant. He’s in Ohio right
now—he only spends three or four months a year at home,
but they still get along really well.”
Radar leans in front of me and glances over at her for
half a second. “Christ, Q, it’s not so melodratragic as that.
She’s a secretary at a law firm—look how she’s dressed. It
has taken her five years, but she’s now close to getting a
law degree of her own. And she doesn’t have kids, or a
husband. She’s got a boyfriend, though. He’s a little flighty.
Scared of commitment. White guy, a little nervous about the
Jungle Fever angle of the whole thing.”
“She’s wearing a wedding ring,” I point out. In Radar’s
defense, I’ve been able to stare at her. She is to my right,
just below me. I can see through her tinted windows, and I
watch as she sings along to some song, her unblinking
eyes on the road. There are so many people. It is easy to
forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and
each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined. I
feel like this is an important idea, one of those ideas that
your brain must wrap itself around slowly, the way pythons
eat, but before I can get any further, Radar speaks.
“She’s just wearing that so pervs like you don’t come on
to her,” Radar explains.
“Maybe.” I smile, pick up the half-finished GoFast bar
sitting on my lap, and take a bite. It’s quiet again for a while,
and I am thinking about the way you can and cannot see
people, about the tinted windows between me and this
woman who is still driving right beside us, both of us in cars
with all these windows and mirrors everywhere, as she
crawls along with us on this packed highway. When Radar
starts talking again, I realize that he has been thinking, too.
“The thing about That Guy Is a Gigolo,” Radar says, “I
mean, the thing about it as a game, is that in the end it
reveals a lot more about the person doing the imagining
than it does about the person being imagined.”
“Yeah,” I say. “I was just thinking that.” And I can’t help but
feel that Whitman, for all his blustering beauty, might have
been just a bit too optimistic. We can hear others, and we
can travel to them without moving, and we can imagine
them, and we are all connected one to the other by a crazy
root system like so many leaves of grass—but the game
makes me wonder whether we can really ever fully become
Hour Seven
We finally pass a jackknifed truck and get back up to
speed, but Radar calculates in his head that we’ll need to
average seventy-seven from here to Agloe. It has been one
entire hour since Ben announced that he needed to pee,
and the reason for this is simple: he is sleeping. At six
o’clock exactly, he took NyQuil. He lay down in the
wayback, and then Lacey and I strapped both seat belts
around him. This made him even more uncomfortable, but
1. It was for his own good, and 2. We all knew that in twenty
minutes, no discomfort would matter to him at all, because
he would be dead asleep. And so he is now. He will be
awoken at midnight. I have just put Lacey to bed now, at 9
P.M., in the same position in the backseat. We will wake
her at 2 A.M. The idea is that everybody sleeps for a shift
so we won’t be taping our eyelids open by tomorrow
morning, when we come rolling into Agloe.
The minivan has become a kind of very small house: I am
sitting in the passenger seat, which is the den. This is, I
think, the best room in the house: there is plenty of space,
and the chair is quite comfortable.
Scattered about the carpet beneath the passenger seat
is the office, which contains a map of the United States Ben
got at the BP, the directions I printed out, and the scrap
paper onto which Radar has scrawled his calculations
about speed and distance. Radar sits in the driver’s seat.
The living room. It is a lot like the den, only you can’t be as
relaxed when you’re there. Also, it’s cleaner.
Between the living room and the den, we have the center
console, or kitchen. Here we keep a plentiful supply of beef
jerky and GoFast bars and this magical energy drink called
Bluefin, which Lacey put on the shopping list. Bluefin comes
in small, fancily contoured glass bottles, and it tastes like
blue cotton candy. It also keeps you awake better than
anything in all of human history, although it makes you a bit
twitchy. Radar and I have agreed to keep drinking it until
two hours before our rest periods. Mine starts at midnight,
when Ben gets up.
This first bench seat is the first bedroom. It’s the less
desirable bedroom, because it is close to the kitchen and
the living room, where people are awake and talking, and
sometimes there is music on the radio.
Behind that is the second bedroom, which is darker and
quieter and altogether superior to the first bedroom.
And behind that is the refrigerator, or cooler, which
currently contains the 210 beers that Ben has not yet peed
into, the turkey-that-looks-like-ham sandwiches, and some
There is much to recommend this house. It is carpeted
throughout. It has central air-conditioning and heating. The
whole place is wired for surround sound. Admittedly, it
contains only fifty-five square feet of living space. But you
can’t beat the open floor plan.
Hour Eight
Just after we pass into South Carolina, I catch Radar
yawning and insist upon a driver switch. I like driving,
anyway—this vehicle may be a minivan, but it’s my minivan.
Radar scoots out of his seat and into the first bedroom,
while I grab the steering wheel and hold it steady, quickly
stepping over the kitchen and into the driver’s seat.
Traveling, I am finding, teaches you a lot of things about
yourself. For instance, I never thought myself to be the kind
of person who pees into a mostly empty bottle of Bluefin
energy drink while driving through South Carolina at
seventy-seven miles per hour—but in fact I am that kind of
person. Also, I never previously knew that if you mix a lot of
pee with a little Bluefin energy drink, the result is this
amazing incandescent turquoise color. It looks so pretty
that I want to put the cap on the bottle and leave it in the cup
holder so Lacey and Ben can see it when they wake up.
But Radar feels differently. “If you don’t throw that shit out
the window right now, I’m ending our eleven-year
friendship,” he says.
“It’s not shit,” I say. “It’s pee.”
“Out,” he says. And so I litter. In the side-view mirror, I
can see the bottle hit the asphalt and burst open like a
water balloon. Radar sees it, too.
“Oh, my God,” Radar says. “I hope that’s like one of
those traumatic events that is so damaging to my psyche
that I just forget it ever happened.”
Hour Nine
I never previously knew that it is possible to become
tired of eating GoFast nutrition bars. But it is possible. I’m
only two bites into my fourth of the day when my stomach
turns. I pull open the center console and stick it back inside.
We refer to this part of the kitchen as the pantry.
“I wish we had some apples,” Radar said. “God, wouldn’t
an apple taste good right now?”
I sigh. Stupid fourth food group. Also, even though I
stopped drinking Bluefin a few hours ago, I still feel
exceedingly twitchy.
“I still feel kinda twitchy,” I say.
“Yeah,” Radar says. “I can’t stop tapping my fingers.” I
look down. He is drumming his fingers silently against his
knees. “I mean,” he says, “I actually cannot stop.”
“Okay, yeah I’m not tired, so we’ll stay up till four and
then we’ll get them up and we’ll sleep till eight.”
“Okay,” he says. There is a pause. The road has
emptied out now; there is only me and the semitrucks, and I
feel like my brain is processing information at eleven
thousand times its usual pace, and it occurs to me that what
I’m doing is very easy, that driving on the interstate is the
easiest and most pleasant thing in the world: all I have to do
is stay in between the lines and make sure that no one is
too close to me and I am not too close to anyone and keep
leaving. Maybe it felt like this for her, too, but I could never
feel like this alone.
Radar breaks the silence. “Well, if we’re not going to
sleep until four . . .”
I finish his sentence. “Yeah, then we should probably just
open another bottle of Bluefin.”
And so we do.
Hour Ten
It is time for our second stop. It is 12:13 in the morning.
My fingers do not feel like they are made of fingers; they
feel like they are made of motion. I am tickling the steering
wheel as I drive.
After Radar finds the nearest BP on his handheld, we
decide to wake up Lacey and Ben.
I say, “Hey, guys, we’re about to stop.” No reaction.
Radar turns around and puts a hand on Lacey’s
“Lace, time to get up.” Nothing.
I turn on the radio. I find an oldies station. It’s the Beatles.
The song is “Good Morning.” I turn it up some. No
response. So Radar turns it up more. And then more. And
then the chorus comes, and he starts singing along. And
then I start singing along. I think it is finally my atonal
screeching that awakes them.
“MAKE IT STOP!” Ben shouts. We turn down the music.
“Ben, we’re stopping. Do you have to pee?”
He pauses, and there’s a kerfuffle in the darkness back
there, and I wonder if he has some physical strategy for
checking the fullness of his bladder. “I think I’m okay,
actually,” he says.
“Okay, then you’re on gas.”
“As the only boy who has not yet peed inside this car, I
call first bathroom,” says Radar.
“Shhh,” mumbles Lacey. “Shhh. Everybody stop talking.”
“Lacey, you have to get up and pee,” Radar says. “We’re
“You can buy apples,” I tell her.
“Apples,” she mumbles happily in a cute little girl voice. “I
likey the apples.”
“And then after that you get to drive,” Radar says. “So
you really gotta wake up.”
She sits up, and in her regular Lacey voice, she says, “I
don’t so much likey that.”
We take the exit and it’s .9 miles to the BP, which
doesn’t seem like much but Radar says that it’s probably
going to cost us four minutes, and the South Carolina traffic
hurt us, so it could be real trouble with the construction
Radar says is an hour ahead of us. But I am not allowed to
worry. Lacey and Ben have now shaken off their sleep well
enough to line up together by the sliding door, just like last
time, and when we come to a stop in front of the pump,
everybody flies out, and I flip the keys to Ben, who catches
them in midair.
As Radar and I walk briskly past the white man behind
the counter, Radar stops when he notices the guy is staring.
“Yes,” Radar says without embarrassment. “I’m wearing a
HERITAGE NOT HATE shirt over my graduation gown,” he
says. “By the way, do you sell pants here?”
The guy looks nonplussed. “We got some camo pants
over by the motor oil.”
“Excellent,” Radar says. And then he turns to me and
says, “Be a dear and pick me out some camo pants. And
maybe a better T-shirt?”
“Done and done,” I answer. Camo pants, it turns out, do
not come in regular numbered sizes. They come in medium
and large. I grab a pair of medium pants, and then a large
pink T-shirt that reads WORLD’S BEST GRANDMA. I also
grab three bottles of Bluefin.
I hand everything to Lacey when she comes out of the
bathroom and then walk into the girls’ room, since Radar is
still in the guys’. I don’t know that I’ve ever been inside a
girls’ bathroom in a gas station before.
No condom machine
Less graffiti
No urinal
The smell is more or less the same, which is rather
When I come out, Lacey is paying and Ben is honking
the horn, and after a moment of confusion, I jog toward the
“We lost a minute,” Ben says from the passenger seat.
Lacey is turning onto the road that will take us back to the
“Sorry,” Radar answers from the back, where he is
sitting next to me, wiggling into his new camo pants
beneath his robe. “On the upside, I got pants. And a new Tshirt.
Where’s the shirt, Q?” Lacey hands it to him. “Very
funny.” He pulls off the robe and replaces it with the
grandma shirt while Ben complains that no one got him any
pants. His ass itches, he says. And on second thought, he
kind of does need to pee.
Hour Eleven
We hit the construction. The highway narrows to one
lane, and we’re stuck behind a tractor-trailer driving the
precise roadwork speed limit of thirty-five mph. Lacey is the
right driver for the situation; I’d be pounding the steering
wheel, but she’s just amiably chatting with Ben until she
turns half around and says, “Q, I really need to go to the
bathroom, and we’re losing time behind this truck anyway.”
I just nod. I can’t blame her. I would have forced us to
stop long ago had it been impossible for me to pee in a
bottle. It was heroic of her to make it as long as she did.
She pulls into an all-night gas station, and I get out to
stretch my rubbery legs. When Lacey comes racing back to
the minivan, I’m sitting in the driver’s seat. I don’t even really
know how I came to be sitting in the driver’s seat, why I end
up there and not Lacey. She comes around to the front
door, and she sees me there, and the window is open, and
I say to her, “I can drive.” It’s my car, after all, and my
mission. And she says, “Really, you’re sure?” and I say,
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good to go,” and she just throws open the
sliding door and lies down in the first row.
Hour Twelve
It is 2:40 in the morning. Lacey is sleeping. Radar is
sleeping. I drive. The road is deserted. Even most of the
truck drivers have gone to bed. We go minutes without
seeing headlights coming in the opposite direction. Ben
keeps me awake, chattering next to me. We are talking
about Margo.
“Have you given any thought to how we will actually, like,
find Agloe?” he asks me.
“Uh, I have an approximate idea of the intersection,” I
“And it’s nothing but an intersection.”
“And she’s just gonna be sitting at the corner on the trunk
of her car, chin in her hands, waiting for you?”
“That would certainly be helpful,” I answered.
“Bro, I gotta say I’m a little worried that you might, like—if
it doesn’t go as you’re planning it—you might be really
“I just want to find her,” I say, because I do. I want her to
be safe, alive, found. The string played out. The rest is
“Yeah, but— I don’t know,” Ben says. I can feel him
looking over at me, being Serious Ben. “Just— Just
remember that sometimes, the way you think about a
person isn’t the way they actually are. Like, I always thought
Lacey was so hot and so awesome and so cool, but now
when it actually comes to being with her . . . it’s not the
exact same. People are different when you can smell them
and see them up close, you know?”
“I know that,” I say. I know how long, and how badly, I
wrongly imagined her.
“I’m just saying that it was easy for me to like Lacey
before. It’s easy to like someone from a distance. But when
she stopped being this amazing unattainable thing or
whatever, and started being, like, just a regular girl with a
weird relationship with food and frequent crankiness who’s
kinda bossy—then I had to basically start liking a whole
different person.”
I can feel my cheeks warming. “You’re saying I don’t
really like Margo? After all this—I’m twelve hours inside this
car already and you don’t think I care about her because I
don’t— ” I cut myself off. “You think that since you have a
girlfriend you can stand atop the lofty mountain and lecture
me? You can be such a—”
I stop talking because I see in the outer reaches of the
headlights the thing that will shortly kill me.
Two cows stand oblivious in the highway. They come
into view all at once, a spotted cow in the left lane, and in
our lane an immense creature, the entire width of our car,
standing stock-still, her head turned back as she appraises
us with blank eyes. The cow is flawlessly white, a great
white wall of cow that cannot be climbed or ducked or
dodged. It can only be hit. I know that Ben sees it, too,
because I hear his breath stop.
They say that your life flashes before your eyes, but for
me that is not the case. Nothing flashes before my eyes
except this impossibly vast expanse of snowy fur, now only
a second from us. I don’t know what to do. No, that’s not the
problem. The problem is that there is nothing to do, except
to hit this white wall and kill it and us, both. I slam on the
brakes, but out of habit not expectation: there is absolutely
no avoiding this. I raise my hands off the steering wheel. I
do not know why I am doing this, but I raise my hands up, as
if I am surrendering. I’m thinking the most banal thing in the
world: I am thinking that I don’t want this to happen. I don’t
want to die. I don’t want my friends to die. And to be honest,
as the time slows down and my hands are in the air, I am
afforded the chance to think one more thought, and I think
about her. I blame her for this ridiculous, fatal chase—for
putting us at risk, for making me into the kind of jackass
who would stay up all night and drive too fast. I would not be
dying were it not for her. I would have stayed home, as I
have always stayed home, and I would have been safe, and
I would have done the one thing I have always wanted to do,
which is to grow up.
Having surrendered control of the vessel, I am surprised
to see a hand on the steering wheel. We are turning before
I realize why we are turning, and then I realize that Ben is
pulling the wheel toward him, turning us in a hopeless
attempt to miss the cow, and then we are on the shoulder
and then on the grass. I can hear the tires spinning as Ben
turns the wheel hard and fast in the opposite direction. I
stop watching. I don’t know if my eyes close or if they just
cease to see. My stomach and my lungs meet in the middle
and crush each other. Something sharp hits my cheek. We
I don’t know why, but I touch my face. I pull my hand back
and there is a streak of blood. I touch my arms with my
hands, hugging my arms to myself, but I am only checking
to make sure that they are there, and they are. I look at my
legs. They are there. There is some glass. I look around.
Bottles are broken. Ben is looking at me. Ben is touching
his face. He looks okay. He holds himself as I held myself.
His body still works. He is just looking at me. In the rearview
mirror, I can see the cow. And now, belatedly, Ben
screams. He is staring at me and screaming, his mouth all
the way open, the scream low and guttural and terrified. He
stops screaming. Something is wrong with me. I feel faint.
My chest is burning. And then I gulp air. I had forgotten to
breathe. I had been holding my breath the whole time. I feel
much better when I start up again. In through the nose, out
through the mouth.
“Who is hurt?!” Lacey shouts. She’s unbuckled herself
from her sleeping position and she’s leaning into the
wayback. When I turn around, I can see that the back door
has popped open, and for a moment I think that Radar has
been thrown from the car, but then he sits up. He is running
his hands over his face, and he says, “I’m okay. I’m okay. Is
everyone okay?”
Lacey doesn’t even respond; she just jumps forward,
between Ben and me. She is leaning over the apartment’s
kitchen, and she looks at Ben. She says, “Sweetie, where
are you hurt?” Her eyes are overfull of water like a
swimming pool on a rainy day. And Ben says,
She turns to me, and I shouldn’t cry but I do, not because
it hurts, but because I am scared, and I raised my hands,
and Ben saved us, and now there is this girl looking at me,
and she looks at me kind of the way a mom does, and that
shouldn’t crack me open, but it does. I know the cut on my
cheek isn’t bad, and I’m trying to say so, but I keep crying.
Lacey is pressing against the cut with her fingers, thin and
soft, and shouting at Ben for something to use as a
bandage, and then I’ve got a small swath of the
Confederate flag pressed against my cheek just to the right
of my nose. She says, “Just hold it there tight; you’re fine
does anything else hurt?” and I say no. That’s when I realize
that the car is still running, and still in gear, stopped only
because I’m still standing on the brakes. I put it into park
and turn it off. When I turn it off, I can hear liquid leaking—
not dripping so much as pouring.
“We should probably get out,” Radar says. I hold the
Confederate flag to my face. The sound of liquid pouring
out of the car continues.
“It’s gas! It’s gonna blow!” Ben shouts. He throws open
the passenger door and takes off, running in a panic. He
hurdles a split-rail fence and tears across a hay field. I get
out as well, but not in quite the same hurry. Radar is
outside, too, and as Ben hauls ass, Radar is laughing. “It’s
the beer,” he says.
“The beers all broke,” he says again, and nods toward
the split-open cooler, gallons of foamy liquid pouring out
from inside it.
We try to call Ben but he can’t hear us because he’s too
busy screaming, “IT’S GONNA BLOW!” as he races across
the field. His graduation robe flies up in the gray dawn, his
bony bare ass exposed.
I turn and look out at the highway as I hear a car coming.
The white beast and her spotted friend have successfully
ambled to the safety of the opposite shoulder, still
impassive. Turning back, I realize the minivan is against the
I’m assessing damage when Ben finally schleps back to
the car. As we spun, we must have grazed the fence,
because there is a deep gouge on the sliding door, deep
enough that if you look closely, you can just see inside the
van. But other than that, it looks immaculate. No other
dents. No windows broken. No flat tires. I walk around to
close the back door and appraise the 210 broken bottles of
beer, still bubbling. Lacey finds me and puts an arm around
me. We are both staring at the rivulet of foaming beer
flowing into the drainage ditch beneath us. “What
happened?” she asks.
I tell her: we were dead, and then Ben managed to spin
the car in just the right way, like some kind of brilliant
vehicular ballerina.
Ben and Radar have crawled underneath the minivan.
Neither of them knows shit about cars, but I suppose it
makes them feel better. The hem of Ben’s robe and his
naked calves peek out.
“Dude,” Radar shouts. “It looks, like, fine.”
“Radar,” I say, “the car spun around like eight times.
Surely it’s not fine.”
“Well it seems fine,” Radar says.
“Hey,” I say, grabbing at Ben’s New Balances. “Hey,
come out here.” He scoots his way out, and I offer him my
hand and help him up. His hands are black with car gunk. I
grab him and hug him. If I had not ceded control of the
wheel, and if he had not assumed control of the vessel so
deftly, I’m sure I’d be dead. “Thank you,” I say, pounding his
back probably too hard. “That was the best damned
passenger-seat driving I’ve ever seen in my life.”
He pats my uninjured cheek with a greasy hand. “I did it
to save myself, not you,” he says. “Believe me when I say
that you did not once cross my mind.”
I laugh. “Nor you mine,” I say.
Ben looks at me, his mouth on the edge of smiling, and
then says, “I mean, that was a big damned cow. It wasn’t
even a cow so much as it was a land whale.” I laugh.
Radar scoots out then. “Dude, I really think it’s fine. I
mean, we’ve only lost like five minutes. We don’t even have
to push up the cruising speed.”
Lacey is looking at the gouge in the minivan, her lips
pursed. “What do you think?” I ask her.
“Go,” she says.
“Go,” Radar votes.
Ben puffs out his cheeks and exhales. “Mostly because
I’m prone to peer pressure: go.”
“Go,” I say. “But I’m sure as hell not driving anymore.”
Ben takes the keys from me. We get into the minivan.
Radar guides us up a slow-sloping embankment and back
onto the interstate. We’re 542 miles from Agloe.
Hour Thirteen
Every couple minutes, Radar says, “Do you guys
remember that time when we were all definitely going to die
and then Ben grabbed the steering wheel and dodged a
ginormous freaking cow and spun the car like the teacups
at Disney World and we didn’t die?”
Lacey leans across the kitchen, her hand on Ben’s knee,
and says, “I mean, you are a hero, do you realize that? They
give out medals for this stuff.”
“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I wasn’t thinking
about none of y’all. I. Wanted. To. Save. My. Ass.”
“You liar. You heroic, adorable liar,” she says, and then
plants a kiss on his cheek.
Radar says, “Hey guys, do you remember that time I was
double-seat-belted in the wayback and the door flew open
and the beer fell out but I survived completely uninjured?
How is that even possible?”
“Let’s play metaphysical I Spy,” Lacey says. “I Spy with
my little eye a hero’s heart, a heart that beats not for itself
but for all humanity.”
DIE,” Ben exclaims.
“Do you guys remember that one time, in the minivan,
twenty minutes ago, that we somehow didn’t die?”
Hour Fourteen
Once the initial shock passes, we clean. We try to
shepherd as much glass from the broken Bluefin bottles as
possible onto pieces of paper and then gather them into a
single bag for later disposal. The minivan’s carpet is
soaked with sticky Mountain Dew and Bluefin and Diet
Coke, and we try to sop it up with the few napkins we’ve
collected. But this will require a serious car wash, at the
very least, and there’s no time for that before Agloe. Radar
has looked up the side panel replacement I’ll need: $300
plus paint. The cost of this trip keeps going up, but I’ll make
it back this summer working in my dad’s office, and
anyway, it’s a small ransom to pay for Margo.
The sun is rising to our right. My cheek is still bleeding.
The Confederate flag is stuck to the wound now, so I no
longer need to hold it there.
Hour Fifteen
A thin stand of oak trees obscures the cornfields that
stretch out to the horizon. The landscape changes, but
nothing else. Big interstates like this one make the country
into a single place: McDonald’s, BP, Wendy’s. I know I
should probably hate that about interstates and yearn for
the halcyon days of yore, back when you could be drenched
in local color at every turn— but whatever. I like this. I like
the consistency. I like that I can drive fifteen hours from
home without the world changing too much. Lacey doublebelts
me down in the wayback. “You need the rest,” she
says. “You’ve been through a lot.” It’s amazing that no one
has yet blamed me for not being more proactive in the
battle against the cow.
As I trail off, I hear them making one another laugh—not
the words exactly, but the cadence, the rising and falling
pitches of banter. I like just listening, just loafing on the
grass. And I decide that if we get there on time but don’t
find her, that’s what we’ll do: we’ll drive around the Catskills
and find a place to sit around and hang out, loafing on the
grass, talking, telling jokes. Maybe the sure knowledge that
she is alive makes all of that possible again—even if I
never see proof of it. I can almost imagine a happiness
without her, the ability to let her go, to feel our roots are
connected even if I never see that leaf of grass again.
Hour Sixteen
I sleep.
Hour Seventeen
I sleep.
Hour Eighteen
I sleep.
Hour Nineteen
When I wake up, Radar and Ben are loudly debating the
name of the car. Ben would like to name it Muhammad Ali,
because, just like Muhammad Ali, the minivan takes a
punch and keeps going. Radar says you can’t name a car
after a historical figure. He thinks the car ought to be called
Lurlene, because it sounds right.
“You want to name it Lurlene?” Ben asks, his voice
rising with the horror of it all. “Hasn’t this poor vehicle been
through enough?!”
I unbuckle one seat belt and sit up. Lacey turns around to
me. “Good morning,” she says. “Welcome to the great state
of New York.”
“What time is it?”
“Nine forty-two.” Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, but
the shorter strands have strayed. “How’s it going?” she
I tell her. “I’m scared.”
Lacey smiles at me and nods. “Yeah, me, too. It’s like
there’s too many things that could happen to prepare for all
of them.”
“Yeah,” I say.
“I hope you and me stay friends this summer,” she says.
And that helps, for some reason. You can never tell what is
going to help.
Radar is now saying that the car should be called the
Gray Goose. I lean forward a little so everyone can hear me
and say, “The Dreidel. The harder you spin it, the better it
Ben nods. Radar turns around. “I think you should be the
official stuff-namer.”
Hour Twenty
I’m sitting in the first bedroom with Lacey. Ben drives.
Radar’s navigating. I was asleep when they last stopped,
but they picked up a map of New York. Agloe isn’t marked,
but there are only five or six intersections north of Roscoe. I
always thought of New York as being a sprawling and
endless metropolis, but here it is just lush rolling hills that
the minivan heroically strains its way up. When there’s a lull
in the conversation and Ben reaches for the radio knob, I
say, “Metaphysical I Spy!”
Ben starts. “I Spy with my little eye something I really
“Oh, I know,” Radar says. “It’s the taste of balls.”
“Is it the taste of penises?” I guess.
“No, dumbass,” Ben says.
“Hmm,” says Radar. “Is it the smell of balls?”
“The texture of balls?” I guess.
“Come on, asshats, it has nothing to do with genitalia.
“Um, is it the feeling of knowing you just saved three
“No. And I think you guys are out of guesses.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“Lacey,” he says, and I can see him looking at her
through the rearview.
“Dumbass,” I say, “it’s supposed to be metaphysical I
Spy. It has to be things that can’t be seen.”
“And it is,” he says. “That’s what I really like—Lacey but
not the visible Lacey.”
“Oh, hurl,” Radar says, but Lacey unbuckles her seat belt
and leans forward over the kitchen to whisper something in
his ear. Ben blushes in response.
“Okay, I promise not to be a cheese ball,” Radar says. “I
Spy with my little eye something we’re all feeling.”
I guess, “Extraordinary fatigue?”
“No, although excellent guess.”
Lacey says, “Is it that weird feeling you get from so much
caffeine that, like, your heart isn’t beating so much as your
whole body is beating?”
“No. Ben?”
“Um, are we feeling the need to pee, or is that just me?”
“That is, as usual, just you. More guesses?” We are
silent. “The correct answer is that we are all feeling like we
will be happier after an a cappella rendition of ‘Blister in the
And so it is. Tone deaf as I may be, I sing as loud as
anybody. And when we finish, I say, “I Spy with my little eye
a great story.”
No one says anything for a while. There’s just the sound
of the Dreidel devouring the blacktop as she speeds
downhill. And then after a while Ben says, “It’s this, isn’t it?”
I nod.
“Yeah,” Radar says. “As long as we don’t die, this is
gonna be one hell of a story.”
It will help if we can find her, I think, but I don’t say
anything. Ben turns on the radio finally and finds a rock
station with ballads we can sing along to.
Hour Twenty-one
After more than 1,100 miles on interstates, it’s finally time
to exit. It’s entirely impossible to drive seventy-seven miles
per hour on the two-lane state highway that takes us farther
north, up toward the Catskills. But we’ll be okay. Radar,
ever the brilliant tactician, has banked an extra thirty
minutes without telling us. It’s beautiful up here, the latemorning
sunlight pouring down on old-growth forest. Even
the brick buildings in the ramshackle little downtowns we
drive past seem crisp in this light.
Lacey and I are telling Ben and Radar everything we can
think of in hopes of helping them find Margo. Reminding
them of her. Reminding ourselves of her. Her silver Honda
Civic. Her chestnut hair, stick straight. Her fascination with
abandoned buildings.
“She has a black notebook with her,” I say.
Ben wheels around to me. “Okay, Q. If I see a girl who
looks exactly like Margo in Agloe, New York, I’m not going
to do anything. Unless she has a notebook. That’ll be the
I shrug him off. I just want to remember her. One last
time, I want to remember her while still hoping to see her
The speed limit drops from fifty-five to forty-five and then
to thirty-five. We cross some railroad tracks, and we’re in
Roscoe. We drive slowly through a sleepy downtown with a
café, a clothing store, a dollar store, and a couple boardedup
I lean forward and say, “I can imagine her in there.”
“Yeah,” Ben allows. “Man, I really don’t want to break into
buildings. I don’t think I would do well in New York prisons.”
The thought of exploring these buildings doesn’t strike
me as particularly scary, though, since the whole town
seems deserted. Nothing’s open here. Past downtown, a
single road bisects the highway, and on that road sits
Roscoe’s lone neighborhood and an elementary school.
Modest wood-frame houses are dwarfed by the trees,
which grow thick and tall here.
We turn onto a different highway, and the speed limit
goes back up incrementally, but Radar is driving slowly
anyway. We haven’t gone a mile when we see a dirt road
on our left with no street sign to tell us its name.
“This may be it,” I say.
“That’s a driveway,” Ben answers, but Radar turns in
anyway. But it does seem to be a driveway, actually, cut
into the hard-packed dirt. To our left, uncut grass grows as
high as the tires; I don’t see anything, although I worry that
it’d be easy for a person to hide anywhere in that field. We
drive for a while and the road dead-ends into a Victorian
farmhouse. We turn around and head back up the two-lane
highway, farther north. The highway turns into Cat Hollow
Road, and we drive until we see a dirt road identical to the
previous one, this time on the right side of the street,
leading to a crumbling barnlike structure with grayed wood.
Huge cylindrical bales of hay line the fields on either side of
us, but the grass has begun to grow up again. Radar drives
no faster than five miles an hour. We are looking for
something unusual. Some crack in the perfectly idyllic
“Do you think that could have been the Agloe General
Store?” I ask.
“That barn?”
“I dunno,” Radar says. “Did general stores look like
I blow a long breath from between pursed lips. “Dunno.”
“Is that—shit, that’s her car!” Lacey shouts next to me.
“Yes yes yes yes yes her car her car!”
Radar stops the minivan as I follow Lacey’s finger back
across the field, behind the building. A glint of silver.
Leaning down so my face is next to hers, I can see the arc
of the car’s roof. God knows how it got there, since no road
leads in that direction.
Radar pulls over, and I jump out and run back toward her
car. Empty. Unlocked. I pop the trunk. Empty, too, except
for an open and empty suitcase. I look around, and take off
toward what I now believe to be the remnants of Agloe’s
General Store. Ben and Radar pass me as I run through the
mown field. We enter the barn not through a door but
through one of several gaping holes where the wooden wall
has simply fallen away.
Inside the building, the sun lights up segments of the
rotting wooden floor through the many holes in the roof. As I
look for her, I register things: the soggy floorboards. The
smell of almonds, like her. An old claw-footed bathtub in a
corner. So many holes everywhere that this place is
simultaneously inside and outside.
I feel someone pull hard on my shirt. I spin my head and
see Ben, his eyes shooting back and forth between me and
a corner of the room. I have to look past a wide beam of
bright white light shining down from the ceiling, but I can
see into that corner. Two long panes of chest-high, dirty,
gray-tinted Plexiglas lean against each other at an acute
angle, held up on the other side by the wooden wall. It’s a
triangular cubicle, if such a thing is possible.
And here’s the thing about tinted windows: the light still
gets through. So I can see the jarring scene, albeit in gray
scale: Margo Roth Spiegelman sits in a black leather office
chair, hunched over a school desk, writing. Her hair is much
shorter— she has choppy bangs above her eyebrows and
everything is mussed-up, as if to emphasize the asymmetry
—but it is her. She is alive. She has relocated her offices
from an abandoned mini-mall in Florida to an abandoned
barn in New York, and I have found her.
We walk toward Margo, all four of us, but she doesn’t
seem to see us. She just keeps writing. Finally, someone—
Radar, maybe—says, “Margo. Margo?”
She stands up on her tiptoes, her hands resting atop the
makeshift cubicle’s walls. If she is surprised to see us, her
eyes do not give it away. Here is Margo Roth Spiegelman,
five feet away from me, her lips chapped to cracking,
makeup-less, dirt in her fingernails, her eyes silent. I’ve
never seen her eyes dead like that, but then again, maybe
I’ve never seen her eyes before. She stares at me. I feel
certain she is staring at me and not at Lacey or Ben or
Radar. I haven’t felt so stared at since Robert Joyner’s
dead eyes watched me in Jefferson Park.
She stands there in silence for a long time, and I am too
scared of her eyes to keep walking forward. “I and this
mystery here we stand,” Whitman wrote.
Finally, she says, “Give me like five minutes,” and then
sits back down and resumes her writing.
I watch her write. Except for being a little grimy, she
looks like she has always looked. I don’t know why, but I
always thought she would look different. Older. That I would
barely recognize her when I finally saw her again. But there
she is, and I am watching her through the Plexiglas, and
she looks like Margo Roth Spiegelman, this girl I have
known since I was two—this girl who was an idea that I
And it is only now, when she closes her notebook and
places it inside a backpack next to her and then stands up
and walks toward us, that I realize that the idea is not only
wrong but dangerous. What a treacherous thing it is to
believe that a person is more than a person.
“Hey,” she says to Lacey, smiling. She hugs Lacey first,
then shakes Ben’s hand, then Radar’s. She raises her
eyebrows and says, “Hi, Q,” and then hugs me, quickly and
not hard. I want to hold on. I want an event. I want to feel her
heaving sobs against my chest, tears running down her
dusty cheeks onto my shirt. But she just hugs me quickly
and sits down on the floor. I sit down across from her, with
Ben and Radar and Lacey following in a line, so that we are
all facing Margo.
“It’s good to see you,” I say after a while, feeling like I’m
breaking a silent prayer.
She pushes her bangs to the side. She seems to be
deciding exactly what to say before she says it. “I, uh. Uh.
I’m rarely at a loss for words, huh? Not much talking to
people lately. Um. I guess maybe we should start with, what
the hell are you doing here?”
“Margo,” Lacey says. “Christ, we were so worried.”
“No need to worry,” Margo answers cheerfully. “I’m
good.” She gives us two thumbs-up. “I am A-OK.”
“You could have called us and let us know that,” Ben
says, his voice tinged with frustration. “Saved us a hell of a
“In my experience, Bloody Ben, when you leave a place,
it’s best to leave. Why are you wearing a dress, by the
Ben blushes. “Don’t call him that,” Lacey snaps.
Margo cuts a look at Lacey. “Oh, my God, are you
hooking up with him?” Lacey says nothing. “You’re not
actually hooking up with him,” Margo says.
“Actually, yes,” Lacey says. “And actually he’s great. And
actually you’re a bitch. And actually, I’m leaving. It’s nice to
see you again, Margo. Thanks for terrifying me and making
me feel like shit for the entire last month of my senior year,
and then being a bitch when we track you down to make
sure you’re okay. It’s been a real pleasure knowing you.”
“You, too. I mean, without you, how would I have ever
known how fat I was?” Lacey gets up and stomps off, her
footfalls vibrating through the crumbling floor. Ben follows. I
look over, and Radar has stood up, too.
“I never knew you until I got to know you through your
clues,” he says. “I like the clues more than I like you.”
“What the hell is he talking about?” Margo asks me.
Radar doesn’t answer. He just leaves.
I should, too, of course. They’re my friends—more than
Margo, certainly. But I have questions. As Margo stands
and starts to walk back toward her cubicle, I start with the
obvious one. “Why are you acting like such a brat?”
She spins around and grabs a fistful of my shirt and
shouts into my face, “Where do you get off showing up here
without any kind of warning?!”
“How could I have warned you when you completely
dropped off the face of the planet?!” I see a long blink and
know she has no response for this, so I keep going. I’m so
pissed at her. For . . . for, I don’t know. Not being the Margo
I had expected her to be. Not being the Margo I thought I
had finally imagined correctly. “I thought for sure there was
a good reason why you never got in touch with anyone after
that night. And . . . this is your good reason? So you can live
like a bum?”
She lets go of my shirt and pushes away from me. “Now
who’s being a brat? I left the only way you can leave. You
pull your life off all at once—like a Band-Aid. And then you
get to be you and Lace gets to be Lace and everybody
gets to be everybody and I get to be me.”
“Except I didn’t get to be me, Margo, because I thought
you were dead. For the longest time. So I had to do all
kinds of crap that I would never do.”
She screams at me now, pulling herself up by my shirt so
she can get in my face. “Oh, bullshit. You didn’t come here
to make sure I was okay. You came here because you
wanted to save poor little Margo from her troubled little self,
so that I would be oh-so-thankful to my knight in shining
armor that I would strip my clothes off and beg you to
ravage my body.”
“Bullshit!” I shout, which it mostly is. “You were just
playing with us, weren’t you? You just wanted to make sure
that even after you left to go have your fun, you were still the
axis we spun around.”
She’s screaming back, louder than I thought possible.
“You’re not even pissed at me, Q! You’re pissed at this
idea of me you keep inside your brain from when we were
She tries to turn away from me, but I grab her shoulders
and hold her in front of me and say, “Did you ever even
think about what your leaving meant? About Ruthie? About
me or Lacey or any of the other people who cared about
you? No. Of course you didn’t. Because if it doesn’t happen
to you, it doesn’t happen at all. Isn’t that it, Margo? Isn’t it?”
She doesn’t fight me now. She just slumps her
shoulders, turns, and walks back to her office. She kicks
down both of the Plexiglas walls, and they clamor against
the desk and chair before sliding onto the ground. “SHUT
“Okay,” I say. Something about Margo completely losing
her temper allows me to regain mine. I try to talk like my
mom. “I’ll shut up. We’re both upset. Lots of, uh, unresolved
issues on my side.”
She sits down in the desk chair, her feet on what had
been the wall of her office. She’s looking into a corner of
the barn. At least ten feet between us. “How the hell did you
even find me?”
“I thought you wanted us to,” I answer. My voice is so
small I’m surprised she even hears me, but she spins the
chair to glare at me.
“I sure as shit did not.”
“‘Song of Myself,’” I say. “Guthrie took me to Whitman.
Whitman took me to the door. The door took me to the
mini-mall. We figured out how to read the painted-over
graffiti. I didn’t understand ‘paper towns’; it can also mean
subdivisions that never got built, and so I thought you had
gone to one and were never coming back. I thought you
were dead in one of these places, that you had killed
yourself and wanted me to find you for whatever reason. So
I went to a bunch of them, looking for you. But then I
matched the map in the gift shop to the thumbtack holes. I
started reading the poem more closely, figured out you
weren’t running probably, just holed up, planning. Writing in
that notebook. I found Agloe from the map, saw your
comment on the talk page of Omnictionary, skipped
graduation, and drove here.”
She brushes her hair down, but it isn’t long enough to fall
over her face anymore. “I hate this haircut,” she says. “I
wanted to look different, but—it looks ridiculous.”
“I like it,” I say. “It frames your face nicely.”
“I’m sorry I was being so bitchy,” she says. “You just have
to understand—I mean, you guys walk in here out of
nowhere and you scare the shit out of me—”
“You could have just said, like, ‘Guys, you are scaring the
shit out of me,’” I said.
She scoffs. “Yeah, right, ’cause that’s the Margo Roth
Spiegelman everybody knows and loves.” Margo is quiet
for a moment, and then says, “I knew I shouldn’t have said
that on Omnictionary. I just thought it would be funny for
them to find it later. I thought the cops might trace it
somehow, but not soon enough. There’s like a billion pages
on Omnictionary or whatever. I never thought . . .”
“I thought about you a lot, to answer your question. And
Ruthie. And my parents. Of course, okay? Maybe I am the
most horribly self-centered person in the history of the
world. But God, do you think I would have done it if I didn’t
need to?” She shakes her head. Now, finally, she leans
toward me, elbows on knees, and we are talking. At a
distance, but still. “I couldn’t figure out any other way that I
could leave without getting dragged back.”
“I’m happy you’re not dead,” I say to her.
“Yeah. Me, too,” she says. She smirks, and it’s the first
time I’ve seen that smile I have spent so much time
missing. “That’s why I had to leave. As much as life can
suck, it always beats the alternative.”
My phone rings. It’s Ben. I answer it.
“Lacey wants to talk to Margo,” he tells me.
I walk over to Margo, hand her the phone, and linger
there as she sits with her shoulders hunched, listening. I can
hear the noises coming through the phone, and then I hear
Margo cut her off and say, “Listen, I’m really sorry. I was just
so scared.” And then silence. Lacey starts talking again
finally, and Margo laughs, and says something. I feel like
they should have some privacy, so I do some exploring.
Against the same wall as the office, but in the opposite
corner of the barn, Margo has set up a kind of bed—four
forklift pallets beneath an orange air mattress. Her small,
neatly folded collection of clothes sits next to the bed on a
pallet of its own. There’s a toothbrush and toothpaste, along
with a large plastic cup from Subway. Those items sit atop
two books: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I can’t believe
she’s been living like this, this irreconcilable mix of tidy
suburbanality and creepy decay. But then again, I can’t
believe how much time I wasted believing she was living
any other way.
“They’re staying at a motel in the park. Lace said to tell
you they’re leaving in the morning, with or without you,”
Margo says from behind me. It is when she says you and
not us that I think for the first time of what comes after this.
“I’m mostly self-sufficient,” she says, standing next to me
now. “There’s an outhouse here, but it’s not in great shape,
so I usually go to the bathroom at this truck stop east of
Roscoe. They have showers there, too, and the girls’
shower is pretty clean because there aren’t a lot of female
truckers. Plus, they have Internet there. It’s like this is my
house, and the truck stop is my beach house.” I laugh.
She walks past me and kneels down, looking inside the
pallets beneath the bed. She pulls out a flashlight and a
square, thin piece of plastic. “These are the only two things
I’ve purchased in the whole month except gas and food. I’ve
only spent about three hundred dollars.” I take the square
thing from her and finally realize that it’s a battery-powered
record player. “I brought a couple albums,” she says. “I’m
gonna get more in the City, though.”
“The City?”
“Yeah. I’m leaving for New York City today. Hence the
Omnictionary thing. I’m going to start really traveling.
Originally, this was the day I was going to leave Orlando—I
was going to go to graduation and then do all of these
elaborate pranks on graduation night with you, and then I
was going to leave the next morning. But I just couldn’t take
it anymore. I seriously could not take it for one more hour.
And when I heard about Jase—I was like, ‘I have it all
planned; I’m just changing the day.’ I’m sorry I scared you,
though. I was trying not to scare you, but that last part was
so rushed. Not my best work.”
As dashed-together escape plans replete with clues go,
I thought it was pretty impressive. But mostly I was
surprised that she’d wanted me involved in her original
plan, too. “Maybe you’ll fill me in,” I said, managing a smile.
“I have, you know, been wondering. What was planned and
what wasn’t? What meant what? Why the clues went to me,
why you left, that kind of thing.”
“Um, okay. Okay. For that story, we have to start with a
different story.” She gets up and I follow her footsteps as
she nimbly avoids the rotting patches of floor. Returning to
her office, she digs into the backpack and pulls out the
black moleskin notebook. She sits down on the floor, her
legs crossed, and pats a patch of wood next to her. I sit.
She taps the closed book. “So this,” she says, “this goes
back a long way. When I was in, like, fourth grade, I started
writing a story in this notebook. It was kind of a detective
I think that if I grab this book from her, I can use it as
blackmail. I can use it to get her back to Orlando, and she
can get a summer job and live in an apartment till college
starts, and at least we’ll have the summer. But I just listen.
“I mean, I don’t like to brag, but this is an unusually
brilliant piece of literature. Just kidding. It’s the retarded
wish-fulfilling magical-thinking ramblings of ten-year-old me.
It stars this girl, named Margo Spiegelman, who is just like
ten-year-old me in every way except her parents are nice
and rich and buy her anything she wants. Margo has a
crush on this boy named Quentin, who is just like you in
every way except all fearless and heroic and willing to die
to protect me and everything. Also, it stars Myrna
Mountweazel, who is exactly like Myrna Mountweazel
except with magical powers. Like, for example, in the story,
anyone who pets Myrna Mountweazel finds it impossible to
tell a lie for ten minutes. Also, she can talk. Of course she
can talk. Has a ten-year-old ever written a book about a
dog that can’t talk?”
I laugh, but I’m still thinking about ten-year-old Margo
having a crush on ten-year-old me.
“So, in the story,” she continues, “Quentin and Margo
and Myrna Mountweazel are investigating the death of
Robert Joyner, whose death is exactly like his real-life
death except instead of having obviously shot himself in the
face, someone else shot him in the face. And the story is
about us finding out who did it.”
“Who did it?”
She laughs. “You want me to spoil the entire story for
“Well,” I say, “I’d rather read it.” She pulls open the book
and shows me a page. The writing is indecipherable, not
because Margo’s handwriting is bad, but because on top of
the horizontal lines of text, writing also goes vertically down
the page. “I write crosshatch,” she says. “Very hard for non-
Margo readers to decode. So, okay, I’m going to spoil the
story for you, but first you have to promise not to get mad.”
“Promise,” I say.
“It turns out that the crime was committed by Robert
Joyner’s alcoholic ex-wife’s sister’s brother, who was
insane because he’d been possessed by the spirit of an
evil ancient Egyptian house cat. Like I said, really top-notch
storytelling. But anyway, in the story, you and me and Myrna
Mountweazel go and confront the killer, and he tries to
shoot me, but you jump in front of the bullet, and you die
very heroically in my arms.”
I laugh. “Great. This story was all promising with the
beautiful girl who has a crush on me and the mystery and
the intrigue, and then I get whacked.”
“Well, yeah.” She smiles. “But I had to kill you, because
the only other possible ending was us doing it, which I
wasn’t really emotionally ready to write about at ten.”
“Fair enough,” I say. “But in the revision, I want to get
some action.”
“After you get shot up by the bad guy, maybe. A kiss
before dying.”
“How kind of you.” I could stand up and go to her and
kiss her. I could. But there is still too much to be ruined.
“So anyway, I finished this story in fifth grade. A few
years later, I decide I’m going to run away to Mississippi.
And then I write all my plans for this epic event into this
notebook on top of the old story, and then I finally do it—
take Mom’s car and put a thousand miles on it and leave
these clues in the soup. I didn’t even like the road trip, really
—it was incredibly lonely— but I love having done it, right?
So I start crosshatching more schemes—pranks and ideas
for matching up certain girls with certain guys and huge
TPing campaigns and more secret road trips and whatever
else. The notebook is half full by the start of junior year, and
that’s when I decide that I’m going to do one more thing,
one big thing, and then leave.”
She’s about to start talking again, but I have to stop her.
“I guess I’m wondering if it was the place or the people.
Like, what if the people around you had been different?”
“How can you separate those things, though? The
people are the place is the people. And anyway, I didn’t
think there was anybody else to be friends with. I thought
everyone was either scared, like you, or oblivious, like
Lacey. And th—”
“I’m not as scared as you think,” I say. Which is true. I
only realize it’s true after saying it. But still.
“I’ m getting to that,” she says, almost whiningly. “So
when I’m a freshman, Gus takes me to the Osprey—” I tilt
my head, confused. “The minimall. And I start going there
by myself all the time, just hanging out and writing plans.
And by last year, all the plans started to be about this last
escape. And I don’t know if it’s because I was reading my
old story as I went, but I put you into the plans early on. The
idea was that we were going to do all these things together
—like break into SeaWorld, that was in the original plan—
and I was going to push you toward being a badass. This
one night would, like, liberate you. And then I could
disappear and you’d always remember me for that.
“So this plan eventually gets like seventy pages long,
and then it’s about to happen, and the plan has come
together really well.
But then I find out about Jase, and I just decide to leave.
Immediately. I don’t need to graduate. What’s the point of
graduating? But first I have to tie up loose ends. So all that
day in school I have my notebook out, and I’m trying like
crazy to adapt the plan to Becca and Jase and Lacey and
everyone who wasn’t a friend to me like I thought they were,
trying to come up with ideas for letting everyone know just
how pissed off I am before I ditch them forever.
“But I still wanted to do it with you; I still liked that idea of
maybe being able to create in you at least an echo of the
kick-ass hero of my little-kid story.
“And then you surprise me,” she says. “You had been a
paper boy to me all these years—two dimensions as a
character on the page and two different, but still flat,
dimensions as a person. But that night you turned out to be
real. And it ends up being so odd and fun and magical that I
go back to my room in the morning and I just miss you. I
want to come over and hang out and talk, but I’ve already
decided to leave, so I have to leave. And then at the last
second, I have this idea to will you the Osprey. To leave it
for you so that it can help you make even further progress in
the field of not-being-such-a-scaredy-cat.
“So, yeah. That’s it. I come up with something real quick.
Tape the Woody poster to the back of the blinds, circle the
song on the record, highlight those two lines from “Song of
Myself” in a different color than I’d highlighted stuff when I
was actually reading it. Then after you leave for school, I
climb in through your window and put the scrap of
newspaper in your door. Then I go to the Osprey that
morning, partly because I just don’t feel ready to leave yet,
and partly because I want to clean the place up for you. I
mean, the thing is, I didn’t want you to worry. That’s why I
painted over the graffiti; I didn’t know you’d be able to see
through it. I ripped off the pages of the desk calendar I’d
been using, and I took down the map, too, which I’d had up
there ever since I saw that it contained Agloe. Then
because I’m tired and don’t have anyplace to go, I sleep
there. I end up there for two nights, actually, just trying to get
my courage up, I guess. And also, I don’t know, I thought
maybe you would find it really quickly somehow. Then I go.
Took two days to get here. I’ve been here since.”
She seemed finished, but I had one more question. “And
why here of all places?”
“A paper town for a paper girl,” she says. “I read about
Agloe in this book of ‘amazing facts’ when I was ten or
eleven. And I never stopped thinking about it. The truth is
that whenever I went up to the top of the SunTrust Building
—including that last time with you—I didn’t really look down
and think about how everything was made of paper. I
looked down and thought about how I was made of paper. I
was the flimsy-foldable person, not everyone else. And
here’s the thing about it. People love the idea of a paper
girl. They always have. And the worst thing is that I loved it,
too. I cultivated it, you know?
“Because it’s kind of great, being an idea that everybody
likes. But I could never be the idea to myself, not all the way.
And Agloe is a place where a paper creation became real.
A dot on the map became a real place, more real than the
people who created the dot could ever have imagined. I
thought maybe the paper cutout of a girl could start
becoming real here also. And it seemed like a way to tell
that paper girl who cared about popularity and clothes and
everything else: ‘You are going to the paper towns. And you
are never coming back.’”
“That graffiti,” I said. “God, Margo, I walked through so
many of those abandoned subdivisions looking for your
body. I really thought—I really thought you were dead.”
She gets up and searches around her backpack for a
moment, and then reaches over and grabs The Bell Jar,
and reads to me.
“‘But when it came right down to it, the skin of my wrist
looked so white and defenseless that I couldn’t do it. It was
as if what I wanted to kill wasn’t in that skin or the thin blue
pulse that jumped under my thumb, but somewhere else,
deeper, more secret, and a whole lot harder to get at.’” She
sits back down next to me, close, facing me, the fabric of
our jeans touching without our knees actually touching.
Margo says, “I know what she’s talking about. The
something deeper and more secret. It’s like cracks inside
of you. Like there are these fault lines where things don’t
meet up right.”
“I like that,” I say. “Or it’s like cracks in the hull of a ship.”
“Right, right.”
“Brings you down eventually.”
“Exactly,” she says. We’re talking back and forth so fast
“I can’t believe you didn’t want me to find you.”
“Sorry. If it makes you feel any better, I’m impressed.
Also, it’s nice to have you here. You’re a good traveling
“Is that a proposal?” I ask.
“Maybe.” She smiles.
My heart has been fluttering around my chest for so long
now that this variety of intoxication almost seems
sustainable—but only almost. “Margo, if you just come
home for the summer— my parents said you can live with
us, or you can get a job and an apartment for the summer,
and then school will start, and you’ll never have to live with
your parents again.”
“It’s not just them. I’d get sucked right back in,” she says,
“and I’d never get out. It’s not just the gossip and the parties
and all that crap, but the whole allure of a life rightly lived—
college and job and husband and babies and all that
The thing is that I do believe in college, and jobs, and
maybe even babies one day. I believe in the future. Maybe
it’s a character flaw, but for me it is a congenital one. “But
college expands your opportunities,” I say finally. “It doesn’t
limit them.”
She smirks. “Thank you, College Counselor Jacobsen,”
she says, and then changes the subject. “I kept thinking
about you inside the Osprey. Whether you would get used
to it. Stop worrying about the rats.”
“I did,” I say. “I started to like it there. I spent prom night
there, actually.”
She smiles. “Awesome. I imagined you would like it
It never got boring in the Osprey, but that was because I
had to go home at some point. When I got here, I did get
bored. There’s nothing to do; I’ve read so much since I got
here. I got more and more nervous here, too, not knowing
anybody. And I kept waiting for that loneliness and
nervousness to make me want to go back. But it never did.
It’s the one thing I can’t do, Q.”
I nod. I understand this. I imagine it is hard to go back
once you’ve felt the continents in your palm. But I still try one
more time. “But what about after the summer? What about
college? What about the rest of your life?”
She shrugged. “What about it?”
“Aren’t you worried about, like, forever?”
“Forever is composed of nows,” she says. I have nothing
to say to that; I am just chewing through it when Margo says,
“Emily Dickinson. Like I said, I’m doing a lot of reading.”
I think the future deserves our faith. But it is hard to argue
with Emily Dickinson. Margo stands up, slings her
backpack over one shoulder, and reaches her hand down
for me. “Let’s take a walk.” As we’re walking outside,
Margo asks for my phone. She punches in a number, and I
start to walk away to let her talk, but she grabs my forearm
and keeps me with her. So I walk beside her out into the
field as she talks to her parents.
“Hey, it’s Margo. . . . I’m in Agloe, New York, with
Quentin. . . . Uh. . . . well, no, Mom, I’m just trying to think of
a way to answer your question honestly. . . . Mom, come on.
. . . I don’t know, Mom . . . I decided to move to a fictitious
place. That’s what happened. . . . Yeah, well, I don’t think I’m
headed that way, regardless. . . . Can I talk to Ruthie? . . .
Hey, buddy. . . . Yeah, well, I loved you first. . . . Yeah, I’m
sorry. It was a mistake. I thought—I don’t know what I
thought, Ruthie, but anyway it was a mistake and I’ll call
now. I may not call Mom, but I’ll call you. . . . Wednesdays? .
. . You’re busy on Wednesdays. Hmm. Okay. What’s a
good day for you? . . . Tuesday it is. . . . Yeah, every
Tuesday. . . . Yeah, including this Tuesday.” Margo closes
her eyes tight, her teeth clenched. “Okay, Ruthers, can you
put Mom back on? . . . I love you, Mom. I’ll be okay. I swear.
. . . Yeah, okay, you, too. Bye.”
She stops walking and closes the phone but holds it a
minute. I can see her fingertips pinkening with the tightness
of her grip, and then she drops it onto the ground. Her
scream is short but deafening, and in its wake I am aware
for the first time of Agloe’s abject silence. “It’s like she
thinks my job is to please her, and that should be my
dearest wish, and when I don’t please her—I get shut out.
She changed the locks. That’s the first thing she said.
“Sorry,” I say, pushing aside some knee-high yellowgreen
grass to pick up the phone. “Nice to talk to Ruthie,
“Yeah, she’s pretty adorable. I kind of hate myself for—
you know—not talking to her.”
“Yeah,” I say. She shoves me playfully.
“You’re supposed to make me feel better, not worse!”
she says. “That’s your whole gig!”
“I didn’t realize my job was to please you, Mrs.
She laughs. “Ooh, the Mom comparison. What a burn.
But fair enough. So how have you been? If Ben is dating
Lacey, surely you are having nightly orgies with dozens of
We walk slowly through the uneven dirt of this field. It
doesn’t look big, but as we walk, I realize that we do not
seem to be getting closer to the stand of trees in the
distance. I tell her about leaving graduation, about the
miraculous spinning of the Dreidel. I tell her about prom,
Lacey’s fight with Becca, and my night in the Osprey. “That
was the night I really knew you’d definitely been there,” I tell
her. “That blanket still smelled like you.”
And when I say that her hand brushes up against mine,
and I just grab hers because it feels like there is less to ruin
now. She looks at me. “I had to leave. I didn’t have to scare
you and that was stupid and I should have done a better job
leaving, but I did have to leave. Do you see that yet?”
“Yeah,” I say, “but I think you can come back now. I really
“No, you don’t,” she answers, and she’s right. She can
see it in my face—I understand now that I can’t be her and
she can’t be me. Maybe Whitman had a gift I don’t have.
But as for me: I must ask the wounded man where he is
hurt, because I cannot become the wounded man. The only
wounded man I can be is me.
I stomp down some grass and sit. She lies down next to
me, her backpack a pillow. I lay back, too. She digs a
couple of books out of her backpack and hands them to me
so I can have a pillow, too. Selected Poems of Emily
Dickinson and Leaves of Grass. “I had two copies,” she
says, smiling.
“It’s a hell of a good poem,” I tell her. “You couldn’t have
picked a better one.”
“Really, it was an impulse decision that morning. I
remembered the bit about the doors and thought that was
perfect. But then when I got here I reread it. I hadn’t read it
since sophomore English, and yeah, I liked it. I tried to read
a bunch of poetry. I was trying to figure out—like, what was
it that surprised me about you that night? And for a long
time I thought it was when you quoted T. S. Eliot.”
“But it wasn’t,” I say. “You were surprised by the size of
my biceps and my graceful window-exiting.”
She smirks. “Shut up and let me compliment you,
dillhole. It wasn’t the poetry or your biceps. What surprised
me was that, in spite of your anxiety attacks and everything,
you were like the Quentin in my story. I mean, I’ve been
crosshatching over that story for years now, and whenever I
write over it, I also read that page, and I would always
laugh, like—don’t get offended, but, like, ‘God I can’t
believe I used to think Quentin Jacobsen was like a
superhot, superloyal defender of justice.’ But then—you
know—you kind of were.”
I could turn on my side, and she might turn on her side,
too. And then we could kiss. But what’s the point of kissing
her now, anyway? It won’t go anywhere. We are both
staring at the cloudless sky. “Nothing ever happens like you
imagine it will,” she says.
The sky is like a monochromatic contemporary painting,
drawing me in with its illusion of depth, pulling me up.
“Yeah, that’s true,” I say. But then after I think about it for a
second, I add, “But then again, if you don’t imagine, nothing
ever happens at all.” Imagining isn’t perfect. You can’t get
all the way inside someone else. I could never have
imagined Margo’s anger at being found, or the story she
was writing over. But imagining being someone else, or the
world being something else, is the only way in. It is the
machine that kills fascists.
She turns over toward me and puts her head onto my
shoulder, and we lie there, as I long ago imagined lying on
the grass at SeaWorld. It has taken us thousands of miles
and many days, but here we are: her head on my shoulder,
her breath on my neck, the fatigue thick inside both of us.
We are now as I wished we could be then.
When I wake up, the dying light of the day makes everything
seem to matter, from the yellowing sky to the stalks of grass
above my head, waving in slow motion like a beauty queen.
I roll onto my side and see Margo Roth Spiegelman on her
hands and knees a few feet from me, the jeans tight against
her legs. It takes me a moment to realize that she is
digging. I crawl over to her and start to dig beside her, the
dirt beneath the grass dry as dust in my fingers. She smiles
at me. My heart beats at the speed of sound.
“What are we digging to?” I ask her.
“That’s not the right question,” she says. “The question
is, Who are we digging for?”
“Okay, then. Who are we digging for?”
“We are digging graves for Little Margo and Little
Quentin and puppy Myrna Mountweazel and poor dead
Robert Joyner,” she says.
“I can get behind those burials, I think,” I say. The dirt is
clumpy and dry, drilled through with the paths of insects like
an abandoned ant farm. We dig our bare hands into the
ground over and over again, each fistful of earth
accompanied by a little cloud of dust. We dig the hole wide
and deep. This grave must be proper. Soon I’m reaching in
as deep as my elbows. The sleeve of my shirt gets dusty
when I wipe the sweat from my cheek. Margo’s cheeks are
reddening. I can smell her, and she smells like that night
right before we jumped into the moat at SeaWorld.
“I never really thought of him as a real person,” she says.
When she speaks, I take the opportunity to take a break,
and sit back on my haunches. “Who, Robert Joyner?”
She keeps digging. “Yeah. I mean, he was something
that happened to me, you know? But before he was this
minor figure in the drama of my life, he was—you know, the
central figure in the drama of his own life.”
I have never really thought of him as a person, either. A
guy who played in the dirt like me. A guy who fell in love like
me. A guy whose strings were broken, who didn’t feel the
root of his leaf of grass connected to the field, a guy who
was cracked. Like me. “Yeah,” I say after a while as I return
to digging. “He was always just a body to me.”
“I wish we could have done something,” she says. “I wish
we could have proven how heroic we were.”
“Yeah,” I say. “It would have been nice to tell him that,
whatever it was, that it didn’t have to be the end of the
“Yeah, although in the end something kills you.”
I shrug. “Yeah, I know. I’m not saying that everything is
survivable. Just that everything except the last thing is.” I dig
my hand in again, the dirt here so much blacker than back
home. I toss a handful into the pile behind us, and sit back. I
feel on the edge of an idea, and I try to talk my way into it. I
have never spoken this many words in a row to Margo in
our long and storied relationship, but here it is, my last play
for her.
“When I’ve thought about him dying—which admittedly
isn’t that much—I always thought of it like you said, that all
the strings inside him broke. But there are a thousand ways
to look at it: maybe the strings break, or maybe our ships
sink, or maybe we’re grass—our roots so interdependent
that no one is dead as long as someone is still alive. We
don’t suffer from a shortage of metaphors, is what I mean.
But you have to be careful which metaphor you choose,
because it matters. If you choose the strings, then you’re
imagining a world in which you can become irreparably
broken. If you choose the grass, you’re saying that we are
all infinitely interconnected, that we can use these root
systems not only to understand one another but to become
one another. The metaphors have implications. Do you
know what I mean?”
She nods.
“I like the strings. I always have. Because that’s how it
feels. But the strings make pain seem more fatal than it is, I
think. We’re not as frail as the strings would make us
believe. And I like the grass, too. The grass got me to you,
helped me to imagine you as an actual person. But we’re
not different sprouts from the same plant. I can’t be you. You
can’t be me. You can imagine another well—but never quite
perfectly, you know?
“Maybe it’s more like you said before, all of us being
cracked open. Like, each of us starts out as a watertight
vessel. And these things happen—these people leave us,
or don’t love us, or don’t get us, or we don’t get them, and
we lose and fail and hurt one another. And the vessel starts
to crack open in places. And I mean, yeah, once the vessel
cracks open, the end becomes inevitable. Once it starts to
rain inside the Osprey, it will never be remodeled. But there
is all this time between when the cracks start to open up
and when we finally fall apart. And it’s only in that time that
we can see one another, because we see out of ourselves
through our cracks and into others through theirs. When did
we see each other face-to-face? Not until you saw into my
cracks and I saw into yours. Before that, we were just
looking at ideas of each other, like looking at your window
shade but never seeing inside. But once the vessel cracks,
the light can get in. The light can get out.”
She raises her fingers to her lips, as if concentrating, or
as if hiding her mouth from me, or as if to feel the words
she speaks. “You’re pretty something,” she says finally. She
stares at me, my eyes and her eyes and nothing between
them. I have nothing to gain from kissing her. But I am no
longer looking to gain anything. “There’s something I have
to do,” I say, and she nods very slightly, as if she knows the
something, and I kiss her.
It ends quite a while later when she says, “You can come
to New York. It will be fun. It will be like kissing.”
And I say, “Kissing is pretty something.”
And she says, “You’re saying no.”
And I say, “Margo, I have a whole life there, and I’m not
you, and I—” But I can’t say anything because she kisses
me again, and it’s in the moment that she kisses me that I
know without question that we’re headed in different
directions. She stands up and walks over to where we were
sleeping, to her backpack. She pulls out the moleskin
notebook, walks back to the grave, and places it in the
“I’ll miss you,” she whispers, and I don’t know if she’s
talking to me or to the notebook. Nor do I know to whom I’m
talking when I say, “As will I.”
“Godspeed, Robert Joyner,” I say, and drop a handful of
dirt onto the notebook.
“Godspeed, young and heroic Quentin Jacobsen,” she
says, tossing in dirt of her own.
Another handful as I say, “Godspeed, fearless
Orlandoan Margo Roth Spiegelman.”
And another as she says, “Godspeed, magical puppy
Myrna Mountweazel.” We shove the dirt over the book,
tamping down the disturbed soil. The grass will grow back
soon enough. It will be for us the beautiful uncut hair of
We hold hands rough with dirt as we walk back to the
Agloe General Store. I help Margo carry her belongings—
an armful of clothes, her toiletries, and the desk chair—to
her car. The preciousness of the moment, which should
make it easier to talk, makes it harder.
We’re standing outside in the parking lot of a singlestory
motel when the good-byes become unavoidable. “I’m
gonna get a cell, and I’ll call you,” she says. “And email. And
post mysterious statements on Omnictionary’s Paper
Towns talk page.”
I smile. “I’ll email you when we get home,” I say, “and I
expect a response.”
“You have my word. And I’ll see you. We’re not done
seeing each other.”
“At the end of the summer, maybe, I can meet you
somewhere before school,” I say.
“Yeah,” she says. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” I smile and
nod. She turns away, and I am wondering if she means any
of it when I see her shoulders collapse. She is crying.
“I’ll see you then. And I’ll write in the meantime,” I say.
“Yes,” she says without turning around, her voice thick.
“I’ll write you, too.”
It is saying these things that keeps us from falling apart.
And maybe by imagining these futures we can make them
real, and maybe not, but either way we must imagine them.
real, and maybe not, but either way we must imagine them.
The light rushes out and floods in.
I stand in this parking lot, realizing that I’ve never been this
far from home, and here is this girl I love and cannot follow. I
hope this is the hero’s errand, because not following her is
the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
I keep thinking she will get into the car, but she doesn’t,
and she finally turns around to me and I see her soaked
eyes. The physical space between us evaporates. We play
the broken strings of our instruments one last time.
I feel her hands on my back. And it is dark as I kiss her,
but I have my eyes open and so does Margo. She is close
enough to me that I can see her, because even now there is
the outward sign of the invisible light, even at night in this
parking lot on the outskirts of Agloe. After we kiss, our
foreheads touch as we stare at each other. Yes, I can see
her almost perfectly in this cracked darkness.
I learned about paper towns by coming across one during a
road trip my junior year of college. My traveling companion
and I kept driving up and down the same desolate stretch of
highway in South Dakota, searching for this town the map
promised existed—as I recall, the town was called Holen.
Finally, we pulled into a driveway and knocked on a door.
The friendly woman who answered had been asked the
question before. She explained that the town we were
seeking existed only on the map.
The story of Agloe, New York—as outlined in this book
—is mostly true. Agloe began as a paper town created to
protect against copyright infringement. But then people with
those old Esso maps kept looking for it, and so someone
built a store, making Agloe real. The business of
cartography has changed a lot since Otto G. Lindberg and
Ernest Alpers invented Agloe. But many mapmakers still
include paper towns as copyright traps, as my bewildering
experience in South Dakota attests.
The store that was Agloe no longer stands. But I believe
that if we were to put it back on our maps, someone would
eventually rebuild it.
I would like to thank:
—My parents, Sydney and Mike Green. I never thought I
would say this, but: thank you for raising me in Florida.
—My brother and favorite collaborator, Hank Green.
—My mentor, Ilene Cooper.
—Everyone at Dutton, but particularly my incomparable
editor, Julie Strauss-Gabel, Lisa Yoskowitz, Sarah
Shumway, Stephanie Owens Lurie, Christian Fünfhausen,
Rosanne Lauer, Irene Vandervoort, and Steve Meltzer.
—My delightfully tenacious agent, Jodi Reamer.
—The Nerdfighters, who have taught me so much about
the meaning of awesome.
—My writing partners Emily Jenkins, Scott Westerfeld,
Justine Larbalestier, and Maureen Johnson.
—Two particularly helpful books I read about
disappearance while researching Paper Towns: William
Dear’s The Dungeon Master and Jon Krakauer’s Into the
Wild. I am also grateful to Cecil Adams, the big brain
behind “The Straight Dope,” whose short article on
copyright traps is—so far as I know—the definitive
resource on the subject.
—My grandparents: Henry and Billie Grace Goodrich,
and William and Jo Green.
—Emily Johnson, whose readings of this book were
invaluable; Joellen Hosler, the best therapist a writer could
ask for; cousins-in-law Blake and Phyllis Johnson; Brian
Lipson and Lis Rowinski at Endeavor; Katie Else; Emily
Blejwas, who joined me on that trip to the paper town; Levin
O’Connor, who taught me most of what I know about funny;
Tobin Anderson and Sean, who took me urban exploring in
Detroit; school librarian Susan Hunt and all those who risk
their jobs to stand against censorship; Shannon James;
Markus Zusak; John Mauldin and my wonderful parents-inlaw,
Connie and Marshall Urist.
—Sarah Urist Green, my first reader and first editor and
best friend and favorite teammate.
• When Margo and Quentin are nine, they make a
horrible discovery and respond in very different ways.
Quentin says, “As I took those two steps back, Margo
took two equally small and quiet steps forward” (p. 5).
Do these descriptions still apply to the characters
when they reach high school? When the story ends?
What changes?
• Describe Q’s best friends. Where do they fit into the
caste system of Winter Park High? If you had to
choose one of these characters as your best friend
who would you pick? Why?
• How does Quentin struggle at times with his
friendship with Ben? How does Q learn to accept
Ben for who he is? How does this relate to Q’s
changing understanding of Margo?
• Why do you think Margo picks Q as her accomplice
on her campaign of revenge?
• Do you think the characters Margo targets for
revenge get what they deserve? Does Lacey deserve
to be included?
• When Margo disappears after her outing with Q, it’s
not the first time she’s seemingly vanished for a long
period. Describe Margo’s other adventures and note
any common threads between the trips. What makes
her disappearance after her night with Q different
from the others?
• When Margo disappears, she’s always been known
to leave “a bit of a bread crumb trail.” What clues
does Margo leave for Quentin? How are these
different from clues left previously?
• Do you think Margo wants to be found? Do you think
Margo wants to be found by Q?
• Why does Quentin begin to believe that Margo may
have committed suicide? What clues make this seem
like a viable solution to the mystery of her
• Describe Q’s tour of the various abandoned
subdivisions he visits on his quest to find Margo. How
are they different? How might these differences
parallel the evolution of Q’s search?
• Discuss what Q finds in the abandoned minimall
and how the book contributes both to the plot of the
story and to what he ultimately learns about Margo
and about himself.
• Discuss the road trip to find Margo. What are the
most important events along the way? How does this
adventure mirror the one Margo and Quentin had in
the beginning of the book? Compare and contrast the
• Discuss the scene where Q finally finds Margo. How
does her reaction to seeing her friends make you
feel? Do you believe that she didn’t want Q to come
after her?
• Why do you think Q makes the decision he does at
the end of the book? Do you agree with his decision
to turn down Margo’s invitation?
• The definition of a “paper town” changes many
times in the book. Describe the evolution of its
meaning. How does it relate to the mystery? To the
themes of the book?
• With which character’s version of the “real” Margo
do you most agree?
• Do you think that Margo meant to give her friends a
false impression of her true self?
• Q’s parents describe people as “mirrors” and
“windows” (p. 199). What does this mean? Do you
agree with this metaphor?
• Q comes to this conclusion (p. 199): “Margo was
not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was
not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl.”
• The book is divided into three sections: The Strings;
The Grass; and The Vessel. What is the connection
between the sections/titles and the content within
those sections? How do the sections/titles connect to
the themes of the book?
• Which philosophy of life do you most agree with:
Margo’s Strings? Whitman’s Grass? Or Q’s Cracked
Vessel? Why?
• At different times, both Margo and Q use lines of
poetry without considering the context of the whole
poem. How do you think this changes the meaning?
• Q is reading Moby Dick in English class. How does
it appear elsewhere in Q’s story?
• Q’s interpretation and understanding of Walt
Whitman’s “Song of Myself” changes as the mystery
progresses. What are the different phases of his
understanding? Do you agree with his final
conclusion about the poem’s meaning?
• The book opens with two epigraphs, a poem and a
song. Why do you think the author chose these? Why
do you think he chose to use them together?
• Another common term for a “paper town” is a
“copyright trap.” Can you find examples of others?
What are some other terms for copyright traps?
• Discuss the last line of the book, how it relates to
the rest of the story, and what it ultimately says about
Margo and Q’s relationship.